To Tom Waddle, you talked George into coming. I didn't make the rules, I have to follow them. Due day at Vanhorns, George went to out-bench the great Larry Pacifico, who I saw bench 590 at 228 in the early 1970s. Then, a few weeks after KP made 728 to make him the greatest bencher of all time. But, Kenny never did break his 728 world record again. Chuck V: A lot of lat work, low back work on the 45 degree back raise, Reverse Hyperextensions, Back Attack, glute ham raises. It's sports science. So a novice should do one extra workout a week for upper body and one extra workout for the lower body, targeting whatever's needed. I still do weighted sit-ups. Tate alludes to the fact that it takes a village, and coaches should never let their egos get in the way of that community aspect of the sport. First off, back in early 2002, Chuck Vogelpohl became the first man under 300 pounds to squat over a 1000 in competition so it was needless to say that more was expected out of him this time around. The only barbell lifts he does are basically Zercher squats or sumo deadlifts. Chuck V: I usually pull above the knee, but it depends. It's the system. dr drew sutton soft mineral melt; codepen io space bar; northwest ohio all district baseball?> vape oil coming out of mouthpiece. world record at SHW in the 80s. Cookie Notice Seven of them are box squatters. Vogelpohl, who originally had planned to compete squat only, bench . EFS: What kind of percentages do you use? I knew he would. The original plan was to do 8 sets of 2 reps. Louie:I could think of two things that took your lifts up, especially the squat, to unbelievable levels. I was moving up to the 242-class for the first time. Home; Service. I read hundreds of books and it changed my life. bench. There was a bench meet in Lumberton, NC that offered $8,000. If any of the multiply lifters were required to squat bellow parallel to get their lifts passed Im sure they would be able to alter their suit or what not . But George went on to his first 600 lb. At 220 lbs. I am proud to say not only Matt trained at Westside, but also, Dave Tate, you made Elite Fitness. If you have no glutes, you'll do reverse hypers or walk in the belt squat. This is not necessarily surprising to learn, given Chucks reputation for unparalleled ferocity and strength. The name Jujimufu came from his AOL profile, and its been with him since. Ed Coan, Gene Bell, Arcidi, Bridges, Ricky Dale Crain, Rick Guagler and Ausby to name a few. It does no good to be strong in the wrong exercises or put effort into the wrong muscle groups. I know you lifted with no gear at all in the 1960s and 70s, but as gear came into powerlifting, you adapted to gear and made top ten lifts for 34 years, so who cares? I made 13 reps, KP could only do 16 reps, for some reason on a stability ball. Chuck Vogelpohl, a long-time Westside lifter who won his first National in 1987, was strong from the start, especially in the back and hips, but he had to overcome two plateaus. EFS: What does your abdominal training consist of? You said you would like to do personal training along with your BJJ. So if you have no triceps, in this workout you're going to train tris. Our guys had always had it out for Waterman, after he had become the first 181 to bench 600 lbs., and said he not only was the greatest bencher, but also the best looking. Chuck:Oh, yes. Copyright 2023 elitefts. of band tension. And then there's inverse curls, ab work, upper pec work, etc. But after six months of no progress, he jumped on board and began to make great progress. A post shared by Paul Leonard (@powerliftinghistoryillustrated). We dont accept new members but this is close. Chuck has had numerous upper body injuries to overcome to include a broken neck which caused severe nerve issues in his upper body. Tom, Kenny, Rob, and Mickey Tate are long gone, but George is still training a group of benchers at Westside. Next, Dominic Ritolo came into the gym and started to train with you. . But also, how to handle the high volume for all three lifts. No third attempt because he hurt his shoulder. Call . First George, then KP. Read on for more about Chuck V and this ridiculous 40+ set squat workout with loads over 300 lbs. All right reserved. But on that day, Rob beat Dave. EFS: In the video you touch on a beginner not using bands. In some cases, the hype would even stand to detract from his technique. Chuck:Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. Mind you; this was the mid-1990s before they were using chains or bands at Westside, not to mention, Chuck had recently had neck surgery. I said you would have to take over and help lead the guys for a while. EFS: We all know you started the squat beanies in powerlifting. For more information, please see our Its okay to delegate it out because ultimately, its your business. [youtube width="640" height="360"] [/youtube] Sounds like Chuck would hit his heavy work and then get busy attacking supplemental work in a circuit fashion. If you take the first gear out of a Mack truck, how fast will it take off? Do their physiques say something about their training styles, or is there something else going on? I should probably stay a bit more controlled. George said he wanted to lose weight and go down to a lighter class. In York, PA, at the IPA World Cup, Rob was lifting against Dave Barno, a strong competitor and friend. It shows in how he takes immense pride in caring for his training environment and for his fellow lifters. I need to be challenged. In an interview we came across with Louie and Vogelpohl, Louie asks him how he got started on his series of world record-breaking lifts. EFS: What are you views on powerlifting equipment? Like many, George was convinced that board pressing was the key to a big bench. At the time, in 1991, a shirt was only good for 25 to 50 lbs. Only our top benchers were allowed to go to Tims to bench, the rest had to stay at Westside and suffer. And remember, he showed up as a high school football player. world record at 220. moVE THAT WEIGHT EXPLODE COMING OUT OF THE HOLE. On the next ME day, he chose to do close grip. We were the only gym with three 600 lb. My deadlift was going up again by using lots of bands on top of the bar. In three years it was 2855, and his best was 2930. Matt Wenning talks Chuck Vogelpohl!Want to know the specifics? as well as Louie passing, we have lost to of the best that ecer did it. JM said it was like maxing out with a 3 in. I have been wearing the same squat suit for years now and Dave has been helping me design a Metal squat suit. Louie:Your lifts kept going up, and you won your first nationals in 1987 in Columbus. chuck vogelpohl powerpohlbest hockey base layer. ), some of the answers were hard to understand upon listening to it. Louie, I knew you kept track of all our training, and you were always trying to get me to taper back for a meet and not squat all the time and pull a weight sled, but I would not listen. As they hit the mid 30 set range, Dave was trying to gauge how much further Chuck was willing to go. bench in his reverse grip style. Sprinkle in a lot of coaching time with Louis Simmons, Dave Tate, Steve Goggins, and Eddie Coan, and JL turned into a professor of the deadlift. Squat deeper. Gerry O was to win a national championship. As they strive to make me better, I strive to make them better. Kenny Patterson was the youngest to hold an open world record at 19 years old with a 716 lb. This keeps you from getting injured. All sports, including powerlifting, require speed. we ran 4 week cycles starting with first week 70% percent of our one rep max, second week 75% Third 80% then 85% of our one rep max, at the end of the four weeks we would all strive to hit a NEW one rep max. I became only the third to do it with two-hour weigh-ins. Louie Simmons I told George, when someone could do 20 reps with the 155s, I would buy 175s for the gym. Other than that it's all box squats. At the end, there was $10,000 in cash and prizes for the winner. First, Dave Waterman fell off the bench three times. In Texas, John Inzer put on a Bash for Cash along with Joe McCoy. Chuck: Yes, I was tired of cutting weight and just put on 10 pounds. They should put their weights away, help maintain their training environment, and take responsibility for making sure that other lifters in the gym are getting the coaching that they need. He came to train, became very strong, and started a personal training business. EFS: First, thanks for letting us do this interview. This put a real kick into our training in the squat and deadlift, but also the bench. This could get my lifts only so high, but as usual, you came into our training and added putting chains onto the bar for Accommodating Resistance. In 1990 I arrived to the facility, being young hard headed and a know it all I would to the gym everynight to workout. We hated him, but at the same time, loved him for his talent and for being a great competitor. those who didnt show up for workouts were brow beaten down and intimitated by chuck, His personality was scary at times and he talked more shit than 5 people, to get on this side of him was all BAD !! First, stretch your hamstrings when you hip hinge and move your hips back, and then, Flex your glutes to drive your hips forward and complete the deadlift. Everyone should know that the amount of force you produce in a lift is determined by multiplying the rate of acceleration by the amount of weight lifted. On the other hand, when I got AJ Roberts he already had a 2400 total. How much is too much band tension? George made his benches mostly from his strong chest. If you can jump higher you can run faster. Chuck:The wave system was already in placeusing 75 percent to 85 percent for 25 lifts, plus 25 pulls. I do most of my abdominal work at work or at home. If you don't feel a movement switch it the next workout. Six lifters that trained with Chuck at the Lexen Extreme Gym averaged a 1025 squat. This was due to band training, now known as Combination Methods Training, a term coined by Dr. Mel Siff in Supertraining. dumbbells, which no one could do 20 reps of. This video shows how gritty Chuck was on the platform.During one of the wonderful Dave Tate Tableltalk podcasts on YouTube, Renowned strength coach and former Westside Barbell lifter said that he had seen Chuck miss a weight in the gym, go up in weight and he would smash the greater weight for a triple. Chuck:First, you showed all of us the box squat and what exercises would build it. If you are willing to give 100% in the weight room, he is willing to help you reach your goals. Bringing in a fresh perspective to a training challenge should not be viewed as a failure rather, the failure would be refusing to do so. This isnt him being cocky; its just the way he is. Westside barbells Louie Simmons would come to the Powerlifting events to be the head judge in all the compitions. Compound sets will get you there. You lifted, but did not do so good. Probably more than people are willing to invest. You came back and told me they had started the meet with the 242s. All Rights Reserved. He made it good by sending K.P. In the original session, powerlifting legends Dave Tate and Chuck Vogelpohl put themselves and each other through a squat workout that, decades later, is still discussed in strength circles. 2023 Westside Barbell. The head ref. Because of this, he had many tares. He took me under his wing, as a cadre Inmate in the institution we had recreation and had special privileges, every year the correction facility had an Olympics. In a career spanning almost two decades, powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl competed in weight classes from 90kg all the way to 125kg. If you have seen the amazing documentary Westside vs the World, you know that Chuck returns home to train again with Louie Simmons and Westside Barbell.Powerlifting entrepreneur Mark Bell posted a great tribute video to a 1260 lb reverse band squat that Chuck did in preparation for another world record breaking meet shortly after this overloaded training lift. raw, as they say today, and was second to Jimmy Ritchie with 475 lbs. Chuck V: A lot of good mornings, different kinds of squats and a deadlifts. New equipment and new training, and I made a 1,180 at 264 pounds. Simply put, he is a force of nature. There were just three benches and about 15 of us, so you really had to earn your spot. George said a great monument in his past was watching KP at John Inzers bench meet. Chuck fully takes this teaching to heart, and in doing so has one of the best eyes for dissecting and improving another lifters technique. Many consider him to be the most intense powerlifter in the history of the sport and Vogelpohl was without a doubt the strongest equipped lifter of his time. wide bench. Chuck was a National champion by the late 1980s, a World Champion in 1995 but injuries kept him from fully realizing his potential until the early 2000s and once professional meets with prize money and championship belts were created in the mid 2000s, Chuck entered the zenith of his career. I started applying everything I could, which means I started applying science to weights. One of his many remarkable feats is that he squatted over 1,000 lbs while in three different weight classes; 220, 242, and 275 lbs. I could not believe this garage housed a national team. Rob lifted and tore his peck completely off in his opener, and was then gone for good. If not, you fail. This would make him the lightest man ever to do it. Dave also hails from Westside gym, he's a specimen that has been heavily involved in the powerlifting community for decades. EFS: The major reason why we wanted to do this interview was to clear things up on your new video, "Vogelpohl XXX". It is in my head. I was relieved for a while. You don't perfect technique using heavy loads; you perfect technique with light weights over multiple sets. WATCH:Chuck Vogelpohl's 1100-Pound Squat. Circa 1990's, Chuck Vogelpohl @220 squat training with the contrast method / dynamic effort with bands. This was when Westside was at demorest. This allows you to bring out your strengths. You were right; the 220-pound class was no more. I almost died in 1991. Myself being 150lbs Chuck told me to start drinking as much milk as I could to put more weight on. Think of speed strength as a transmission in a car. In most gyms, the strongest guy leads the way, and everyone else tries to follow his program. At that point, we had gone a year and a half to check the progress we had made before you would write about it. The epitome of Vogelpohl's will to win was demonstrated in a head to head 40+ set squat workout with fellow Westside Barbell lifter, Dave Tate that you'll learn about below. But nothing happens. Jujimufu just posted this super intense squat workout with his training partner, strongman Joey Szatmary where they attempted to follow a sample squat workout from the powerlifting legend Chuck Vogelpohl. Heres a quick breakdown of the main points that Vogelpohl credits for his success: Note: Youll see the first two points being covered in the Jujimufu squat workout inspired by Chuck Vogelpohl. His bench presses, including his final one of 633 were all done as strictly as any shirted bench press I have ever seen. I was putting up $3,000 for a meet one month, so you came in at 265 pounds and killed a 1,150-pound squat for a new all-time world record. And that he must stay and train others and teach them like he was taught, not only by me but by the other greats before him and his training partners. But, with our three world record holders plus JM and Mickey Tate winning the Masters, we took home all the cash. Louie:Today I am interviewing Chuck Vogelpohl to talk about his time at Westside, the place where he has spent more than half his life. Westside is more than training and powerlifting. These numbers seem crazy after Matt Dimels 1,010 lb. How to squat.if you are a west side power lifter going for a higher total. He is the other half of this absolutely mental squat workout/competition with Vogelpohl. There are a number of YouTube videos on Lexen Extreme, Brandon Lilly, and 360 Cut channels which showed Chuck training ferociously after he left Westside Barbell in approximately 2009. Jon Call AKA Jujimufu is an American fitness celebrity with a massive following on social media. Geared and raw All time world record holder Matt Wenning described how Chuck led the greatest squatting crew of all time from the front by an emphasis on technique and ferocity. bodyweight. At SFS we strive to equip you with the tools and knowledge needed for your fitness journey. for easy sets of three reps. George was a real student of the game, he was very fast. KP and I told him not to do it, just to F with him. squat at 264 lbs. I told him we were going to Texas for the meet and he said he would come along to report it in the magazine he was writing for. I provided lots of education so younger lifters wont make the mistakes we did. Louie:I had made a training tape that showed two young menone was to build benchthat was KP (Kenny Patterson). And you would do Reverse Hypers or pull a weight sled for your warm-up. EFS: What did your max effort work use to be like? In 1956 in Minneapolis my buddies and I, Walter Klock Smoking with Schwarzenegger, Art Labare A Powerlifting Legend You Need to Know, Jeff King: An update on a Bodybuilding Legend, Consent Management Platform by Real Cookie Banner. Chuck V: Sometimes, but its what I know. I put the bands over my shoulder and knew this could change the world, and it did. I told him he must make his triceps stronger so that they can carry most of the load. Jim says: Chuck was serial killer intense and he had a reverence for that place (Westside Barbell).. Just trying to keep him down, because hed get so hyped up that hed [mess] his squat up, hed fall over in the bottom, and its just like dude, settle down. I let my lifting do the talking. At 220 lbs. Comments will be approved before showing up. As coaches, youve got to understand that sometimes you dont know all of the answers. But that was a good reason to try it unofficially. You two scared me to death. I laughed. Plus, Louie is always challenging you and I cant back down from the old man. My body was starting to fall apart. He will help coach and spot any lifter in the gym. I had played high school football and had lots of fights, so I was ready for something new. The legendary powerlifter Chuck Vogelpohl used to perform rack pulls with over 1,000 pounds! WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Coach the Squat. I remember that if your team were 25 pounds behind in, lets say a rack pull; somehow, you would pull a big pull record to win the contest. He always had a lot to say, like if he did not win The Arnold he would retire. Anti-slip mat on the bench! Great lifters, poor organization, like many power meets. Another one of Louie's favorite deadlift special exercises is the deficit deadlift. No gym in the world has two 2,700 pound totals. Chuck:I knew that those bands would lead to more experiments, and eccentric, concentric, and over-speed eccentric training. An army is only as strong as its weakest soldier. Chuck V.: Thanks. You started handing me Gatorades. At this point, Chuck finished with a couple of sets of elevated glute-ham raises and went home. And this leads us to the final point. He says that what most people dont realize, is that Chuck was always the first person in the gym setting up, cleaning, and preparing everything for the other lifters. J. M. Blakely also benched with us. Then it made sense. a couple weeks before he pulled out in the warmup room at The Arnold. I now present to you The Iron Man; Chuck Vogelpohl. If I recall, we did three meets before you wrote about it in Powerlifting USA. Dave was very explosive and also very crazy. No Powerlifting competitor has captured the imagination of the strength community like Chuck Vogelpohl of Columbus, Ohio. He trained with George Halbert and Kenny Patterson, along with the others. So if you do approach him, dont expect to get a hug. I wore my special Westside t-shirt sans sleeves that day in honor of Chuck]. Basically, on Fridays I will squat and will either work up to a heavy weight, sometimes off of a higher box or instead of going heavy on the squat I will pull heavy from the pins. He passed on his third attempt saving himself for the other two lifts, but his focus was so intense it could light up a city. Chuck Vogelpohl is an American powerlifter that set numerous world records and was known for his unmatched tenacity. George had a bad day but came through for some cash. I then came to your garage gym on Larcomb on the Westside. George knew he could not compete again and felt he should leave the gym for good. So while I lay in the hospital bed, I read all the books I could from the Soviet Union (they were miles ahead of us). I said it showed me how to think while I was pulling. Chuck taught me everything I ever knew about powerlifting. He is a very humble and gracious person. Tony Ramos still holds the total and deadlift marks at Westside. New meets were coming up, and new records would fall. Do more paused work, great for gaining strength at the bottom and fixing form. And of course, Mark Bell and his Super Training gym. Kenny had a great lockout. I dont know who is coaching these days. Chuck V: When you and Dave told me that beginners were using bands; high school kids and below I couldnt believe it. Paul was really a strong bencher. Tags: Neck training, Grip, Goodmornings Time to read: 3 min The bench press is Payment methods: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and PayPal. Chuck Vogelpohl's 1180lb squat- Video. Szatmary has amassed a large following on his Youtube where he shares fitness tips, speaks with some expert lifters and does some intense workouts. The first time Vogelpohl hit a 1,000 lb squat during a competition that was at IPA (International Powerlifting Association) Nationals in 2001 in his home state of Ohio. There's no better squat for powerlifting training than a wide-stance box squat. But during a gym shootout, Georges peck was separated from the bone completely. Now you raise bull terriers along with your other hobbies. I remember that on the day before, you had found out you had a broken vertebrate in your thoracic spine. The flame hat you wore should be in its own Hall of Fame! On his last try, he pulled 725 lbs. As our motto goes - "You don't have to get ready if you stay #alwaysready! WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate on Their Powerlifting Inspiration, Free Shipping with a $69 qualifying order. You'll reach your top potential while many others don't, as they'll get injured or get frustrated and quit. This consisted of a 1,050 lbs squat, 635 lbs bench press, and 820 lbs deadlift. Chuck V: Just watch my fat. He said, I heard those Westside guys are crazy, but he eventually became a Westsider and still is today. On speed-strength day you train with high volume and moderate intensity. I was very proud of our men. We have four. would only use 45s. WATCH: Ed Coan and Dave Tate Coach the Squat One such legend is Chuck Vogelpohl, widely known for his extreme intensity and longevity with regard to powerlifting competitions. Chuck squatted 1118 and deadlift after his 633 bench to total 2506. He knew the gym was for trying new and improved ways to train, and we had the guys that could do just that. He was a great training partner with his Zippy fired personality, along with Chuck V. who could never do enough in the workouts, and the two carried me along with them. At that time, I ruptured my left patella tendon and would be out for some time. Thats the nature of the sport. Or so I thought. Then, his new training partner, Chuck Fouks, broke it with his monster deadlift, making 900 lbs. Rob Fuzz dog Fusner broke the 308 world bench record giving Westside three bench world record holders at the same time. I have Matt carry a barrel wrestlers have to get their hips to the opponent, and the only way to carry a 55 gallon barrel is to jam the hips up into it. He did not care , or made you think he didnt Chuck:I had lots of good training mates who could push me, like KP and George Halbert, with the bench. Everyone takes shots at Westside. The last time I recall you said your legs felt like they weighed 900 pounds. he was a one of a kind beast and will be greatly missed, Chuck taught me everything I ever knew about powerlifting. I remember, George had just got off work and was in his work jacket when he came in the gym with the blacked-out windows. he would make you feel like a weak pussy. It also builds cardiovascular and muscular endurance at the same time. Max Effort work is slow strength. I quit doing it. It was good for the team to learn to make, not only lifts, but to compete. on the bar. Given the amount of respect that people have for him as a lifter, many would be surprised to learn that Chuck has that much more respect for the sport itself. EFS: Did you ever catch the guy that stole the sleeves of your shirt? You'd train at 50-60 percent for speed strength with a bar speed of 0.8 meters per second. George and KP were ruling the bench at Westside. He wanted to learn what I had been doing since 1982, about the time he was born. I will always remember ole hog head we would call him, he literary had NO neck. It was the original IPF, the father of the USPF. This builds mechanical power. I think he made a 770 lb. Ten guys here have squatted 1200 pounds. So there were a lot of factors that went into it. in a shirt. But raw should be just a beltno three-meter knee wraps. Chuck Vogelpohl. Not there long after, Chuck stepped into the bare-bones Westside gym. These are the three abilities that make up the Westside Method. For the time you jumped over the 242 class. EFS: The major reason why we wanted to do this interview was to clear things up on your new video, Vogelpohl XXX. Nevertheless, from a coaching perspective, one persons opinion is never enough to take a lifters performance to the next level. Max Effort is what everyone seems to focus on, however, to get the most of your potential you need to employ both days. Then there was Jim, who was very slow but not explosive. In terms of rep volume, the bench, squat, and deadlift make up 20% of our training at Westside. consistency being the key to everything,. putting me third in the Open World plus fourth in the total, at 50 years old. I was an Inmate at the Correctional Reception Center in Orient Ohio, where he was a Recreation correctional officer between the years of 1990, 1998. So it's instinctive, but with a purpose. Joey Szatmary is another popular fitness personality thats competed in Olympic lifting, Crossfit, and Strongman competitions. His name was Zippy in the gym, when the crazy came out to play. total at 63 years old, 20 years after I had retired, making top 10 for 30 years and a USPF Elite Total for 37 years. What happened was I broke my neck and had a lot of injuries that occurred outside of the weight room and I had to make a lot of adjustments. Like nothing happened. Chuck went on to call for 970 lbs on his third attempt, which would make the highest squat for his weight class of all time. I was absolutely turning into an animal,. Chuck: [Stares at me. Chuck V.: Thanks. of him, and ran me into a corner where about 10 eight ft. lights were standing. Chuck Vogelpohl on his squat technique (circa 2003) - YouTube Chuck Vogelpohl explains his squat technique, this was filmed around 2003 in preparation for the WPO in 2004! On Sunday, I walked into the warm-up room, nervous and green. But, Marcus won best lifter. And since you only have so long to complete a maximum rep 2 seconds, maybe 3 if you're very endurance minded you have to be fast to be strong. I stopped breathing for four minutes and had to be trached as well as given chest tubes. In one month, I would do 1,025 pounds to push my 220-pound world record up. But all still holds the world record at 42 of 1,140 lbs. For example, on Wednesdays Chuck will bench before J.L and I. He later changed it to 1000 pounds! Unfortunately, this guy has to grind with 150-200 pounds less than what my guys use because we're that much stronger. At 16 and 170 pounds, he was squatting 800, benching 500, and deadlifting 600. Chuck:Yes. He later broke World Records at three weight classes. Also, Chuck doesnt do a lot of interviews; in fact, I dont know if anyone has even asked him. Count me in! I told him if he could do 20 reps with 155s, I would buy 175s. I took Chuck Vogelpohl to his first meet. For assistance work, we train certain single-joint lifts with high volume. Inside, in the deep part of your soul, how does this make you feel? Jumping is explosive power. Chuck V: Whats the deal with your tattoos? They said yes. Because I nearly died in 91, I could not put things in proper order. 475, to KPs 480. Im NOT SURE WHERE THIS ARTICAL IS GOING BUT IVE WRITTEN it FROM THE HEART. My squat would jump from 859-pounds to a 1,000-pound world record, but I did get a better suit, too.