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But as they journey, it becomes evident that Viserys does not have leadership skills to reclaim the throne and his arrogance and disrespect for the Dothraki does not win him any hearts. He has won two Laurence Olivier Awards and received two Tony Award nominations. Archibald Gracie IV. He is also Joffrey Baratheon's personal bodyguard. When Daenerys is forced to flee the city and is captured by the Dothraki, Daario journeys with Ser Jorah Mormont to retrieve her from Vaes Dothrak. Ned and Robert Baratheon led the rebellion to unseat him from the throne. However, Arya is caught in the firestorms caused by Daenerys' dragon, Drogon, and is forced to flee the city instead. He rescues a portion of wildlings from an attack by the White Walkers at the port of Hardhome. The shadow demon, bearing Stannis Baratheon's face, kills Renly. Petyr is a master manipulator who knows the ongoing affairs within the Seven Kingdoms, thanks to his spies. After the battle, Bronn remains in Tyrion's employ as both a colleague and friend. Theon and Catelyn fail in their missions, and Balon launches an invasion of the North. He is known for playing Thoden, King of Rohan, in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Captain Edward Smith in Titanic, and Luther Plunkitt, the Warden of San Quentin Prison in the Clint Eastwood film True Crime. She is defeated by Daenerys and her dragon and killed during the destruction of King's Landing. After this they lead Jon to Mance Rayder's wildling camp, where he pretends to defect to the Wildlings to discover their plans. However, Ramsay's army ransacks the castle and leaves it as a ruin. Cersei Lannister gives power to King's Landing faith militant group, the Sparrows, to challenge the Tyrells' influence in the capital following the death of Tywin Lannister. He is loyal to Daenerys and doesn't like those who insult her. When Drogo dies from an infected wound in a fight, Daenerys walks into his burning funeral pyre, birthing three dragons. While at Riverrun, Robb makes the decision to execute Lord Rickard Karstark for the murders of two teenage squires related to the Lannisters, a decision that loses the support of the Karstarks and leads Robb to make the ultimately fatal decision to ask the Freys for their alliance. In season 8, she is beheaded by the Mountain under Cersei's orders. Sansa lies for Petyr, and says Lysa jumped to her death of her own accord. When Daenerys Targaryen plans to attack King's Landing, she travels south to get revenge on Cersei for her role in Ned's death. Gilly then survives the attack by White Walkers and declares that she is pregnant with Samwell's baby in the aftermath. He becomes a grandmaester in Bran's small council. The Scorpion King. Once there, Varys arranges for Tyrion to become one of Daenerys Targaryen's advisers. He is nicknamed "Kingslayer" for killing the previous King, Aerys II, whom he was sworn to protect. Their relationship is brief, however. His mother Cersei battles Margaery for influence over Tommen, and their subsequent war of words eventually results in Margaery and Cersei's arrest by the High Sparrow. In season four, Leaf is portrayed by Octavia Alexandru. When confronted by Jon, however, she cannot bring herself to shoot him, and is shot in the back by Olly, a boy whose father Ygritte previously killed. In season one, Beric Dondarrion is portrayed by David Michael Scott. He contracts greyscale, a fatal disease, while travelling with Tyrion Lannister. In seasons three to five, Little Sam is portrayed by uncredited infant extras. Shae, however, does not leave King's Landing and resurfaces at Tyrion's trial for murdering Joffrey, where she falsely claims that both Tyrion and Sansa were responsible for Joffrey's death. Myranda also tells Sansa that shes going to eat her after shes been killed by Ramsay. In 2019, Hill received an honorary degree from the University of East Anglia. Lysa discovers this information and tries to have Sansa killed, only for Petyr to push her through the castle's moon door to her death instead. During the battle, she kills the Night King and saves Westeros from The Long Night. After being forced to walk naked through the streets as punishment, she annihilates the Sept of Baelor with wildfire, wiping out the High Sparrow and the Tyrells, and is crowned queen following Tommen's suicide. When the order of maesters turn out to be disbelieving of the White Walker threat, he abandons his lessons and returns to the North to face the Army of the Dead. When Stannis sails to the Wall and resides at Castle Black, Melisandre accompanies him but takes a keen interest in the young Lord Commander, Jon Snow. Melisandre has prophetic powers that give her partial knowledge of future events. Myranda taunts her further with threats of Ramsay plans to mutilate her once he has a child. Once Tywin confirms to Jaime he intends to have his son executed, the latter - with Lord Varys's help - frees Tyrion and helps him escape from King's Landing, which he does, but not before confronting and murdering his father with a crossbow mid-flight. She is forced to marry the abusive and sadistic Ramsay Bolton, but later escapes with the help of Theon Greyjoy. Having enough of his behavior, Drogo kills Viserys by giving him a "Golden Crown"; molten gold poured over his head. In season five, Cersei Lannister is also portrayed by guest actress. Theon Greyjoy (portrayed by Alfie Allen) is the youngest son of Lord Balon Greyjoy of the Iron Islands. Arya leaves him for dead. While a prisoner of the Sparrows, Margaery manipulates their leader, the High Sparrow, into believing that she has converted to the Faith of the Seven. Margaery and her brother Loras Tyrell are imprisoned by the SparrowsLoras for his alleged homosexuality, and Margaery for hiding Loras' secrets. Upon arrival, she briefly reunites with Jaime but is unable to convince Brynden to ride north and help Sansa. Margaery and Olenna spend time in the city's gardens, scheming together and organising their political tactics. Hill was also known for playing roles in television dramas, including Yosser Hughes, the troubled "hard man" whose life is falling apart in Alan Bleasdale's groundbreaking Boys from the Blackstuff in the 1980s, and more recently, as the Duke of Norfolk in the BBC adaptation of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall. His bones are later returned to Catelyn in the Stormlands by Petyr Baelish, who laments Ned's downfall and that he was too honorable to seize power through force, rather insisting the throne pass to Lord Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother. Talisa follows Robb Stark's army camp as it moves. Talisa and Robb marry in secret before a septon and she becomes a Stark. Bronn is later tasked with training up Jaime Lannister's weaker hand with a swordJaime having lost his stronger swordhand while a prisoner of the Boltons. Despite an attack by the slaver masters' fleet, Meereen is saved when Daenerys returns with the Dothraki and unleashes her dragons on the fleet, which Missandei witnesses. Martin adaptation "Game of Thrones." Admittedly, both narratives are set on a continent filled with squabbling kingdoms and . When Daenerys is assassinated by Jon Snow, Tyrion is freed and named as Bran the Broken's Hand of the King. Feeling isolated from his family due to his bastard status, he leaves their home of Winterfell to join the Night's Watch at Castle Black. He eventually reunites with his queen, who orders him to cure himself of the greyscale. He is the eldest of Cersei Lannister's children and heir to the Iron Throne. She then declares in her speech to her Dothraki and Unsullied that they are not going to end the war, but continue to conquer and liberate the rest of the known world, in the same way she liberated Kings Landing. Myranda also accompanies Ramsay to the aftermath of the surrender of Moat Caitlin. Joffrey Baratheon (portrayed by Jack Gleeson) is the Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. After Jaime leaves Cersei Lannister and rides north to face the White Walkers, Bronn stays in King's Landing but is tasked by Cersei with killing Jaime for his apparent betrayal. Catelyn Stark (portrayed by Michelle Fairley) is the wife of Lord Eddard Stark. She releases Robb's prisoner, Jaime Lannister, on the condition that he return Sansa and Arya home to Winterfell upon his return to King's Landing. The High Sparrow (portrayed by Jonathan Pryce) is a devout and pious man who came to King's Landing after Tywin Lannister's death to serve the poor, downtrodden and infirm. Initially betrothed to King Joffrey, she is later released from her vow by Joffrey's betrothal to Margaery Tyrell. After travelling to King's Landing with her father Ned Stark, new Hand of the King to Robert Baratheon, she is taught by Syrio Forel in the art of "water dancing", a form of sword fighting. Hill was born in Blackley, Manchester. When Joffrey is poisoned at his wedding to Margaery, Sansa is smuggled out of King's Landing by Littlefinger and taken first to the Eyrie and then to her home of Winterfell, now under the control of House Bolton. Melisandre returns to Castle Black in disgrace and finds that Jon Snow has been murdered in a mutiny. When Theon Greyjoy's Ironborn soldiers seize Winterfell, they pretend to have burned Bran alive, when in reality Bran has escaped the castle to find a Three-Eyed Raven who appears in his dreams. After curing Jorah Mormont of greyscale, they discover that a cave of dragonglass sits under Dragonstone, and Sam alerts Jon to this, eventually leading to Jon and Daenerys' meeting and union. Eddard Stark. After being initially betrothed to Sansa Stark, the arrival of the Tyrells in King's Landing results in Joffrey casting Sansa aside for Margaery Tyrell. Eventually, crossing the river at the Twins becomes strategically necessary. Witnessing the event from his quarters in the Red Keep, Tommen, having seen his wife perish at the hands of his mother, commits suicide by throwing himself from a high window. He is the hostage and ward of Lord Eddard Stark, stemming from the failed Greyjoy Rebellion years earlier. Ygritte subsequently dies in Jon's arms, and her body is later burned by Jon himself, separately from the other soldiers, in her homeland, north of the Wall. Despite making . When Daenerys returns to defeat the slave masters and the Sons of the Harpy, Varys and Tyrion accompany her to Westeros and support her claim to the Iron Throne. Under his reign, the realm has been bankrupted and Robert is deeply in debt to his wife's family. Thoros dies on the mission. He travels beyond the Wall to find the raven with his brother Rickon, servant Hodor, the wildling Osha, direwolves Summer and Shaggydog, and eventually Jojen and Meera Reed. The Scorpion King/The Mummy. He joins the Night's Watch's Great Ranging beyond the Wall and survives that battle with White Walkers at the Fist of the First Men. Ned Stark (portrayed by Sean Bean as an adult, Sebastian Croft as a child, and Robert Aramayo as a young adult) is the Hand of the King after Lord Jon Arryn's death. Jon is then revealed to be Aegon Targaryen, the legitimate son of Daenerys' brother Rhaegar and Ned Stark's sister Lyanna, making him the heir to the Iron Throne and Daenerys' nephew. She later liberates the slaves along Slavers Bay, ruling over the city of Meereen with her Unsullied army, and eventually defeating the slave masters with her dragons. Tywin elects to remain in the field, commanding his forces until he wins his war, and in the meantime gives the position of acting Hand of the King to Tyrion. When Stannis Baratheon attacks the castle, the pair escape their captor, and Theon returns home to the Iron Islands. While not a warrior, he is very smart and insightful. [2] His character's much-repeated phrase Gizza job ("Give us a job")[2] became popular with protesters against Margaret Thatcher's Conservative government, because of the high unemployment of the time.[3]. In an attempt to soon free herself, Margaery convinces Tommen to join the Crown and the Faith. Joffrey is unaware that King Robert is not his real father who, in reality, is Jaime Lannister. Myranda then threatens to eat her once Ramsay has finished with her. Melisandre returns to Dragonstone with Gendry and uses blood magic to cast a fatal curse over King Joffrey, King in the North Robb Stark, and Lord of the Iron Islands Balon Greyjoy. Shae (portrayed by Sibel Kekilli) is a young camp follower in whom Tyrion Lannister takes particular interest. Robb becomes involved in the war against the Lannisters after his father, Ned Stark, is arrested for treason. He also reunites with Gendry. His corpse is later decapitated and Grey Wind's head is sewn on and paraded around as the Stark forces are slaughtered by the Boltons and Freys. When the Night King enters one of these visions and breaks the spell protecting the cave, Bran and Meera are forced to flee while Hodor and Summer are both killed by the undead. Melisandre believes Stannis is the chosen one who will convert the people of Westeros into followers of the Lord of Light. Davos, who had become a guardian to Shireen, discovers that his late friend was burned alive by Melisandre, leading Jon Snow to banish the Red Woman from the North. Daario assists her in defeating the Sons of the Harpy and the region's slave masters. With winter approaching and snow storms halting their progress, Melisandre sacrifices Stannis' daughter, Shireen, to the Lord of Light, in an attempt to ease the weather and grant them safe passage. 4. Despite Cersei's promise that Ned would be allowed to join the Night's Watch in exile, Joffrey orders Ned's execution for his own amusement and later torments Sansa by forcing her to look at her father's head. Patrick Malahide plays Balon Greyjoy. After returning to Castle Black, Samwell begins to fear for Gilly's safety and instead finds her work in Mole's Town, a nearby settlement. After she reveals more of her past to him, they admit their shared feelings for one another and sleep together. Hill is a longtime supporter of Manchester United FC. He was sent to the Wall by his father, who disowned him for his cowardice. Davos then becomes a loyal member of Jon's council. Actor Bernard Hill, who played King Theoden in Peter Jackson's The Lord of the Rings film series, has bashed Amazon's The Rings of Power series, calling it a "money-making venture . Once in the capital, he finds his brother and fights with him to the death as the pair perish in the firestorms caused by Daenerys Targaryen. Bernard Hill is in Game of After Renly is killed by a demon bearing Stannis' face, Lady Brienne, head of Renly's kingsguard, promises to one day take revenge on Stannis. Renly, however, separately lays a claim with the support of mighty House Tyrell. He was named after his deceased uncle, Brandon. He dies defending Daenerys at Winterfell during the eventual victory over the Army of the Dead. Davos leads Stannis' fleet into King's Landing during a siege on the capital but is shipwrecked during Tyrion Lannister's defence of the city. Carice van Houten only appears in one episode of season eight, although credited as a main cast member. He is also known for the roles in movie blockbusters films such as Captain Edward Smith in Titanic, King . Eventually, Jorah's spying is exposed and Daenerys banishes him from her service. Sansa survives the attack of the White Walkers and is eventually crowned as queen of an independent North. He convinces Melisandre to resurrect Jon, using her religious magic, and finds Jon alive the next morning. Samwell Tarly (portrayed by John Bradley) is the eldest son and former heir of Lord Randyll Tarly, and a new recruit to the Night's Watch. Advised by the Red Priestess Lady Melisandre (follower of the Lord of Light) and Davos Seaworth, Stannis is based at Dragonstone, an offshore island in the Narrow Sea, where he lives with his daughter Shireen and wife Selyse. Used as a Welsh female name, the word "nerys" might mean "lady." In season two, Selyse Florent is portrayed by uncredited extra Sarah MacKeever. Mike Rougeau Syrio the "water dancer" made a big splash in Game of Thrones' first season, even if he did wind up skewered on the end of Meryn Trant's big sword. In season 4, Tyrion is forced to send Shae away from King's Landing on a ship after her presence is discovered by Cersei and his father is told, insulting her in the process. Gendry survives the mission and returns to Winterfell, where he reunites with Arya and helps defeat the Army of the Dead. During a ranging beyond the Wall, Jon is captured by wildlings and eventually joins their camp, falling in love with a wildling woman, Ygritte. He is well recognized for playing King Thoden in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy, Captain Edward Smith in Titanic, and Luther Plunkitt, the Warden of San Quentin Prison in the Clint Eastwood film True Crime. Once there, Bran undergoes training to become the next Three-Eyed Raven and experiences several visions of the future and past. His death is not in vain, however, as the Night King's forces are defeated. The Lannister siblings die together when Daenerys' dragon, Drogon, destroys the Red Keep. Arya Stark. On the road, his sword hand is severed and he reveals that he killed Aerys II to save the population of King's Landing, whom Aerys II was attempting to massacre with wildfire. After Daenerys destroys the city and massacres the city's population, including Cersei and Jaime, Tyrion resigns as Hand of the Queen and is imprisoned. He kidnaps Arya Stark with the intention of selling her to her mother and brother, Catelyn and Robb Stark, only to see them slaughtered at the Red Wedding. Catelyn (Tully) Stark. In fact, all of the Lannisters are in the top for best performance on "Game of Thrones." The Lannister family and its loyalists. Despite this, Grey Worm chose to keep his current name because it was his name on the day Daenerys freed the Unsullied, so he considers it to be a lucky name. After Joffrey's murder Tyrion is falsely accused, and after a failed gambit through trial by combat Tywin sentences his son to death. Varys is dead after the penultimate episode of "Game of Thrones," and actor Conleth Hill isn't holding back when reflecting on his time on the HBO fantasy series. After the battle, he is discovered in a nearby forest by Lady Brienne, who avenges her long-deceased king by executing Stannis. After Daenerys Targaryen destroys King's Landing, forcing Jon to assassinate her, Sam travels to the capital (presumably with Gilly and little Sam) and is present when Bran (dubbed Bran the Broken) is selected as Westeros' new ruler. Initially, Jorah is actually spying on the Targaryens for Lord Varys in exchange for a pardon on his crimes.

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