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james 3:17 commentary

In the dry season the scanty grass and low-growing thorn bushes and scrub were as dry as tinder. This is one of the results of the wisdom that is from above, for it makes us like God, the Father of mercies. See the notes at Matthew 5:7. Meanwhile we who are thus begotten, the firstfruits, have the wondrous blessing here set forth. THE MAN WHO OUGHT NEVER TO BE A TEACHER ( James 3:13-14 ). Alas! if any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him; let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." - FBS. WebSupplements to Commentaries Chapter 17: 2.1 New Testament Introductions Chapter 18: 2.2 New Testament Theologies Chapter 19: 3. The law forbad the very things to which man's own impulses and desires would have prompted him, and is the solemn means of detecting rebellious fallen nature. text. The world cannot receive the Spirit ( John 14:17). Accordingly "whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed" (or rather "doing"). This too is a practical subject. And it is devilish, such wisdom being the wisdom of devils (to create uneasiness and to do hurt), and being inspired by devils, whose condemnation is pride (1 Timothy 3:6), and who are noted in other places of scripture for their wrath, and their accusing the brethren. Do not you try to settle difficulties, but put yourself in the attitude of dependence. It is very difficult to be a teacher or a preacher and to remain humble; but it is absolutely necessary. "If a brother or a sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?" He is not pleading for a Trappist life where speech is forbidden. Without dissimulation; without pretending to be what it is not; acting always in its own character; never working under a mask. In no wise does scripture slight that solemn obligation. Many have fallen by the edge of the sword; but not so many as, have fallen by the tongue. Web35 views, 3 likes, 2 loves, 1 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from The Church at the Mount: Study of the book of Galatians with pastor Cliff. I could have let them know that it really didn't matter.Now he goes on to another subject and that is of true wisdom. Solomon emphasizes this point as he writes, "Buy the truth, and sell it not" (Proverbs 23:23). Had he in this epistle launched out into the vast expanse of the truth, he would only have given an impulse to the heaping up of more dogmas. Is it not precisely what those who quote would find the greatest difficulty in honestly proving that they value? The mischief evidently is in themselves and not in the divine word. James uses two interesting words. in the flesh: but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones. So, for instance, Euripides can make one of his characters say, "My hands are pure, but my heart is not." He moves supremely above evil: this is the ground of the blessing of every child of God, which he will show presently, when he has finished the subject of evil that comes through man's nature. "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God." One of the most difficult things in the world is to argue without passion and to meet arguments without wounding. (It is but too true that much unseemly strife has had the aegis of this text thrown over it. It is a sobering thing to remember that the wisdom he possesses is devilish rather than divine. The apostle here reproves ambition, and an arrogant magisterial tongue; and shows the duty and advantage of bridling it because of its power to do mischief. Its attitude is pride in its knowledge rather than humility in its ignorance. Christian pity is not merely an emotion; it is action. Concise Commentary on the Whole Bible by Matthew Henry Bible Hub We may request cookies to be set on your device. At this point, James lists seven characteristics of this beneficial wisdom. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. But as time went on the word came to describe the moral purity which alone can approach the gods. This leads to another character of trial in inward evil, not in outward. 5. WebBiblical Commentary (Bible Study) James 3:1-12 EXEGESIS: THE CONTEXT: James seems to be moving in a very different direction after his discourse on works, which concluded, faith apart from works is dead (2:14-26). At the same time we must read it as it is, or rather as God wrote it; and God has addressed it, beyond controversy, not merely to Christian Jews, nor even to Jews, but to the twelve tribes that were scattered abroad. Peace follows purity, and depends upon it. We have had the evil traced to its source, which is the fallen nature of man, no doubt wrought on by Satan, but without here bringing the enemy before us. James 3:17 in all English translations. (i) The wheel is a circle, a rounded and complete whole, and, therefore, the wheel of life can mean the totality of life. A chance word dropped at one end of the country or the town can finish up by bringing grief and hurt at the other. He shows that it may seem a little thing to man, but we must not excuse what is wrong because it may appear to have a little source. The word he uses for selfish ambition is eritheia ( G2052) which was also a word with no necessarily bad meaning. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy.". 3:9-12 With it we bless the Lord and Father and with it we curse the men who have been made in the likeness of God. Alas! WebThey had seen his healing miracles. Therefore, the phrase most probably means the whole of life and living. They had heard him forgive sins, and they had witnessed his power to cast out evil spirits. 3; Magn. Persons are apt to think of the psalms of David whenever there is the introduction of the word. Ask wisdom, and ask it all of God, who gives liberally and upbraids not. Biblical writers composed lists of virtues and vices to inspire changes in behavior (e.g., Psalms 15:1; Proverbs 6:17-19; Hosea 4:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-24; Ephesians 5:3-5). These words serve to remind the teacher of the great responsibility he has voluntarily chosen. Their field was the whole Church; and they did not stay long in any one congregation. If the danger of hypocrisy was real for Peter, it remains just as much a threat for Christians today. But, apart altogether from the false teachers, it is James' conviction that teaching is a dangerous occupation for any man. The seed, as ever, must produce its own proper fruit. James points out this wisdom from above is "first pure, then peaceable." Whether they believe or not, they are all addressed in this epistle. He "straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was." It is peaceable, namely, peace-loving, peace-practicing, and peace-yielding. When kosmos ( G2889) is used in this sense it means the world without God, the world in its ignorance of, and often its hostility to, God. There is a kind of depraved wisdom which seduces men away from their loyalty to God. Then it came to mean the kind of work done solely for what could be got out of it. Therefore, if we call the tongue the evil kosmos ( G2889) , it means that it is that part of the body which is without God. at all cost, and this entirely apart from us. This prepares us for something even larger, not merely for Christian Jews, but for Israelites, for such wherever they may be not merely in the land but out of it "scattered abroad;" as it is said, "the twelve tribes that were scattered abroad." WebJames 3:17 - Gary Hampton Commentaries THE FRUITS OF HEAVENLY WISDOM In contrast to the wisdom from the devil, James presents the wisdom from heaven. (ii) There is no sin into which it is easier to fall and none which has graver consequences than the sin of the tongue. Had this behavior been allowed to continue, the wall between Jew and Gentile might never have been torn down. These are my notes from a sermon series I did through the book of James. In this place he describeth the sum and subject of the disputation, and he putteth down two members concerning Christ, that he must have died and risen again, and that the son of Mary which was crucified is Christ. I think that we should keep it just as pure as possible as we seek to teach the Word. Hypocrisy, then, is a serious matter and should not be ignored. - Utley, willing to yield -- The original term described someone who was teachable, compliant, easily persuaded, and who willingly submitted to military discipline or moral and legal standards. Blessing now is not in ease and honour, but, contrariwise, counting joy in trial, accepting what is painful from God, certain that He never mistakes, and that all is ordered of Him for the perfect blessing of His own people. The idea of the taming of the animal creation in the service of mankind is one which often occurs in Jewish literature. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. We can use our tongues to bless people, to build them up, to encourage them, or we can use our tongues to destroy them. To be sure, but what is the place of any one who finds a difficulty in the word of God? Let not such a one, therefore, expect anything of the Lord. Christians will rationalize that because someone has done them wrong, they have the right to do the same back to them. But the wisdom that is from above: Gods wisdom also has fruit. And good fruits - The fruits of good living; just, benevolent, and kind actions. Is first pure - That is, the first effect of it on the mind is to make it pure. The hypocrite can do as much damage, and sometimes more, than the false teacher in a local congregation. I press, then, that the word "sinners" here clearly to my mind shows that the Spirit of God in this epistle takes in a larger range than most allow. Then peaceable - The effect of true religion - the wisdom which is from above - will be to dispose a man to live in peace with all others. Waco | 92 views, 3 likes, 1 loves, 3 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Waco First Assembly of God: We are studying Genesis chapters 18-21 this evening. There is no doubt that this gives excellent sense; but it is doubtful if the phrase really can mean that. the fruit of unjudged evil. Heavenly wisdom is full of mercy and good fruits, inwardly disposed to every thing that is kind and good, both to relieve those who want and to forgive those who offend, and actually to do this whenever proper occasions offer. He who realises with God what this world is, and what man's nature is, is humble before Him; as also more grace is given to such. It is reasonable, that is, open to reason and willing to yield to reasonable requests. ], 3. The Jewish sages were always agreed that the true wisdom came from above. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. This wisdom is without partiality: Without partiality; or, without judging, i.e. Of all Jewish writers, Jesus ben Sirach, the writer of Ecclesiasticus, was most impressed with the terrifying potentialities of the tongue. It supposes only that there may be circumstances in which the spirit of peace, though possessed, cannot be exercised, except in meek submission to wrong for conscience sake; never can it turn traitor to truth, or make any compromise with error. Thus it is not only that God is inaccessible to evil Himself, but He also never tempts to evil at any one time whatsoever. We get it in the creation story. Uncensorious, or, impartial; seems the most suitable rendering; not given to rashness in judging of others, or not shewing respect of persons, previously condemned in James 2:1. James 3:3. (i) It is fanatical. That is, we are warned against forming resolutions, plans of our future doings and the like. "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" ( Romans 3:10; Romans 3:23). This is put, first of all, - JFB, pure -- The term hagnos has the same Greek root as holy (hagios). 14 But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition 3:13-14 Who among you is a man of wisdom and of understanding? Then it entered politics and came to mean that selfish ambition which was out for self and for nothing else and was ready to use any means to gain its ends. In The Sayings of the Fathers we read, "He that is arrogant in decision is foolish, wicked, puffed up in spirit." WebVerse James 3:5. Stainless in His holiness, and invariable in His light, God is active in His love; and as the fruit of this energetic sovereign love He does not bless merely, sweet as it is from Him. The highest title which can be given to a man is, that he is a Christian gentleman. Thus we see it is only, to say the least of it, a very great want of perception, and a dulness that certainly is unworthy nay, worthy of any person that sets up to judge the word of God a shameful position for a creature for a man above all for a Christian to take. He is not one who cannot be affected by any appeals which may be made to him on the grounds of patriotism, justice, or benevolence; but is one who is ready to yield when truth requires him to do it, and who is willing to sacrifice his own convenience for the good of others. WebVerses 1-18. And as wisdom will evidence itself in meekness, so meekness will be a great friend to wisdom for nothing hinders the regular apprehension, the solid judgment, and impartiality of thought, necessary to our acting wisely, so much as passion. The Revised Standard Version correctly translates the Greek literally: "The harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." Here, it would seem, we begin to learn more definitely the reason. Adam This Sundays passage involves one of the more peculiar passages in the New Testament. Who is there that should not desire that its blessed influence should spread around the world? The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. The traditions of Protestants and Evangelicals are no better than those of Roman Catholics, any more than of Jews who were before them all. In the New Testament itself we get glimpses of teachers who failed in their responsibility and became false teachers. Temptations elsewhere mean trials, not inward solicitations of evil; they have no bearing upon, nor connection with, the evil nature, but on the contrary are the ways in which the Lord out of His love tries those in whom He has confidence, and works for the greater blessing of those whom He has already blessed. Particular pains are taken to guard from this prevalent idea. There were teachers who lived out nothing of the truth which they taught, whose life was a contradiction of their instruction and who did nothing but bring dishonour on the faith they represented ( Romans 2:17-29). Means peace loving or peace promoting (cf. Individual Commentaries Chapter 20: 3.1 But yet what trouble it can get us into. James 3:13-18 Two Kinds of Wisdom; PHIL NEWTON. For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there is disorder and every evil thing. (iv) The phrase had one particular technical use. It is not something that man acquires on his own. The Christian teacher entered into a perilous heritage. The tongue can damage at a distance. At the same time it only confirms, as it appears to me, what has already been shown to be the comprehensive character of the epistle. For, if he has a fanatical bitterness and is obviously controlled by selfish and personal ambition, then, whatever claims he makes in his arrogance, all he does is to be false to the truth which he professes to teach.". We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. Click on the different category headings to find out more. The true wisdom is full of mercy (eleos, G1656) and good fruits. Arrogance was the besetting sin of the Rabbis. If in your hearts you have a zeal that is bitter, and selfish ambition, do not be arrogantly boastful about your attainments, for you are false to the truth. It need scarcely be remarked that it is no question here of the righteousness of God in a doctrinal sense. The hypocrite practices deception so as to gain something for himself. Due to security reasons we are not able to show or modify cookies from other domains. easy to be entreated: James here presents another characteristic of wisdom. Now it is clear that the trial of faith is as precious as it is profitable; and of this exclusively he has been speaking up to this point. The wisdom from above is not envious, but pure; is not contentious, but peaceable; does not create confusion, but is patient and conciliatory; and instead of producing every evil work, it is full of mercy or benevolence, and of the fruits of benevolence, being not censorious or partial in judgment, and not dissembling, or acting dishonestly. This, on the contrary, stamps the sensual aspiring wisdom of man; but what comes down from above is gentle, yielding, full of mercy and good fruits, uncontentious, and unfeigned. The wisdom that is from above is peaceable. Nor does James spare the gross inconsistency too often experienced. It isnt just the inner power to think and talk about things the right way; it is full of good fruits. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient, Baker Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, Hastings' Dictionary of the New Testament, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. For believers, it defines obedience to Gods standards (cf. But he goes farther, and asserts and asserting, too, in the most admirable manner the truth of the sovereign action of grace. It means what is free from taint or pollution: the kind of taint must be learnt from the passage. either a curious inquiring into the faults of others, to find matter for censures. (Poole), viii. In Paul's list of those who hold great gifts within the Church they come second only to the apostles and to the prophets ( 1 Corinthians 12:28; compare Ephesians 4:11). Many of the letters also end with the wish for peace. At some point early in the history of the church, Peter pays a visit to Antioch. THE CORRUPTION WITHIN ( James 3:5 b-6 continued).

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