Any such person, other than a person exempted from the additional fee pursuant to subsection 7 of this section, that desires a personalized special license plate from any such category shall pay the same additional fee and make the same kind of application as that required by subsection 1 of this section, and the director shall issue such plates in the same manner as other personalized special license plates are issued. No person shall willingly or knowingly submit a false statement and any such false statement shall be considered perjury and may be punishable pursuant to section 301.420. 1275, A.L. No person shall operate a motor vehicle or trailer on which there is displayed on the front or rear thereof any other plate, tag or placard bearing any number except the plate furnished by the director of revenue or the placard herein authorized, and the official license tag of any municipality of this state, nor shall there be displayed on any motor vehicle or trailer a placard, sign or tag bearing the words "license lost", "license applied for", or words of similar import, as a substitute for such number plates or such placard. 9, A.L. 605, A.L. Missouri Legislature, all rights reserved. Taillamps, reflectors violations, penalty. 2005 H.B. Missouri Legislature, all rights reserved. 1367 & 1573, A.L. The removable windshield placard shall be renewed every four years. 90, A.L. 520, A.L. 82, A.L. 301.142. 8-133 Motor Vehicle Trailers X* X X X X X X X 12 *2 plates may be issued to a passenger vehicle or truck < 20,000 pounds gross weight. Missouri Legislature, all rights reserved. 2020 H.B. 7. 2002 S.B. 1979 H.B. If it is the professional opinion of the physician or other authorized health care practitioner issuing the statement that the physical disability of the applicant, user, or member of the applicant's household is permanent, it shall be noted on the statement. 301.400. 2007 S.B. A motorcycle may be equipped with a means of varying the brightness of the vehicle's brake light for a duration of not more than five seconds upon application of the vehicle's brakes. A physician or other authorized health care practitioner who issues or signs a physician's statement so that disabled plates or a disabled windshield placard may be obtained shall maintain in such disabled person's medical chart documentation that such a certificate has been issued, the date the statement was signed, the diagnosis or condition which existed that qualified the person as disabled pursuant to this section and shall contain sufficient documentation so as to objectively confirm that such condition exists. *The effective date was 7-01-13, the Revisor did not receive notification prior to this date. Every such reflector shall meet the requirements of this chapter and shall be mounted upon the vehicle at a height not to exceed sixty inches nor less than fifteen inches above the surface upon which the vehicle stands. 1965 p. 494, A.L. (L. 1941 p. 438 8386q, A.L. displayed/possessed mtr veh/trl plates of another person $80.50: $64.50 $145.00: 301.140-002n200954; 301.140; failure to transfer plates of vehicle within 30 days $30.50 . The owner's opinion of the value of the stolen property may be considered substantial evidence of its worth. Local commercial motor vehicle license plates may also be so stamped, marked or designed as to indicate they are to be used only on local commercial motor vehicles and, in addition to such stamp, mark or design, the letter "F" shall also be displayed on local commercial motor vehicle license plates issued to motor vehicles used for farm or farming transportation operations as defined in section 301.010 in the manner prescribed by the advisory committee established in section 301.129*. Reorganization Act of 1974 - or - Concurrent Resolutions Having Force & Effect of Law. 539, A.L. The commission's designee may waive the penalty pursuant to this subsection for good cause. The fees for commercial motor vehicles, trailers, semitrailers, and driveaway vehicles, other than those to be operated under agreements as provided for in sections 301.271 to 301.279 shall be payable not later than the last day of February of each year, except when such vehicle is licensed between April first and July first the fee shall be three-fourths the annual fee, when licensed between July first and October first the fee shall be one-half the annual fee and when licensed on or after October first the fee shall be one-fourth the annual fee. Commercial trailer plates issued pursuant to this section shall in all other respects conform to and have the same requirements as those issued pursuant to subsection 3 of section 301.067. Amounts that do not constitute state revenue under this section shall also not constitute fees for registration or certificates of title to be collected by the director of the department of revenue under section 301.190. The director of revenue shall retain all physicians' statements and all other documents received in connection with a person's application for disabled license plates and/or disabled windshield placards. 2012 H.B. Historic motor vehicles, permanent registration, fee license plates annual mileage allowed, record to be kept penalty. Every motor vehicle and every motor-drawn vehicle shall be equipped with at least two rear lamps, not less than fifteen inches or more than seventy-two inches above the ground upon which the vehicle stands, which when lighted will exhibit a red light plainly visible from a distance of five hundred feet to the rear. The director of revenue may order any person issued disabled person license plates or windshield placards to submit to an examination by a chiropractor, osteopath, or physician, or to such other investigation as will determine whether such person qualifies for the special plates or placards. (1984) Conviction for "stealing by deceit" requires proof that the victim relied on the defendant's false pretense or representation; no reliance is shown when store employees are fully aware of acts later sought to be made the basis of a false pretense. License plates may be transferred from a motor vehicle which will no longer be operated to a newly purchased motor vehicle by the owner of such vehicles. 2021 H.B. Any person desiring to obtain a special personalized license plate for any motor vehicle the person owns, either solely or jointly, other than an apportioned motor vehicle or a commercial motor vehicle licensed in excess of twenty-four thousand pounds gross weight shall apply to the director of revenue on a form provided by the director and shall pay a fee of fifteen dollars in addition to the regular registration fees. 7. When the newly purchased vehicle is of less horsepower, gross weight or (in the case of a passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle) seating capacity, for which a lesser fee is prescribed, the applicant shall not be entitled to a refund. Motor vehicle registration periods commercial plates, requirements proration authorized for larger commercial vehicles. 301.131. If you receive two plates, you must place one on the front and one on the back of your vehicle. CROSS REFERENCES: Consular identification plates, RSMo 26.140 Farm tractors exempted from provisions requiring display of number plates, RSMo 304.260. Plates removed on transfer or sale of vehicles use by purchaser reregistration use of dealer plates temporary permits, fees credit, when additional temporary license plate may be purchased, when salvage vehicles, temporary permits rulemaking . The director may also establish categories of special license plates from which license plates may be issued. The director of revenue shall issue rules and regulations setting the standards and establishing the procedure for application for and issuance of the special personalized license plates and shall provide a deadline each year for the applications. 2004 H.B. 367, et al. At the time the disabled plates or windshield hanging placards are issued, the director shall issue a registration certificate which shall include the applicant's name, address, and other identifying information as prescribed by the director, or if issued to an agency, such agency's name and address. on the effective date of such enacted statutory section. If at any time an individual who obtained disabled license plates issued under this subsection no longer occupies a residence with a physically disabled person, or no longer owns a vehicle that is operated at least fifty percent of the time by a physically disabled person, such individual shall surrender the disabled license plates to the department within thirty days of becoming ineligible for their use. (L. 1977 S.B. When a person to whom disabled person license plates or a removable or temporary windshield placard or both have been issued dies, the personal representative of the decedent or such other person who may come into or otherwise take possession of the disabled license plates or disabled windshield placard shall return the same to the director of revenue under penalty of law. 881, A.L. 894 & 1517, A.L. The director of revenue shall establish and issue special personalized license plates containing letters or numbers or combinations of letters and numbers. A person commits the offense of stealing if he or she: (1)Appropriates property or services of another with the purpose to deprive him or her thereof, either without his or her consent or by means of deceit or coercion; (2)Attempts to appropriate anhydrous ammonia or liquid nitrogen of another with the purpose to deprive him or her thereof, either without his or her consent or by means of deceit or coercion; or. 4. 505 & 471, A.L. Every new passenger car, new commercial motor vehicle, motor-drawn vehicle and omnibus with a capacity of more than six passengers registered in this state after January 1, 1966, when operated on a highway, shall also carry at the rear at least two approved red reflectors, at least one at each side, so designed, mounted on the vehicle and maintained as to be visible during the times when lighted lamps are required from all distances within five hundred to fifty feet from such vehicle when directly in front of a motor vehicle displaying lawful undimmed headlamps. 1. 301.320. 307.075. 2001 H.B. 9. 1045, A.L. The director of revenue shall enter into reciprocity agreements with other states or the federal government for the purpose of recognizing disabled person license plates or windshield placards issued to physically disabled persons. 560, A.L. 301.320. (3)For the purpose of depriving the owner of a lawful interest therein, receives, retains or disposes of property of another knowing that it has been stolen, or believing that it has been stolen. 5. Revised Statutes of Missouri, Missouri law . The director may stagger the requirement of a physician's statement on all renewals for the initial implementation of an** eight-year period. The medical or other records of the physician or other authorized health care practitioner who issued a physician's statement shall be open to inspection and review by such practitioner's licensing board, in order to verify compliance with this section. The boards shall cooperate with the director and shall supply information requested pursuant to this subsection. 1981 H.B. 207, A.L. 271), Child support, retention of erroneously paid support to be crime of stealing, when, 454.531. Title XIX MOTOR VEHICLES, WATERCRAFT AND AVIATION. Errors / suggestions - Failure to display the registration plate required by this section shall constitute a class A misdemeanor. 2004 S.B. It tracks statistics for arrest data and conviction data using Charge Codes. Each temporary permit issued shall be securely fastened to the back or rear of the motor vehicle in a manner and place on the motor vehicle consistent with registration plates so that all parts and qualities of the temporary permit thereof shall be plainly and clearly visible, reasonably clean and are not impaired in any way. The appropriation of any property or services of a type listed in subsection 2, 3, 5, or 6 of this section or of a value of seven hundred fifty dollars or more may be considered a separate felony and may be charged in separate counts. All commercial motor vehicles and trailers registered pursuant to this section or to be operated under reciprocity agreements shall be registered annually, or in the discretion of the state highways and transportation commission, staggered in such manner as to be registered for a one-year period beginning on the first day of a quarter during such year and in such manner as the commission may determine by regulation. The director shall not apply the provisions of this statute in a way that violates the Missouri or United States Constitutions as interpreted by the courts with controlling authority in the state of Missouri. 1062 & 929, A.L. 131, A.L. 2018 S.B. 2380). This section and chapter 536 are nonseverable and if any of the powers vested with the general assembly pursuant to chapter 536 to review, to delay the effective date, or to disapprove and annul a rule are subsequently held unconstitutional, then the grant of rulemaking authority and any rule proposed or adopted after August 28, 2001, shall be invalid and void. The owner of the historic vehicle shall be responsible for keeping a log of the miles driven for personal use each calendar year. 635, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1986 H.B. 1410 merged with S.B. In Missouri, it is required by law to display a license plate on both the front and back of any motor vehicle up to a certain size. Such log must be kept in the historic vehicle when the vehicle is driven on any state road. (1986) This section does not apply where a debtor uses false information to get an extension on an outstanding debt. 1989 S.B. The temporary windshield placard shall conform to the specifications, in respect to size, color, and content, as set forth in federal regulations published by the Department of Transportation. The removable windshield placard shall conform to the specifications, in respect to size, color, and content, as set forth in federal regulations published by the Department of Transportation. 1093, A.L. 4. 70, A.L. 22. 1. Motor vehicles and trailers in the course of delivery from a manufacturer to a dealer, or from one dealer to another, may be operated on the highways without number plates being attached thereto, provided they bear on the front and on the rear, substantially as provided for number plates, a placard displaying the words "In Transit" and the number 8. Any rule or portion of a rule, as that term is defined in section 536.010, that is created under the authority delegated in this section shall become effective only if it complies with and is subject to all of the provisions of chapter 536 and, if applicable, section 536.028. Notwithstanding any other requirements for the issuance of a temporary permit under this section, an individual obtaining a temporary permit for the purpose of operating a motor vehicle to and from an examination facility as prescribed in this subsection shall also purchase the required motor vehicle examination form which is required to be completed for an examination under subsection 9 of section 301.190 and provide satisfactory evidence that such vehicle has passed a motor vehicle safety inspection for such vehicle as required in section 307.350. 12 CSR 10-23.020 Dealer Registration (Rescinded April 29, 1991) AUTHORITY: section 301.251, RSMo 1986. If a violation of this section is subject to enhanced punishment based on prior findings of guilt, such findings of guilt shall be pleaded and proven in the same manner as required by section 558.021. 24. It has since evolved into other non-law enforcement uses post-9/11 and is now used in the hiring practices of . 1947 V. I p. 380, A. 1996 H.B. Reorganization Act of 1974 - or - Concurrent Resolutions Having Force & Effect of Law. The primary purpose of motor vehicle license plates is to identify motor vehicles. The director of the department of revenue shall have authority to produce or allow others to produce a weather resistant, nontearing temporary permit authorizing the operation of a motor vehicle or trailer by a buyer for not more than thirty days, or no more than ninety days if issued by a dealer selling the motor vehicle under the provisions of section 301.213, or no more than sixty days if issued by a dealer selling the motor vehicle under the provisions of subsection 5 of section 301.210, from the date of purchase. The director of the department of revenue or a producer authorized by the director of the department of revenue may make temporary permits available to registered dealers in this state, authorized agents of the department of revenue or the department of revenue. 12 CSR 10-23.010 Dealer Plate Allocation (Rescinded July 14, 1982) AUTHORITY: section 301.250.4, RSMo 1978. 1233, et al. 991 merged with S.B. 1. The exceptions include motorcycles, vehicles with historic Year of Manufacture registrations, and commercial vehicles registered for 18,000 lbs or above. 1993 S.B. Such temporary plate is only authorized for use when the matching actual plate is affixed to the vehicle in the manner prescribed in subsection 5 of section 301.130. Duty to maintain financial responsibility, residents and nonresidents inoperable or stored vehicles, voluntary suspension of registration misdemeanor penalty for violations exception, methods court to notify department of revenue, additional punishment, right of appeal. Where the owner's application is based on the fact that the vehicle is used at least fifty percent of the time by a physically disabled person, the applicant shall submit a statement stating this fact, in addition to the physician's statement. 1. 301.030. 2007 S.B. 8-132 K.S.A. 4. 1092 merged with H.B. If you have frames around your license plates, the Missouri State Highway Patrol reminds you that the frames must not cover any part of the plates. In the event a removable or temporary windshield placard is lost, stolen, or mutilated, the lawful holder thereof shall, within five days, file with the director of revenue an application and an affidavit stating such fact, in order to purchase a new placard. 957 merged with S.B. License plates, required slogan and information special plates plates, how displayed tabs to be used rulemaking authority, procedure. 2013 S.B. 2014 S.B. 3. 19. < > Effective - 28 Aug 2020, 8 histories. 2018 S.B. Any person who removes, covers, alters or defaces, or causes to be destroyed, removed, covered, altered or defaced, the manufacturer's number, the motor number or other distinguishing number on any motor vehicle, or number or other distinguishing number on any motor vehicle tire . Renewal applications received after the first day of the third calendar month immediately prior to the registration shall be assessed a penalty of one hundred dollars. State v. The value of property or services appropriated pursuant to one scheme or course of conduct, whether from the same or several owners and whether at the same or different times, constitutes a single criminal episode and may be aggregated in determining the grade of the offense, except as set forth in subsection 10 of this section. No refunds shall be made on the unused portion of any license plates surrendered for such credit. Any person currently in possession of an approved personalized license plate shall have first priority on that particular plate for each of the following years that timely and appropriate application is made. 307.075. Errors / suggestions - 15. (1998) Two dollar fee for handicapped tags violated Americans With Disabilities Act,McGarry v. Director, Department of Revenue, 7 F.Supp.2d 1022 (W.D.Mo.). 2015 S.B. 1995 S.B. Reorganization Act of 1974 - or - Concurrent Resolutions Having Force & Effect of Law. The owner shall pay a transfer fee of two dollars if the newly purchased vehicle is of horsepower, gross weight or (in the case of a passenger-carrying commercial motor vehicle) seating capacity, not in excess of that of the vehicle which will no longer be operated. Historic vehicles may be driven to and from repair facilities one hundred miles from the vehicle's location, and in addition may be driven up to one thousand miles per year for personal use. 2013 S.B. Upon the transfer of ownership of any currently registered motor vehicle wherein the owner cannot transfer the license plates due to a change of motor vehicle category, the owner may surrender the license plates issued to the motor vehicle and receive credit for any unused portion of the original registration fee against the registration fee of another motor vehicle. failed to properly affix/display tab on motor vehicle license plate $30.50; $64.50: $95.00. 1233, et al., A.L. 1153, A.L. (L. 1955 p. 620, A.L. An owner shall make a new application and pay a new fee each year such owner desires to obtain or retain special personalized license plates; however, notwithstanding the provisions of subsection 8 of section 301.130 to the contrary, the director shall allow the special personalized license plates to be replaced with new plates every three years without any additional charge, above the fee established in this section, to the renewal applicant. Such placard shall bear a number and shall be in such form as the director of revenue shall determine, and shall be only used for demonstrations when displayed substantially as provided for number plates on the rear of the repossessed motor vehicle or trailer. All commercial motor vehicles and trailers registered pursuant to this section or to be operated under reciprocity agreements shall be registered annually, or in the discretion of the state . 1987 H.B. Title XXXVIII CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT; PEACE OFFICERS AND PUBLIC DEFENDERS. Any current registration or plate for which all fees have been paid for a commercial trailer previously issued pursuant to reciprocity agreements shall remain valid even if such agreements no longer require apportionment of such trailers under such agreements, and such trailers may continue to be registered pursuant to this section. Errors / suggestions - 2018 S.B. 683), Historic motor vehicles exempt from emission inspection, 643.315, use this link to bookmark section 301.131. on the effective date of such enacted statutory section. 1. 2007 S.B. rsmo mo code ncic code submit finger-prints yes, no, opt ucr code literal description 407.1079. m: a: . 301.144. 303.025. The statement shall be signed by both the owner of the vehicle and the physically disabled person. The director shall, in cooperation with the boards which shall assist the director, establish a list of all Missouri physicians and other authorized health care practitioners and of any other information necessary to administer this section. 2. 2009 H.B. 7. Chapter 301. The placard shall be renewable only by the person or entity to which the placard was originally issued. 1983 H.B. As used in sections 301.141 to 301.143, the following terms mean: 2009 H.B. The permit shall be valid for a period of thirty days, or no more than ninety days if issued by a dealer selling the motor vehicle under the provisions of section 301.213, or no more than sixty days if issued by a dealer selling the motor vehicle under the provisions of subsection 5 of section 301.210, from the date of purchase of a motor vehicle or trailer, or from the date of sale of the motor vehicle or trailer by a motor vehicle dealer for which the purchaser obtains a permit as set out above. Such license plates shall be made with fully reflective material with a common color scheme and design, shall be clearly visible at night, and shall be aesthetically attractive, as prescribed by section 301.130. If such applicant obtaining a disabled license plate or placard presents proof of disability in the form of a statement from the United States Veterans' Administration verifying that the person is permanently disabled, the applicant shall be exempt from the eight-year certification requirement of this subsection for renewal of the plate or placard. 470 301.140 and C merged with S.B. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, any person who has retired from any branch of the United States Armed Forces or reserves, the United States Coast Guard or reserve, the United States Merchant Marines or reserve, the National Guard, or any subdivision of any such services shall be exempt from the additional fee required for personalized license plates issued pursuant to section 301.441. 301.130. 19, A.L. (5)The property appropriated or attempted to be appropriated is owned by or in the custody of a financial institution and the property is taken or attempted to be taken physically from an individual person to deprive the owner or custodian of the property. 7. < > Effective - 28 Aug 1949. 1999 H.B. Plug-in electric-drive vehicles. Title XIX MOTOR VEHICLES, WATERCRAFT AND AVIATION. 2020 H.B. use this link to bookmark section 301.140. on the effective date of such enacted statutory section. 1. The validated registration receipt given to the applicant shall serve as the registration certificate. 10. State v. Grainger, 721 S.W.2d 237 (Mo.App.). Revised Statutes of Missouri, Missouri law . 6. 1979 S.B. Taillamps, reflectors violations, penalty. 1998 H.B. Missouri Legislature, all rights reserved. 1153, A.L. 511, A.L. There are established twelve registration periods, each of which shall start on the first day of each calendar month of the year and shall end on the last date of the twelfth month from the date of beginning. 9. *Section 301.129 was repealed by H.B. ), 684 S.W.2d 576. (RSMo 1939 8382, A.L. 70, A.L. 9. Upon the transfer of ownership of any motor vehicle or trailer, the certificate of registration and the right to use the number plates shall expire and the number plates shall be removed by the owner at the time of the transfer of possession, and it shall be unlawful for any person other than the person to whom such number plates were originally issued to have the same in his or her possession whether in use or not, unless such possession is solely for charitable purposes; except that the buyer of a motor vehicle or trailer who trades in a motor vehicle or trailer may attach the license plates from the traded-in motor vehicle or trailer to the newly purchased motor vehicle or trailer.
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