He is currently the frontman of the bands Alpha Rev[2] and Flying Colors, as well as his own Casey McPherson. There have been allegations of an incomplete or improper police investigation on this case. They described the police force as being so incredibly corrupt. "From the very first, it just didn't feel right to me," he says. To me, the majority of this story took place in the apartment. Police and EMTs arrived to find Caleb, motionless on the living room floor. They then retrieved the drink and took it back to Casey and Barbara's apartment. By the time emergency services got there, Caleb had died and Casey was starting to have seizures. For current Fan Club membership options and policies, please visithttps://crimejunkieapp.com/library/. Casey was dead, along with his childhood friend Caleb Guillory, on the Caribbean island of Anguilla, where the two men -- with their wives and another couple -- had gathered to spend the holiday. The other file would be an investigation and that they would be suspects; therefore, they wouldnt be able to leave the island. Casey started his career in his twenties when he formed the band Endochine. "Right from the beginning, they said they were poisoned," says Pomeroy. But, by 10 PM, Caleb would be dead, and Casey would be rushed to the hospital, dying shortly after arrival. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guil MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory Crime Junkie He is an advocate of the sound-health connection, using music to engage the brain to improve communication and motor function in children with rare neurological diseases like his daughter Rose. Actor Peter McPherson in a scene from Others. ?______, Poisoned to death (amongst strangulation, bruised face, cardiac arrest and other things): You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Upon arrival, Caleb Guillory was found motionless, laying on his back on the living room floor of the spacious 2-bed, 2-bath, apartment. A refusal of four witnesses to participate in the coronial inquest. Making it seem that they were the victims in this situation, indicating that that did what was told to be able to get off the island, being forced to pay people off, as they felt unsafe. The Mysterious Death Of Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory Not Another True Crime Podcast True Crime This week Sara, Danny and Casey return from the weirdest 4th of That was something special about him that he never missed a birthday. ~ Debanee, Caseys sister. As I heard more of the story and also that the coroners report stated strangulation, that is when it starts to sound fishy. After the breakup of Endochine, Casey went on to start Alpha Rev in 2005 which was ranked the #1 indie band in Texas, and the #16 indie band nationwide. Remember, no charges were laid against any one of these individuals. You could call it his double life because essentially, he was leading a double life. But before the proverbial ball could drop, they were both dead. No charges were laid against any of the individuals even though at least one individual in the group was in possession of illegal substances.In order to secure release from police custody, law enforcement had requested a fee totaling $40000 to be paid, presumably $10,000 per individual being held. "I don't recall getting any explanation of anything that made any kind of sense at all," Pomeroy tells PEOPLE in the new issue. Tenderfoot TV, Resonate Recordings & Cadence13. Was this Murder Victim also a Serial Killer? Description. At a young age, he lost both his father[4] and brother to suicide. And why set the drink down regardless? Why wouldnt he know about her? He went on to dedicate over a decade of service to helping others face mental health and prevent suicide by sitting on the boards of prestigious mental health organizations. 10 Brilliant Ways 90's Fashion Is Making a Comeback This Fall, This Is Why Horror and True Crime Stories Get Thousands of Reads, The Hunter-Killer Club Narcissist | True Crime. View the profiles of people named Casey McPherson. Caleb and his wife, Carly, and another of the two men's childhood friends, Chuck Gros, and his wife Alisha, had gone to visit them. So sorry for what your family is going through. The problem is because when this drug is made, it is mixed with other things and it is never know how much of the drug is actually being taken. "Barbara did almost all the talking," says Pomeroy. All rights reserved, Privacy Policy|Online Content Agreement. Barbara, who says she also became sick from the drink, "feels this was no accident and that someone intentionally tainted" the beverage, her attorney says in the letter. The in-depth article examines how two healthy young men died suddenly on New Years Eve in 2018 on the resort island of Anguilla. As laid out by Barbara's attorney, Marshall Whitney, in a Nov. 20, 2019, letter regarding her claim to Casey's life insurance policy, Barbara and the two men had stopped at an outdoor beach bar on the night of Dec. 30 and bought a single rum-and-Coke that was left unattended while they went looking for Casey's lost flip-flop. With his role in Others, McPherson is the first professional actor living with HIV intentionally cast to play an HIV-positive film lead. Just carry it with you to go find your shoes. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory. The crime committed is bad enough, but the apparent cover-up by their wives and Anguillan authorities has made this situation all the more painful for us. Copyright 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Casey is the Music Director at Riverbend in Austin. Therefore, MDA pharmacologically works almost the same as MDMA. Casey would not want that.' According to a source on the island, cocaine was located in Alicias makeup bag, and pills containing either MDMA or MDA were found in her handbag. A location renowned for its fishing and the town of the founding father of the island nation. The level of MDA found in Caseys toxicology test, completed several days after death, was 6100 ng/ml. At 9:49 p.m., according to police, Alisha Gros called to report that "one of her friends [was] not breathing." Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory had plans to ring in the new year on the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. Casey also launched an app for musicians and performers called SkaFlash, a software program designed to more easily connect fans to the bands and performers they follow. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory about a year ago 47:18 Subscribe Play Share Play Later Like MP3 Episode home Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory had plans to ring in the new year on the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. Red Banyan Group. (LogOut/ Changing stories of what actually happened that fateful evening. She and TJ Ward are immediately available for interviews,which can be arranged by contacting Kelcey Kintner of Red Banyan, which is representing the family and coordinating all media requests. Initial statements indicated that the party of 6 (3 couples) returned from a local beach bar, just 2-3 minutes walk from Casey and Barbaras apartment shortly after 9 PM only to realize that Casey had forgotten his shoes. To be continued (audio to be transcribed and some documents to be attached). What happened to them was muddied by bare-bones police reports as well as a series of statements Barbara allegedly made to friends and relatives that, some say, raise more questions than answers. A True Crime Publication that looks into both new crimes and long lost forgotten crimes. We asked Debanee if there were any known marital issues Casey and Barbara. So thats what these other two couples were doing. By the age of twenty-three, Casey had lost both his father and brother to suicide. Want to keep up with the latest crime coverage? 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Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory had plans to ring in the new year on the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. Or, if they went on a trip, they would all go together. After mourning their deaths, he dedicated over a decade to help others face mental health and prevent suicide. Next they break down the Ghislane Maxwell backstory and how Yolanda Hadid possibly fits into the equation. In 2018, Casey's youngest daughter Rose was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease, HNRNPH2. Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy, left, and Caleb Guillory. The four people with them that night havent spoken publicly about the incident since -- and until they do, the mystery of what happened to Casey and Caleb will remain on the island. The four people with them that night havent spoken publicly about the incident since -- and until they do, the mystery of what happened to Casey and Caleb will remain on the Childhood friends Casey Scott MacPherson and Caleb Guillory were reuniting in Anguilla for a New Years celebration with their wives and friends. That really didn't sit well with us.". The story has now changed to Barbara supposedly also drinking from the one shared drink and also went back with them to the beach bar and that she was poisoned as well because she got sick when they got home and was in the bathroom throwing up. He was always in a good mood and looking for a fun time. Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory had plans to ring in the new year on the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. Days later, the four surviving friends dropped by the Pomeroy home in Eagle Point, Oregon, where the men had grown up. I was just wondering if the 2 wives knew eachother before they married their husbands?? ", When Casey's sister, Debanee MacPherson-Udall, and others held a fundraising event last October to pay private investigator T.J. Ward to look into the case, Barbara and Carly sent a statement reading, in part, "We find their pursuits to be replete with misstatements and believe they are unproductive. Casey had enrolled in the islands St. James School of Medicine after deciding on a. Red Banyan is a specialized communications firm andcrisis managementfirm focused on solving complex, highly sensitive and mission-critical communications challenges. Carley (Caleb Guillorys wife):_______?? The Royal Anguilla Police Force has announced no charges in the case, despite Barbara's assertion to friends that she and Chuck Gros initially were charged with manslaughter but were let go without prosecution, "as we had suffered enough. (LogOut/ ", Says MacPherson-Udall: "I think they all have something to hide.". Miami, Florida, July 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The family members of two American men who died in Anguilla under mysterious circumstances are heartened and grateful that their story is now the focus of an outstanding cover story by Jeff Truesdell in this weeks edition of People Magazine. Caleb's death certificate also noted that he had suffered from asphyxia, strangulation and chest compression; Casey's cited seizure and cardiac and pulmonary distress. Medical student and actor/producer Casey Scott MacPherson Pomeroy and his childhood friend Caleb Wilder Guillory mysteriously died on the Caribbean island of Anguilla, December 30, 2018. To date, details on how this tragedy happened are still unclear, only this was no accident. Those outspoken silenced. That would b a good question to ask them, it could b a case of the wives took out policies on the husbands, and trying to collect! Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory had plans to ring in the new year on the beautiful Caribbean island of Anguilla. Several tissue samples were taken to complete toxicology reports. This was the story given by the 4 witnesses when they returned from the island. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Barbara was wanting Casey to get a job because she felt like he was taking advantage of her because she was the sole provider for them.so she wanting him to get a permanent job and I think that was a strain on their relationship. The Mysterious Death Of Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory. And, if she wouldnt have thrown up, she would have died too. Was she upset about that? They probably all decided to take the drug and usually it is mixed in liquid so that can explain why they shared. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: The Family in Anaqua Springs. All either declined through an attorney or did not respond to multiple requests by PEOPLE to be interviewed. Casey's cause of death seemed to indicate that he was poisoned. They left the island, and the bodies of the two deceased men were cremated. Learn more athttp://www.redbanyan.com, become a fan on the Red BanyanFacebookpage and follow the firm onTwitterandLinkedIn. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF: Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory. Debanee has provided a little more information about this pathologist. But before the proverbial ball could drop, they were both dead. Casey and Caleb, then left the apartment to retrieve Caseys shoes. Go to HomeChef.com/natcp or use promo code natcp at checkout for $30 off!Learn more about your ad choices. The four people with them that night havent spoken publicly about the incident since -- and until they do, the mystery of what happened to Casey and Caleb will remain on the island. In her quest to reveal the facts and ensure that justice is served, MacPherson-Udall has retained renowned private investigator TJ Ward, who is best known for the Natalie Holloway case. MDA and MDMA (often known as Molly or ecstasy) share a comparable chemical structure. But before the proverbial ball could drop, they were both dead. I hate that the family is going through and cant seem to get any corporation out fo the his without the corporation of the Anguillan Police Department. Ashley Flowers Cri Casey MacPherson-Pomeroy and Caleb Guillory had plans to ring in the new year on the beautiful And why was the drink left sitting there while only two of the three went to go look for a flip flop? To celebrate New Year's Eve, they were joined that December by two of Casey's childhood buddies, Caleb Guillory and Chuck Gros, along with their wives. We need these witnesses to return to Anguilla and share what they know, Ward said. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. Law enforcement indicates that the other four individuals (Barbara, Carly, Chuck, and Alicia) appeared absent-minded and therefore taken to the Princess Alexandria Hospital for a wellness check. Before the day ended on December 30th, 2018, after a day with close friends at the home of Casey and Barbara Pomeroy, 37-year-olds Casey MacPherson Pomeroy and long-time friend Caleb Guillory lost their lives. After Texas Elementary School Shooting, Boy George Comes Cleanand Tries to Come BackAfter Heroin Addiction and His Pals' Drug Deaths, Nathan Chen Deserves a Nap! His life with Barbara and then his life in Los Angeles with the other friends and people and other relationships. The four people with them that night havent spoken publicly about the incident since -- and until they do, the mystery of what happened to Casey and Caleb will remain on the island. All you have to do is take a 30 second quiz and their algorithm matches you to wines you'll love! ", In 2011 he was invited to be lead singer and songwriter for Flying Colors, a supergroup with ex-Dream Theater drummer Mike Portnoy, guitarist Steve Morse and bassist Dave LaRue of the Dixie Dregs, and keyboardist Neal Morse, formerly of Spock's Beard. Go to brightcellars.com/NATC to receive 50% off your first 6-bottle box.Home Chef: Home Chef is the #1 customer rated meal kit company. Since news of their mysterious deaths, two Anguillan journalists who publicly raised questions about the Police Commissioners mishandling of the case were arrested and jailed. Casey is an outspoken voice, active member and fundraiser in the fields of rare genetic disease, mental health, and parenting. 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