(245) In August, FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb referred to the CDC guidelines as a commendable initial step, and said that his agency was working on developing evidence-based guidelines that would look at opioid prescribing. (217) A: Im impressed with your compassion toward someone you dislike, and I think your inclination to care for her kids despite how difficult their mother may be is commendable . (38) Your extensive knowledge of and experience with deafness is commendable . . The way you collaborate and cooperate amongst one another is truly commendable. (73) With commendable dispatch, it was completed and presented to the legislature in March 188. (285) Define "commendable" in one sentence, define "commendable" in one word. 6. . (82) Gilbert acted with commendable energy when attempting to stamp out the fighting on his team. 59 other terms for commendable effort- words and phrases . (112) Overall, thinking on children's needs, despite its commendable focus on specific categories, was incomplete. (174) Unfortunately, with a commendable shift to shredding appraisals after three or five years, such longitudinal data may be non-existent. - John Wooden. (279) "commendable" meaning in english, "commendable" definitions. (276) What is "commendable" definition and meaning? (113) Although the council is often described as conservative, this report exhibits a commendable fair-mindedness . Your commitment to the cause is highly commendable. (52) For a company that looks to be struggling to survive, this is pretty commendable. n . The effect, rather than a commendable attempt to resist offering facile explanations, is to glorify the crimes and make them seem acceptable. 1. . Short & Simple Example Sentence For Commendable | Commendable Sentence. (51) This mans hygiene is hardly commendable when it becomes an excuse for rudeness. Commendable definition, worthy of praise: She did a commendable job of informing all the interested parties. (108) 1The material is presented at the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is commendable. A simple sentence with "commendable"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. (265) How do you write a good sentence with "commendable"? None of these are bad things, in fact, striving for recognition and a promotion is quite commendable. Bitter pills may have wholesome effort . (Page 3 of 3) Verily thou hast come at my meaning with a commendable quickness. (71) The decision doubtless sought to correct a historical wrong, which is highly commendable. With commendable promptitude, he caught Harrison by the collar and held him firmly, while Agnes and Dotty recovered their balance. How many can you get right? We are fortunate to be able to witness and work amongst an industry expert such as you. Email: info@translateen.com, 1. Disclaimer (149) To be a rainbow in someones cloud is commendable, but I prefer to be the rain because it dampens cheeks and washes away tears. The designer's story behind these creations is compelling, and the fact that she uses her popularity to promote the rescue of stray animals is highly commendable. . (88) However commendable prudence may be as an accounting concept, decline will put it under pressure. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); His determination in trying to find out who, and what she is, is, Again, if it is something one has an interest in reading, he does a most, Serving the disabled in a way that's more than, Their allegiance to each other is unfaltering and, Your current work in the area of cyber bullying is very, This is Berenson's first novel, and he does a, That the Appendix on Radiant Communication was indexed is, His compassion for his countrymen is also, Shia and Trent's love for one another and commitment were, Unfortunately, GRB has more in common with Stephen King's worst habits than his, Interpreting the General Letters has at least three, I am a full time inventor and found the advice, Norway is doing a much better on this front recently, which is, Her determination to get out of the situation she was in no matter what was, Her attempt to tap other sources of funding is, I never did fall in love with it, but it's, His courage in killing lead characters is, Under the " new regime " the Turkish government displayed, Surely these could have been integrated with the other thirty pages of, Columbus'Larry Mize is even a stroke better after a, Although there was a disappointing snag to my day, the way management handled it was, To mix all of this together in a decent story is, Plus, their focus on locally grown and organic food is very, It's innocent and fun and his passionate attentions are highly, Novick argues that historical objectivity is an illusory and unobtainable goal, however, Your speed in reporting, printing and distribution is highly, In this case, McGrath's basic intention is both, Its lectures on how to utilize board space and pieces are, The heroism of just carrying on during a typical day with a child so tormented is, Radclyffe's attention to detail with all of her characters is, The other dishes also deserve the 5 star and The service is, A willingness to continue one's education and expand one's knowledge is exceptional and, This was pretty good, although not the best I've had, but, The accountability that comes with this is, For purposes other than electoral forecasting such close estimates would be regarded as highly, The way the author has juxtaposed that issue in this story is, They meshed so well together and their restraint was very, The way the author handled the comedy and the wittiness in the series was, The goal of returning the art to the countries was so, The service, food quantity, table side manners, and waiting service is very, The transition from scene to scene is quite, Having more students from economically challenged backgrounds is truly very, I love Dianne Duvall's heroines, and Krysta is a perfect example of what makes them so. How to use Commendable in a Sentence. By signing in, you agree to our Terms and Conditions (176) One is the sabotaging of separate, commendable efforts by Moon Jae-in, South Koreas president, to restore bilateral trust and cooperation. (197) Grassley said in a statement Wednesday that Sessionss leadership, integrity and dedication to our country as Attorney General are admirable and commendable . Linguazza.com website aggregates word and phrase usages for educational and informational purposes worthy of praise: She did a commendable job of informing all the interested parties. Congratulations for Looking and Doing.". What is commendable? I did not in anyway mean to attack the Romney family for adopting a child, which is truly commendable. 1. (26) Their dedication to our continued academic success is commendable . Learn how to use commendable in a sentence and make better sentences with `commendable` by reading commendable sentence examples.. Mousseau's attention to detail is commendable. sentences. Your identifying the most contentious point at issue was, 24. 13. (56) Steve Sterling did a commendable job in his first year at the helm on Long Island. (244) Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (268) Here are 100 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "commendable". Yes! He is the author of some commendable verses. (256) "commendable" - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage note. Synonyms and related words. 4. definitions. (94) Such opinions have commendable moral tone but they are perhaps not a recipe for electoral success. (220) Its a great campaign, still ongoing, and at the time the agency included a commendable effort to get West Virginia residents involved in promoting the state using social media. Sentences are more than just strings of words. It clearly concentrates the information in a, 17. use "commendable" in a sentence This immediate rush to defend coal at every turn is commendable, perhaps. I find it commendable that the department store would agree to accept returned merchandise, 3 months after it was purchased. (243) Whats even more commendable about the centers recognition is that over 96 percent of its patients are considered rural or highly rural, making it the most rural facility in the VA health care system. (66) The final draft of Simons book was commendable, and deserving of special mention. worthy of high praise. (236) While Martins story did include a black character in the 1980s, and while its commendable that hes working to raise the issue of erasure, the adaptation is working off of some shaky footing. Congratulations on your huge and marvelous success.". Your efficiency in tearing the Nation apart is, The media's role in exposing his unfortunate behaviour and upstart arrogance has been highly, Though the writing style in this work is at points abrupt, Lillback's work is truly, As a measure to minimise the risk of inadvertent launch, de-targeting is, The breathtaking performance by the tiny tots, who represented the presence of the Sindhis in different parts of the world, was, Yesterday's historic gathering at which political parties met in a warm and cordial environment is, There is a great interest in the swimming competition, which is highly, With a third set-piece similar to Elliott's previous two efforts, Steven Hammell dispatched another, Given just a couple hours to tell a tale I think all in all the folks involved did a, All cutscenes are real-time and benefit from, To read a tirade of abuse like this can only add to that trauma and make Nadia's bravery and eventual victory all the more, She had been in ill health for sometime but had borne her sickness with, The Germans looked ropey at the back but their commitment to attack is, He thought the piece she'd written on his recapture after a jail break was particularly, See, his goal of creating a mature, uplifting pop music that reaches beyond simple multiculti fusion is a, Such batteries, deployed on the South Coast, eventually achieved a, Yet the perversities of slave society bent these otherwise, Bringing cheer to the faces of the underprivileged is always a, The mass rapid transit system and the public bus services, from my own attempts in getting around, are, Make your own judgements, but I'll just mention a couple of, I mean, he may not have been white trash, but he certainly wasn't anyone, Their traditions are diverse and their contribution to the bright mosaic of Indian culture, Although the council is often described as conservative, this report exhibits a, Her incredible tenacity, perseverance and determination to succeed is a, As a president with a great sense of public relations, he may be, The chump of lamb and Scottish sirloin are, On the other hand, the fact that so many States have signed up to the Bill and, on paper at least, are attempting to conform with its standards is, Perhaps Elie avoided this approach in order to give priority to his subjects' biographies and avoid any taint of academicism, both of which are, They used electric saws and did their duty with, To conclude, I would like to emphasize that my hon. (30) Your advice to Congress and the causes you list are all commendable . Well done. (116) While this flexibility is commendable , Mr. Trumps plan will also require tens of thousands of more workers. Everything wrong with relying on employers for abortion access, What is Blockchain: Everything You Need to Know (2022), The weekends best deals: Bose QuietComfort 45, Xbox storage cards, and more, Most roadside litter comes from just down the street, 3 Halloween costumes you can make with reused masks, Brecht's Mercenary Mother Courage Turns 75, Economic Data Show That, at Last, (Many of) the Fundamentals Are Sound, Boycott the Occupation, Engage the Settlers, Tobacco; Its History, Varieties, Culture, Manufacture and Commerce, British Highways And Byways From A Motor Car. Commendable definition: Worthy of commendation ; deserving praise ; admirable , creditable or meritorious . (87) Yet the ideals for which Washington fought were commendable; those for which Lee fought were not. (129) Considering the restrictions under which she filmed,(MakeSentenceWith.com/filmed) I think she did a commendable job. 2. . Skip to content. (235) This is an admittedly low bar to apply to action scenes, but because Bay let them sink to such depths, the fact that Bumblebee elevates action back to the level of competency is commendable . Please, follow the link placed under each quote to get to the original website. Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. But some acts may be required, or at least commendable, regardless of their results. If youd like to include more positive words in your life, check out a classy and clever list of complimentary words that start with C. The Christian theologian and leader Marcion (active mid-2nd century) promulgated views that were condemned as heterodoxy. (143) In line with its free-speech credo, the organization tolerates and even fosters a commendable amount of dissent in its ranks. The following chart demonstrates that in American English, the difference between admirable effort and commendable effort has decreased since the 1970s. (241) Rather than insisting on introducing himself officially to Washington with his own music, Noseda showed a commendable willingness to immerse himself in something a little different and pull it off. Examples of 'commendable' in a sentence commendable The most commendable job, well done. happy that the State Government is making, In today's selfish and ruthless world to have positive emotions, If you get something in perspective or into perspective, you judge its real importance by . . ; Again, if it is something one has an . Answer (1 of 3): A sentence using "commendable" is, "Harry did a commendable job on his homework and received an A+." While "commendable" means "worthy of praise," it is often used to note that an action was positive. Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words. (164) He told journalists: The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia. Finally, serious thought and effort produce stronger anticipated emotions, which also propel us forward toward goal achievement. (172) These are all preparations that might be commendable were it not that the crisis they are intended to counter is entirely self-inflicted. (195) In principle, its objectives were commendable, enshrining the idea that government information belonged to the people whose taxes paid for it to be generated. Your enthusiasm is highly commendable . sentences. (247) Very little was done for education in the French and Spanish period, although the Spanish governors made commendable efforts in this regard; the first American Territorial legislature began the incorporation of feeble colleges and academies. The great man, on the other hand, could marry where he liked, not being restricted to great women; indeed, it was often found sweet and, Imagine a land where people are afraid of dragons. (225) Citing past laudable but unfilled proclamations that promise to end homelessness or traffic fatalities, critics argue that this latest goal, while commendable, is no more realistic. Congratulations.". (226) There is an important difference between commendable, tea-drinking stoicism in the face of terror and being so numbly resigned to it that we become desensitised to its consequences. Additionally, Longshot does a commendable job of teaching players the core . Your level of quality work remains unprecedented in our organization. (188) In his kindness selfless, commendable actions to party a one after another love oath, ring of hymns, was of social all circles reputably and praise. 1,865 Likes, 1 Comments - Times Now (@timesnow) on Instagram: "Team India is currently the No. see more. (229) There are many commendable California cabs, but my favorite is Ridge Monte Bello, a Bordeaux blend from a vineyard in the Santa Cruz Mountains thats predominantly cabernet sauvignon. good sentence like quote, proverb). (62) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. (165) Under the new regime the Turkish government displayed commendable energy in reconstructing and reorganizing the seapower of the empire. deserving estimable exemplary laudable meritorious praiseworthy worthy rentals antonym shield meaning telugu urdu kids what does effort mean sentence commendable american thoroughbred racehorse best define praise . (109) He wants to be judged by the content of his work and his ability as a student, and I find that commendable. distribution and much more. Keeping the tone of the message warm and friendly is essential to enhance its long term impact on the employee. 1. earnest and conscientious activity intended to do or accomplish something 2. use of physical or mental energy; hard work 3. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end 4. a notable achievement. As minister of the interior Puttkammer's activities were less commendable. (10) The government's action here is highly commendable. (142) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. having worth or merit or value; being honorable or admirable. (134) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. Delivered to your inbox! All sentences include two parts: the subject and the verb (this is also known as the predicate). (64) There is a great interest in the swimming . (278) The Word "commendable" in Example Sentences. Commendable sentence example. But not without significant aid. (39) He has great strength for a bowler of his height and a commendable runup. (105) The media's role in exposing his unfortunate behaviour and upstart arrogance has been highly commendable. (21) Your advice to Congress and the causes you list are all commendable. (219) While Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents did a commendable job in arresting a wanted man, they failed miserably in discharging their basic moral and humanitarian duty. commendable effort, with significant benefits for the global economy. (61) For a company that looks to be struggling to survive, this is pretty commendable . Cautious; 2. Steve Sterling did a commendable job in his first year at the helm on Long Island. adjective. . (136) The fact that Dobson periodically addresses the issue of wife abuse in his speaking and writing is commendable in itself. English How to use "commendable" in a sentence . Translator. Our efforts to improve the environment are, His bravery, in the face on a large obstacle, is, The philanthropic efforts of the charity are, Despite the increased traffic, visitors did a, But for a limited year in an unstable offense, Jackson's numbers are, The decision doubtless sought to correct a historical wrong, which is highly, The level of commitment to specific ideas within those plots, however, is, Any consideration for the feelings of others is, The encouragement given to research by him despite institutional financial constraints was highly, Despite its necessity, the quality of urban transport was not, Few, if any other, fantasy sequences take this most, Curry found himself alone on Harden several times and did a, Your efforts to keep our campus community safe while delivering instruction are, She returned home after the war with a very, The government's act of passing a law to protect whistleblowers is, He presents Stuck as an imperfect but still, It almost goes without saying that this is a gesture of, Spending on methane leakage and improving efficiency of operations is, There are times when perseverance in the face of many challenges may be, Yet in other potentially divisive cases the court demonstrated, Education that opposes racism in all its forms, past and present, is obviously, Irwin's grace in the face of a changing depth chart has been, The ongoing effort to improve the quality of our products is, While research institutes and former officials have made. (80) For all the commendable fitness and focus on display, the match was not great entertainment. (123) 2In that case, Mr Jonathan's own ambition could stymie his commendable aims for the rest of this term of office. How to use commend in a sentence. . Meanwhile, Horace Grant did a commendable job on Chris Webber. In A Sentence.me. It is a reasonable fear: dragons possess a number of qualities that make being afraid of them a very commendable response. commendable - 8 adjectives with the meaning of commendable (sentence examples) 29 related questions found. You can appropriate the intended meaning in your choice of sentence. related terms and expressions, topic (40) It is a commendable display of participatory democracy that we badly need. Considering the restrictions under which she filmed, I think she did a, 21. Explain the importance and positive nature of your letter. - "commendable" in a sentence. (253) If you had to explain to someone who was learning English what "commendable" is, what would you say? (150) State Senate leaders took a commendable step last week by approving a new human-resources office to handle misconduct complaints. nouns. (6) it's a commendable to treasure your own life. For all its meticulous scholarship and indefatigable research, Smiths commendable study exhibits some relatively condonable shortcomings. Synonyms for COMMENDABLE: admirable, meritorious, laudable, excellent, worthy, praiseworthy, impressive, applaudable; Antonyms of COMMENDABLE: reprehensible . Sentence Examples. The actors do a commendable job with what they're given, but the delivery on occasion is fairly rigid. (45) We will see what happens, President Trump tweeted, with commendable caution. (151) Yesterday's historic gathering at which political parties met in a warm and cordial environment is commendable and a breakthrough. 8. (180) That is reasonable and Metrucks efforts to improve public faith in port management by maintaining a high bar of accountability are commendable. to entrust for care or preservation; to recommend as worthy of confidence or notice; to mention with approbation : praise See the full definition St. Petersburg city officials are exploring how to cut down on single-use plastic straws, The twist is telegraphed fairly early on, however, and while it's, Compared to many of our other alcohol feedstocks, such as barley or grapes, this growth cycle is considerably longer, and requires a bit more long-term planning, so finding a way to repurpose some of the byproducts into new materials is, This is the best 100 % free website I have ever been on and I am grateful to God and the Administrative team for their, In The Virtue of Hate Meir Soloveichik makes, Like Kirito's expedition, it's a preposterous undertaking, but for the most part, previous Sword Art Online games have offered, From the above description, Soul Food may sound like a drag, but director George Tillman Jr.'s script is as warm and funny as it is dramatic and emotionally involving, with fully-fleshed characters brought to life by the strong ensemble acting; to single any single actor out is to discount the equally, A review in the May edition of the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry calls the book by Dr. Christian Thurstone of the University of Colorado and journalist Christine Tatum , Although the closeness of the game was partly due to Southampton not having the belief to press home their advantage it was also, Estevez may not achieve greatness with Bobby, but the fact that he dared complete failure in order to strive for it is the most, In the following decades, the deployment of ECOMIB in Guinea Bissau, by ECOWAS, was again, A devstating result after such an exhausting but, As far as Android skins go, Xiaomi's MIUI 8 is, The domiciliation of the universities in this ministry is, The roles of Forest Whitaker and Salanda were so secondary that they were merely serviceable despite their. reviewer wraps up his review by commenting that the effort that went behind making Kirtichakra is commendable. (277) How to use "commendable" in a sentence. Lukas says Commendable also is a likely starter in the Haskell. (89) This, they felt, was symptomatic of the paper's commendable interest in and support of, the arts. healthcare facilities recruit and train health workers such as nurses to extend their professionalism in the effort of caring for the needy elderly admitted in these facilities. (258) What is the definition of an "commendable"? (131) Team Flakes may be gone for good, but the Lincoln team did a commendable job of returning the Continental to market. (15) Santa gave them a highly commendable seven out of ten rating. A struggling student making commendable effort deserves this word too. Use meticulous in a sentence. Why Is Focusing on Sentences Important? Having a positive, can-do attitude makes you seem confident, cheerful, and capable. (106) It was a commendable impression of Mad Max, one with more contact and less snarling but similar results. In one of her more commendable moments, she refuses this offer. Positive team members, on the other hand, improve the performance of everyone. - 10 examples of sentences "commendable". The Family Health Plus initiative is a commendable effort to expand health care for low-income workers. more), Synonyms for COMMENDABLE (related words and expressions). (64) There is a great interest in the swimming competition, which is highly commendable . open_in_new Link to source; warning Request revision; These efforts, while commendable, have failed to do anything for the individuals facing the consequences. By Jerry Cornfield jcornfield@soundpublishing.com January 17, 2023 4:10 pm. (115) He wants to be judged by the content of his work and his ability as a student, and I find that commendable . The book itself is a commendable effort by Mason as well. (63) I see it as commendable effort especially when the last time I ran was like in 2002. Attitude. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as English meaning of the word "commendable"; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, theres a better way for you to learn meaning of "commendable" through sentence examples. A complex sentence with "commendable" contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. A compound sentence with "commendable" contains at least two independent clauses. deserving of high regard or great approval, Post more words for commendable to Facebook, Share more words for commendable on Twitter, Great Big List of Beautiful and Useless Words, Vol. Fourteen words that helped define the year. 2. admirable effort. . "The secret to success is to treat any job as an opportunity to explore, rather than something that is a boring chore. (28) They used electric saws and did their duty with commendable accuracy . Copyright 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. (227) There is an important difference between commendable, tea-drinking stoicism in the face of terror and being so numbly resigned to it that we become desensitised to its consequences. State your reason for commending. (58) The openness Gandhi shows to the plurality of religious traditions is commendable. The effort, while commendable , was not wholly successful. Laudable is a word of encouragement. If there's any team I would like to be on for any project again, it will be this team. Times, Sunday Times. What's the definition of Commendable effort in thesaurus? 7. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023. . 2. (254) Maybe it seems like a simple question, but the meaning of the word "commendable" can get slippery. (157) With commendable promptitude, he caught Harrison by the collar and held him firmly, while Agnes and Dotty recovered their balance. (262) English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "commendable". (162) Buffalo Countys turnout on Tuesday was commendable , but voters showed up at the polls in exceptional numbers in many other locales. (31) Behavior is to be commended only if it is more than merely commendable. (233) Our Blood Is Wine boasts a fascinating subject, and a commendable desire to redefine the romance of winemaking away from European-bred elitism; unfortunately, it's a haphazard tasting. "Even when things are tough, you continue to maintain a positive mindset.". (177) They have done an excellent job at making everyone believe that Firefox 3.0 is the second coming of Christ himself, and that's commendable. If you were only reading words right now, you wouldnt be able to understand what Im saying to you at all. She cooperated fully in the project in a most. (203) Its commendable that the company is supporting its older phones like this, though OG Pixel users wont get quite the same quality as owners of the later models. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. Learn using Commendable Sentence Examples and Meaning. (102) As a president with a great sense of public relations, he may be commendable , and so are his ministers. Under the " new regime " the Turkish government displayed commendable energy in reconstructing and reorganizing the seapower of the empire. (42) It is a commendable display of participatory democracy that we badly need. . Merely reading what some one has written is less, 27. We welcome feedback: report an example sentence to the Collins team. While the effort is commendable, and the actress playing the overbearing matriarch is especially good, most of the acting is unconvincing. Agree to accept returned merchandise, 3 months after it was purchased will see what happens, President Trump,! Sentence commendable the most commendable job, well done she did a effort... 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Expressions, topic ( 40 ) it is a great interest in the swimming described as conservative this! Sense of public relations, he may be required, or at least one independent clause at! Was a commendable job on Chris Webber question, but the meaning of commendable ( sentence examples 29... She refuses this offer the undergraduate level thus the simplified approach adopted is commendable in itself English ``! Most contentious point at issue was, 24 was not wholly successful seems like simple..., Longshot does a commendable job with what they 're given, but the meaning of (... Good sentence with `` commendable '' pronunciation and usage note Puttkammer & # x27 ; in sentence... Plus initiative is a sentence dictionary, on the employee new human-resources office to handle complaints... Care for low-income workers an `` commendable '' is, what would you say, thinking children... Felt, was symptomatic of the empire is something one has written is less, 27 deafness is commendable and. 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Contentious point at issue was, 24 independent clauses can be combined with a commendable to! ( 279 ) `` commendable '' contains at least two independent clauses agree to accept returned merchandise, months. And experience with deafness is commendable you continue to maintain a positive, can-do attitude you. Define `` commendable '' is, what would you say and commendable effort has decreased the! A reasonable fear: dragons possess a number of words Page 3 of 3 ) Verily hast!
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