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eeyore monologue

Just remember this the next time you look in the mirror. When I started middle school, I was bullied for my fascination with insects. Ye humans are bleedin thick! He was just blank. I keep this planet growing with my own two hands. Theres this one kid he calls booger-licker or BL for short. Adieu. 2 pencil, has been clearly mauled by Troll teeth. Having got this far, it seems a pity to waste it. Oh, it, it, it just doesn't have that rustic and proper look. I know thats what they all say. 4. 1. Maybe I let him watch too much TV I woke up the other night, with the feeling of being watched. That is, I was trying to reach the knocker! I would rather stay here on the docks, thank you very much. You shouldnt be upset about not getting what you want, especially when what you want is so materialistic. Will you marry me? Don't now-then me." -Eeyore "End of the road. I don't mind the leaves that are leaving. Face the wall and practice hitting it with the tips of your swords. One night, I woke up in the middle of the night and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Ohhh. Sometimes I wish we could just sit and talk. Cause Im popular, and Im running unopposed. Every time I think about leaving, my heart races 100 miles an hour, my palms get sweaty, I get dizzy, and I picture the accident that left me without an arm The one moment that changed my life forever. Sorry I knocked her over. We met Jessica there, and we were having fun shopping until we went to a really expensive store to try things on for fun and I accidentally tore a dress I was trying on. [Narrator] Well, let's turn the page and find out. [Piglet] Oh help, help! Genre: Dramatic. Jessie? The way her hair smelled like cinnamon and every time she bent down to pick me up, it brushed against my face. I didnt want to believe him, but I had to. I set my stuff on the counter and headed around the corner to use the bathroom. Not for President, I dont even think Im old enough for that. I hear you singing at night and its very calming, but also kind of sad. I waded through the water, trying to keep from being pushed back by the rising waves. I ought Where is it Eeyore? If youre ever looking for a nice, quiet, safe place to sleep rough in a city, try a graveyard. But yeah, it was some dark time until one day. It seemed like she took care of me more than I did her. My Love Charlie, I miss you. Okay I know this might sound crazy but just hear me out. Genre: Comedy. It is from Eeyore's perspective that the speaker is talking. But you know what? [Gopher] If I was you I'd think about skiddaddling out of here. (Can say in an annoying sing-song fashion) Goodbye Officer Tuffin. (LogOut/ From the moment we met dancing together at that festival a year ago, until the moment he surprised me on the beach, written in the sand, a proposal pulled straight from the movies. Just, talking to people. All right, lets get one thing straight Mr. Brown. Winnie the Pooh This could be the room of any small boy, but it just happens to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin. So now Im a big, blue blob! Probably the red one. Now, Ive pushed for reform! The Day My Brother Left By: Sarah M., Lynden, Ontario, Canada, Age 13 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description:When a young man heads off to university, it has a big impact on everyone, including his younger sister. Upon glancing at the text one of the first, striking features of the poem is the use of parentheses. Id made the wrong decision. We are being tested for beauty products; Brands like Chanel, Dior! Two sticks of gum. Why it maybe that. Pick that up, well need it later (Suddenly surprised. I try to laugh it off and tell myself that Im okayand maybe cry a little bit more. Genre: Dramatic, (The actor should pantomime driving a car and being pulled over. A pretty nothing. I know! And this scar? That man down there, do you see him? You hope and hope no one criticizes your hair or your clothes or your makeup. No, I have not told him yet, I was just telling him about our medical and dental plans before you interrupted me. I know him being in jail far away from you must be hard. By: Jannet Almanza, Age 12, Texas, USA Description: Elio calls out his teacher for her bias in the classroom. Troll spit. And it says: "Help! I couldnt believe I just got pulled into my mirror by my own reflection! Im still alive! Coocoo COO! As a fellow, neighbor, worker, and citizen of this fair town I am here to tell you why I, Brock Bruce, deserves a promotion, and how together, we can make Walmart Great Again! But his best friend is a bear called Winnie the Pooh or Pooh for short. I totally ignored her. About that, says Bob, We were looking for a more exotic location. But youre never going to find a grocery store around here are you?, I reply. Vote for Rose if youre content. But I dont mind. Okay, youre looking at me like Im crazy, Im sorry go ahead. Its minus two hundred and seventy degrees Celsius! Pooh: That was what I wanted to ask you. No rest for the wicked. Ill stop at nothing to get you what you want. Have fun preparing for your . Yes, sorry George, yesterday my boss Samantha ran at me with a shrimp cocktail the size of a Clydesdale. But I have chosen this, and Im happy. No way. How did he know I wanted this? Listen up children of the world: Santa is not the one who made your train sets, and your dolly houses and your walkie talkies. The young ones aint no real trouble. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic, (Speaking into a cell phone with great urgency.). Hey did I ever tell you that you remind me of my dog? This one is made of wood, but those sure aint 2x4s Im looking at. I can hear you now. Genre: Dramatic. It started in our lab. Then I realize I dont say it very often. (nods) Yeah, I sure hope so. Gotcha! Hurry up! I know that. Maybe he needs a friend. Mom had hidden dads whiskey and he couldnt find it. And it was a very brave thing to do. By: Ellyse Blackburn, Age 13, Michigan, USA Description: A casket finally finds a purpose. So I have an idea, instead of giving me a novel, how about you just sum it up in a few words and let me enjoy the rest of my Sunday? Even in the last days of his life all he could think about was you. Hes gorgeous, hes adorable, heshesI cant keep doing this to myself! What am I doing tomorrow? AHH, MUTE YOUR MIC DEAR. One time at fifth grade field day, I cut holes in my potato sack to win the race. Trust me, Im doing you a solid here. Ricky got all teary-eyed just talking about it. Had I known better, I would have done the same. Were going to the bookstore! Suddenly she fell and was being attacked by a man in a dark mask. I would regret that for the rest of my life if that ever happened. I mean look at me! Or in the water, swimming my heart out. One gloomy day, my dad came to visit. One day I saw a beautiful portfolio and wanted to meet the photographer. Nothing on his face, like it was incapable of emotion. People forget who I am and dont recognize me anymore for I have changed. By: Shirley Andoh, Age 16, Pennsylvania USA Description: Claudia moves through emotions following an accident that is her fault. Thats a feral cat if Ive ever seen one. That pizza would taste sooo good, and you hardly ever bring home pizza. Traitors dont deserve anything. Red, my favorite color. I dont see why Im here. He's gone. "It's not much of a tail, but I'm sort of attached to it.". And remember, if you have something cool inside your house, remember to lock up when you leave! I dont care. I realize theyre a little stained but isnt that just the sort of thing that happens as you use them? He never quite manages it but does wish him well and since Our love at the end of the poem. I'm stuck. Here we go. Thats it. While you are out experiencing life, I lie in this hospital bed. You take him away, his breath reeking of Colt 45, and he spends one night sleeping it off and she springs him the next morning out of sheer fear. Whats that? I can hardly bear to think about it. Is your door locked? It explains a lot actually. And two years later, it gets run over and your parents try to tell you that he ran away, but you heard them talking about how nice the man was to come tell you. According to a new study, woman who make the first move in online dating tend to be rewarded. First Place Winner! and now I sound totally pretentious. Rabbit: Tigger is so thoughtless with his bouncing! What do I do when they just hang up? I know she saw the end coming, but she kept folding. Really, I just have to get these words out of my system. Piglet: I-I-I-I expect it was T-T-T-T-Tigger! And I know one step is all it would take for me to finally, truly fly. Genre: Dramatic Its not a bad thing Mom! I must have looked pretty crazy. Christopher Robin, you never can tell with bees. Or say something like, Im fine, even though they are definitely not fine. Im an honest monster. Genre: Comedic. So, we manage to get in without setting off any alarms. So I do care, so I'll climb there, And Pooh rolled and rolled until he was black all over. Are Tiggers are wonderful things I'm not in the book, you know. Hes coming to pick me up this weekend in his Camaro. I didnt talk to him for a week after that incident. I have this huge iceberg. You cant be sleeping in class! Well, I didn't mean a little larger small helping. I was going to-oh bother this jar seems to be missing! Heres a picture of him turning in the coin: 7. Barbara if you found a spider in your daughters room you would not hesitate to smash that creeper. You didnt expect that did you Yeah, I didnt either. His door is over here. Throw a football 20 yards? I met James in a grief support group. How does that make me feel? I put my hands onto the freezing car window and saw that my keys were inside of the car! Over time I have just stopped paying attention to the other kids and focused on my family, but maybe this time, maybe this timeit will be different. The brother who had never even played the lottery before that day! I look out the window when Im bored, which is all the time. Girl, I was ready to go to jail (laugh) I swear the craziest things always happen to me. Jessie! (angrily) We worked too damn hard to give up now! By: Marwan Lahbabi, California, USA, Age 14 Gender: Male Genre: Dramatic Description: A troubled teen tells his story to a new psychiatrist. Im not sorry about it either. You and I both know Im going to be responsible for this child I didnt even ask for. Are you there? I have been captain of the debate club since you said your first word and believe it or not, sitting here beside (pause) obvious genius like you is not exactly how I wanted to spend my time tonight. Is thatohmyohmyTAMALES! Roo: Gee, do we have to? Basically, I know you have a crush on me. Hes He has to be. And Snazzy, there was that time when he ordered you to let Mrs. Claus use you as a mannequin for the little girls dresses she was making. 2. That gets me thinking what is thinking? By: Emily McLaren, Age 14, Sydney, Australia Description: Medusa waits in her cave at the top of a mountain hidden from the world, until Perseus arrives with a sharp sword and shield. I hate my brother, period. To me, its more of an art. What I mean is, here I am. When I was young, I had this dream about how my life would be, my ideal perfect life, two kids, a husband, a house. As you may have noticed, Comma is not here. All Im asking is that you try to live a life without her. Im failing all of my classes and I drop out of school to become a sign spinner outside of KFC. I thought not. Lets start with this I have NEVER been in detention. My life is useless anyway. Oh okay I believe you. Yes, SHE BELIEVED ME!! Not to worry. Im going to find our brother. Naturally, I went to investigate and saw a sight so horrific I might never recover. Ill try not to let it happen again. Shes someone who has my back when I say, back me up. She laughs at my hilarious jokes when everyone else randomly forgets how to laugh. Hello? Then the truck driver walked past me and headed for the bathroom. Pooh: Eeyore, could you stop turning for a moment because it ruddles me rather. Narrator: So off Piglet trotted in one direction, and in the other direction went Pooh with his jar of honey. My paper is still blank. I never saw my sister again. You cant bend your leg?! These bring in Eeyores thoughts about how the poem is going and whether the rhymes are working or not. All I know is that today, this day, is my first birthday. (Tosses back wallet.) Anyway, sometimes I dont get a lot of sleep. Hey that rhymes! I am what I appear to be. Well, if Im honest, numb. Waithowd a bunch of capital letters get in here. The voices of the two gunmen made my skin crawl. I would use any excuse in the book to not have to perform. If I dont make it, dont let them write devoured by gluttonous pigeons on my tombstone. Be an artist. I hurried to get out of the shop, and of course, I tripped and spilled the coffee all over the place. Now, you go that way and I'll go this way. in an attempt to hoosh you there. This clever technique always the poet, Milne, in insert some of Eeyores thoughts into the text. Oooh, ooh, ooh, ooh! Ooooh, look what Santa got me! Youre gonna aaaand you fell. I kinda hoped to live up to more than this. Some of my skills include speed stacking, using candy to locating lost children, and peeling the smiley sticker off first try, no tear! Right here on this bench, as you watch me feed these hungry little pigeons, I want to change your life, by sharing mine with you. Name's Tigger. I never thought Id miss that. For me, Mariia means hopelessness of having nothing and only hope left. Well, I didn't mean a little larger small helping. What about now?Dangit. Whatcha got there? A lot of people here today. First Place Winner By: Lyena Monis, Age 12, California, USA Gender: Female Genre: Comedic Description: A jealous girlfriend expresses her views on her relationship with her boyfriend. That is the basic questions you ask your husbands parents, right? But don't be tempted by a cheap illegal pirate copy or you might just hear about it from your children. I work hard to be funny, but to not be known as the funny friend. I work hard to be sporty, but not too sporty, to be artsy but not too artsy, to be quirky but to make sure that my quirks are normal. I was looking at myself in the mirror when my reflection started to waver. But in the end I was punished for it. My cat doesnt like being weightless. Second Place Winner By: Cameron F., El Paso, TX, USA, Age 13 Gender: Male Genre: Comedic (In an Irish accent.) Sometimes, I wonder why people dont say it more. I just want to do for you what I wish my mother could have done for me, to teach you the lessons that I was never taught. Every night Majestic and I would ride to where the sun touches the earth. I am never gonna let someone treat me like nothing and I dont even care if it was her first day! Who would enter such a competition and then murder someone just ensure their victory? He was also given a red card for using his hands to cup the balls. I mean, it was a big mistake, huge. (Sits up.) Be careful what you wish for. Yes, yes, of course, of course. How did no one notice, you might be wondering? Was that normal for you Mom? Like most small boys, Christopher Robin has toy animals to play with and they lived together in a wonderful world of make believe. Hes gorgeous, hes adorable, heshesI cant keep doing this to!... The car you hope and hope no one criticizes your hair or your clothes or your or! Given a red card for using his hands to cup the balls for products... 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