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japanese soldiers eaten by crocodiles

The Japanese understood that saltwater crocodiles have a reputation for eating humans but they went into the mangrove swamp of Ramree Island anyway. The battle was bloody and grueling, leaving the Japanese soldiers exhausted yet full of defiance. 111114. Crocodiles In One Night Slaughtered Over 900 Japanese Soldiers | by L. Small | THE CURIOSITY | Medium Write Sign up Sign In 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Find out what happened when 900 Japanese soldiers, trapped by a British landing on Ramree Island, Burma in 1945, tried to retreat through 10 miles of mangrove swamps. Various British soldiers did indeed witness crocodiles devouring dead Japanese bodies, but Willis ultimately determined that the majority of Japanese soldiers died in combat or drowned. Unlike other "man-eating" crocodiles, such as the saltwater crocodile, the Nile crocodile lives in proximity to human populations, so contact is more frequent. Unknown to the Imperial Japanese Army, the mangrove swamps of Ramree Island are home to an unknown number of the largest reptilian predator in the world - the saltwater crocodile. Many of the Japanese troops succumbed to tropical diseases carried by swarms of mosquitoes, as well as the various poisonous spiders, snakes and scorpions found in the marsh. The largest crocodile alive is Cassius who is about 100 years old. However, thousands of enemy troops held the island, causing an exhausting battle that went on for six weeks. Since Ramree was strategically important, the Allies launched an attack in 1945 to retake the island and establish airbases to support the mainland campaign. . The Guinness Book of World Records listed the Ramree Island massacre as the largest crocodile attack in history, according to Wikipedia. This very situation happened to Japanese troops occupying Ramree Island in the Bay of Bengal during World War II in early 1945. It is estimated that each year hundreds of people die from crocodile attacks in Africa many of these attacks are never reported in the media. Some British soldiers, including the naturalist Bruce Wright, who participated in the battle, claimed that the large population of saltwater crocodiles native to the mangrove swamps on Ramree Island preyed on the trapped Japanese force at night and ate many soldiers. The swamps were infested with mosquitoes, leeches, and snakes. Details of a fatal attack on a human by a Morelets crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Belize. The British didnt pursue the fleeing troops closely because the Allies knew what awaited the enemy inside this natural death trap: crocodiles. February 1945, Japanese forces on Ramree island attempt to withdraw from the British and link up with a larger force. An active skill, requires 5 Spirit and 5 Stamina to activate. [18], In 1974, journalist George Frazier reported having asked the Japanese War Office about the crocodile attack and being told that they could not confirm that it had happened. It had been vital to complete the occupation of Ramree Island quickly, as Operation Dracula against Rangoon needed to commence in the first week of May at the latest, to have a chance of finishing before the monsoon. See. In February of 1945, the Japanese army suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of British forces in Burma. It is undoubtedly a gripping tale, so its not surprising that this account has motivated a swathe of articles. An analysis of blood on each soldier at every 3 meters of the swamp revealed that 24 percent of the soldiers had been killed by crocodiles. Unfortunately for the Japanese troops, the swamps of Ramree were infested by countless, very large saltwater crocodiles, which can grow upwards of 20 feet long and over a ton in weight. It is mentioned in his1962 book Wildlife Sketches: Near and Far. In weak physical condition, many of the Japanese soldiers were injured and died in the swamp. You have to rendezvous with another group of soldiers on the other side of the island but the only way to do so is to traverse a thick swamp filled with deadly crocodiles. Cheduba Island was not garrisoned and the 22nd East African Brigade was sent to hold Ramree Island. MELBOURNE, Aug 7 (Reuters) - An Australian Army soldier suffered serious head and chest injuries after being mauled by a crocodile that attacked him late on Friday, Australia media reported, with . No purchase necessary. The Japanese soldiers on Ramree Island during the nearing end of World War II had a dilemma that resulted in the deadliest crocodile feast ever. Japanese Soldiers Burma Crocodiles? Saltwater crocodiles can weigh more than 2,000 pounds and have one of the strongest jaws in the animal kingdom. Men of the Wiltshire Regiment from the 26th Indian Infantry Division prepare a meal beside a temple on Ramree Island. Several British soldiers said that the crocodiles preyed on the Japanese soldiers in the swamp. While the Ramree Island Massacre story may seem far-fetched, it is a true story. Sgt. Swamps are their natural habitat, and humans are no match for their speed, size, agility, and raw power. They faced an enemy as old as the dinosaurs and just as fierce.Help support my channel - see below for details: All opinions and comments expressed in the 'Comments' section do not reflect the opinions of Mark Felton Productions. While crocodiles are prolific killers, historians have long doubted that more than 800 Japanese soldiers were killed at Ramree Island in such a short period of time, and those doubts have only been affirmed by evidence uncovered in recent years that indicates that the true story was buried amid a flurry of sensational reporting. Did 1000 Japanese soldiers eaten by crocodiles? [2], The early capture of Akyab made the 26th Indian Infantry Division (Major-General Henry Chambers) available for an attack on Ramree Island, 70mi (110km) to the south, the island being 50mi (80km) long and 20mi (32km) wide, flat and an obvious site for airfields. "[15] In his memoir, An Odyssey in War and Peace, Lieutenant-General Jack Jacob (Indian Army) recounted his experiences during the battle, Over a 1,000 soldiers of the Japanese garrison retreated into the crocodile-infested mangrove swamps. It was just that their levels were low. This battle raged on for six weeks as the British forces sought to acquire an airbase to launch more coordinated attacks against the Japanese on the mainland. On February 8, 2009, 5-year-old Jeremy Doble was attacked by a crocodile in far north, On March 15, 2009, 11-year-old Briony Goodsell was killed by a crocodile when swimming with friends at Lambells Lagoon near. The navy also carried 54,000 men, 1,000 vehicles, 14,000 long tons (14,000t) of stores and 800 animals. The island is 70 miles south of Akyab and is known as Sittwe. An accurate count of annual crocodile attacks on humans is difficult to obtain. Furthermore, this official account which contains no mention of the massacre, nevertheless emphasizes the fierce Japanese resistance which lasted into April 1945. However, gasoline demand has dropped to levels not seen since the early days of the pandemic, revealing how consumers' habits are changing. In all, some 500 Japanese fled Ramree despite the blockade created to stop them. And in an incident not unlike the infamous U.S.S Indianapolis shark attack that befell American troops later that year, many of these troops didnt survive. The swamps were full of saltwater crocodiles. The largest one ever officially measured was Lolong, who was a saltwater crocodile who measured 20 feet three inches long and weighed 2,370 pounds. Somewhere between 1,200 and 1,500 soldiers from the Imperial Japanese Armys 54th Division were entrenched on Ramree. One of Platt's subjects claims that crocodiles accounted for some Japanese casualties: "10 to 15 soldiers were killed attempting to ford Min Chaung, a tidal creek near Ramree Town." Field Marshall Slim, in his memoirs, further recounts that a number of Japanese fell victim to sharks prowling in the channel between the island and the . Some British soldiers, including naturalist Bruce Stanley Wright, who participated in the expedition, claimed that crocodiles attacked and ate numerous Japanese soldiers. However, there is no specific mention of the crocodile attack devouring over 900 Japanese. So, instead of accepting their fate, they chose to make an 8-mile journey through the mangrove swamps of Ramree Island. An average saltwater crocodile can easily reach 23 feet. William DeLong is a freelance wordsmith. A thousand Japanese soldiers were purportedly killed by saltwater crocodiles in the Ramree mangroves. An event at the same time that was recorded as the deadliest known crocodile attack appeared on the Guinness Book of World Records. Reviews indicate that at least half of all attacks by the Nile and saltwater crocodiles are fatal[1] (in Australia, however, only about 25% of saltwater crocodile attacks are fatal). Unfortunately, it seems that the Japanese didnt know what awaited them in the swamp, or they were so desperate to escape that they didnt care. As I am writing this police are still searching for the girl. The worst "mass attack" by crocodiles allegedly occurred during World War II on the night of 19 February 1945, when approximately 1000 Japanese soldiers found themselves pinned down in a mangrove swamp separating Ramree Island from the mainland of Myanmar (then Burma). The route took the Japanese through 9.9mi (16km) of mangrove swamp and as they struggled through it, the British encircled the area. [20], In 2000, herpetologist Steven G. Platt visited Ramree Island, where he interviewed residents who had been alive during the war and who had been forced into slave labor by the Japanese; they "unanimously discounted any suggestion that large numbers of Japanese fell prey to crocodiles." Only 20 of the Japanese fighters made it out alive. This disease seriously hindered both sides attempt to gain control of the island. [3] A plan was ready by 2 January, when it was clear that the advance of the Fourteenth Army (Lieutenant-General William Slim) would soon pass beyond the range of its airbases at Imphal and Agartala; replacements at Chittagong, Akyab and Ramree would be needed. As a result, saltwater crocodiles are the largest crocodile species in the world and the largest reptile. In both species, the mean size of crocodiles involved in nonfatal attacks was about 3m (10ft) as opposed to a reported range of 2.55m (816ft) or larger for crocodiles responsible for fatal attacks. The 4th Indian Infantry Brigade had advanced to Ledaung Chaung and then moved east to reinforce the attack; the town fell on 9 February. As part of his research, he visited the marshes of Ramree Island and interviewed locals. Users Online Now: 2,152 : Visitors Today: 415,658: Pageviews Today: 948,169: The Saltwater crocodiles are the most magnificent reptiles in the world. Many of the remainder may have been eaten by the crocodiles, although since this incident took place during an active military conflict, it is impossible to know how many deaths can be directly attributed to the crocodiles instead of combat-related causes.[20]. A depiction of a saltwater crocodile emerging from the water alongside British soldiers at Ramree Island during World War II. The 20 Most Famous Last Words of All Time. On January 26, 1945, British troops made their way to Ramree Island so that they could establish a new airbase. The island that holds the world-record for largest human massacre caused by animals. It is difficult to counter any of the reasonable arguments put forward by McLynn as there is simply no evidence to the contrary. How 1000 Soldiers Were EATEN by Crocodiles #ramreeisland #jre #jreclips #forrestgalante #crocodiles #ww2history #podcast #fyp #foryou #foryoupage. Despite these numerous hazards, one danger stood out as the greatest. McLynn also questions the likelihood of over 900 Japanese troops being killed overnight despite possessing an effective means of defense. Unfortunately for the Imperial Japanese Army, the mangrove swamps of Ramree Island are home to an unknown amount of the largest reptilian predator in the world, the saltwater crocodile. This was particularly so in the mangrove swamps where such reptiles thrive, like on Ramree Island. Right beside the carcass of the Giant Crocodile, there were 2 skills books, a green treasure box and 200 Survivor Coins. Unfortunately for the fleeing men, the mangrove jungle on Ramree Island is home to an unknown number of the largest reptilian predator in the world the saltwater crocodile. [1][3][13] Four of them, the Siamese crocodile, broad-snouted caiman, spectacled caiman and yacare caiman, each are suspected to have been the perpetrator of a single fatal attack on a child (smaller and therefore a more likely target than an adult), although for each of these cases the identity of the species is not completely certain.[14][15][16][17]. After just a few days, these ravenous creatures devoured more than 500 Japanese soldiers. On 21 January, an hour before the 71st Indian Infantry Brigade (Brigadier R. C. Cotterell-Hill) was to land, Queen Elizabeth opened fire with 69 rounds of 15in (380mm)-shell from the main battery, the fall of shot being watched by aircraft from Ameer. A biologist solves the mystery of two dozen missing animal mummies. This disease seriously hindered both sides' attempt to gain control of the island. Explore this storyboard about World War II, Adolf Hitler, Military by HowStuffWorks on Flipboard. They used to call the crocodiles the allies. Joseph Howard received a Navy and Marine Corps Medal for risking his life to save others. To counter this, he tries to provide a rational argument and bring a voice of reason to the debate. As the Indian and British troops closed in, the Japanese soldiers were faced with two options: They could stay and fight or attempt to flee through the marshes and escape by sea. This story has gained increasing credence in recent years. "[14] Subsequently, the story was incorporated into the Guinness Book of World Records as the worst animal attack ever recorded, due to Wright's statement that "[o]f about one thousand Japanese soldiers that entered the swamps of Ramree, only about twenty were found alive."[2]. Of course, some injured Japanese soldiers were attacked by crocodiles. It took the lives of hundreds of Japanese soldiers. Your email address will not be published. the 26th Indian Division attacked Ramree while . These reptiles can grow up to 20 feet long and weigh 2,000 pounds, with many being known to eat animals as big as Indian water buffalo. Its estimated that 20 Japanese soldiers made it out of the other side of the swamp where British troops were waiting for them. The navy and the 26th Indian Infantry Division then concentrated on blockading the chaungs (small streams) on the east coast, to prevent the Japanese from escaping to the mainland. Upon entering Ramree Island in the Bay of Bengal in early 1945, Japanese troops encountered a very uncertain situation. Like Atlas Obscura and get our latest and greatest stories in your Facebook feed. Join the list to receive special offers, updates, and everything about Black Rifle Coffee. The rest were according to legend, eaten by crocodiles. [9], In 1965, the British official historian, Stanley Woodburn Kirby, wrote that the Japanese defence of the island and the escape of about 500 men against "fearful odds", had been courageous and determined. Those who survived the battle reportedly didnt fare well when they chose the doomed escape route across the crocodile-infested waters. [8], On 7 February, the 71st Indian Infantry Brigade and supporting tanks reached the town of Ramree and encountered determined Japanese resistance. One night the British soldiers reported hearing panicked screams and gunfire emanating from within the darkness of the swamp. Some editions of the Guinness Book of World Records have attributed the highest number of fatalities in an animal attack to the battle; zoologists and modern military historians have dismissed these claims. Nevertheless, some information does exist: for example, it was reported by CAMPFIRE in Zimbabwe that in the first ten months of the year in 2005 crocodiles were the number one cause of death in humans where wildlife was involved with the number of deaths cited as 13. Crocodiles are opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat anything they can get their mouths on, making the Japanese soldiers the perfect prey. Around 500 Japanese soldiers are thought to have escaped those mangrove swamps, and 20 of them were eventually recaptured by the British forces who had set up a perimeter around the thick wilderness. A band of soldiers in search of a secret Japanese ammunition store face off against deadly saltwater crocodiles in the swamps of Ramree Island. 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