**delete 159.045 base at Lockport, Mokena, Peotone, Romeoville E-Com is located in Homewood; dispatches police and fire for Country Club Hills, East Hazelcrest, Flossmoor, Glenwood, Hazel Crest, Homewood, Riverdale, South Holland and Thornton. All Fire agencies are dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL. Fire (33s/34s, 3300s/3400s) dispatched by CalCommon 153.890 343 DPL and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Richard J. Daley Center: Building Engineers (Ch. Also see schools Wiki page and here. Police (3100s?) PDtac reported on 155.055 and 155.025 (141.3PL). Police dispatched on encrypted talkgroup by Northwest Central Dispatch. Police dispatched on talkgroup 3002 (PD-2, encrypted). Dispatched by Wheeling PD on talkgroup 25125 [Encrypted]. Also used 470.475 114 DPL, 477.3875 203.5 PL. 5100s units, operations on 153.890 343 DPL. ], Roberto Clemente High School: Security/Staff, Foreman College and Career Academy: Security, Lindblom Math and Science Academy: Admin/Security, Lindblom Math and Science Academy: Maintenance, Ogden International School East Campus (Grades K-4), Ogden International School West Campus (Grades 9-12), Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center: Admin/Security, Whitney M. Young Magnet School: Building Operations, Whitney M. Young Magnet School: Administration (Some ENC), John Hersey High School and Forest View Educational Center, Barrington Transportation: Buses [Expired 3/15]. Formerly dispatched on 470.7375 173.8 PL. * North Palos SchoolDistrict 117 - see wiki page This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on your website. Traffic is mostly TDMAon STARCOM21 Site 149. * Palos School District 118 - see wiki page, WQNW550 for 461.7375 Repeater for Maintenance (NFM), * See Wiki page for frequency information. Future and some current communications. Depuries say that when they arrived, the vehicle was smoldering alongside the highway. Sauve has been with the Marinette County Sheriffs Office for 38 years; his most recent 12 years has been as sheriff. 2161 University Drive. * Skokie/Morton Grove School District 69 - See link to wiki page under Skokie - Schools (below) * Shepard High School - see Community High School District 218 in wiki page ), Niles Police (SC21 talkgroup 3685 - encrypted?) Police dispatch on encrypted Cook County talkgroup 25133 Near West 800 (ENC). Police (700s) dispatched by CalComm on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.7375 173.8 PL. (1/17/23) * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Theodore Egge, 35, has not been heard from since last Friday. See Township High School District 214 and Wiki page for additional frequencies, * See wiki page for frequency information, * See Wiki page for frequency information. * East Leyden High School - see Leyden Township High School District 212 (below) See wiki page for additional information. Police (1200-series units) dispatched on 471.2375 146.2 PL, Fire/EMS services provided byMelrose Park FD on 154.370 103.5 PL. Police dispatched on talkgroup 25311(encrypted) on the Cook County Sheriff STARCOM21 500-series nodes. It also appears that they have access to talkgroups 36721-36723. Marinette County Public Safety Links ; Fire Departments Police Departments; Amberg Volunteer Fire Department: Marinette County Sheriff's Office: Athelstane Volunteer Fire Department: Located half in Cook, half in Lake County Police (500s) is dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below). The SouthCom Dispatch Centerpolice dispatch ops are on the Cook County Sheriff's Police Department's trunk radio system (encrypted). Live Feed Listing for Menominee County To listen to a feed using the online player, choose "Web Player" as the player selection and click the play icon for the appropriate feed. Marinette Police Department Officers work diligently on daily calls for services and utilize the latest training and technology to bring criminals to justice. Franklin Park Fire Department - Engine 1, Engine 2, Engine 3, Ladder 2 or Truck 2 (FRPK) - Dispatched by Norcomm Fire (2200s) dispatched by CalComm on 154.070 271 DPL (repeats 158.8575), also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary) and 158.745. * Dispatched on 159.045 DPL 343, Stations 1-6. Both use 137xxx RIDs. Talkgroup 36972 is their "Channel 3". Police dispatch by Cook County (on an encrypted talkgroup?). The SouthCom Dispatch Center is now dispatching on the Cook County STARCOM21 node Site 502 talkgroup 25009 (encrypted). Hinsdale is primarily located in DuPage County with a portion in Cook County. Presumed to be Bellwood based on tone and FCC license. * Covers portions of Palos Park, Palos Heights, Orland Park and unincorporated Palos Township. Fire: Mobile Extenders (also w Countryside 460.6125). Superior Air-Ground Ambulance Service, Inc. and its wholly-owned subsidiaries: Illinois Medi-Car, Inc., Metro Paramedic Services Inc., Norcomm Public Safety Communications, Inc. and Paramedic Billing Services Inc. * UCAN Base has been heard using either 129.475 or 464.800 while the UCAN helo uses the other to carry on a conversation on two different frequencies. Calumet Park, Dixmoor, Midlothian, Posen, and Robbins Police reportedly dispatched on an encrypted talkgroup, possibly 25073 (Net 8). NORCOMM Public Safety Communications is owned and operated by Superior Ambulance Company, which provides EMS service for several area communities as well as private ambulance service. dispatched on 151.415, 343 DPL by Tinley Park Police and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Fire (32s/3200s) dispatched on 153.890 343 DPL by Central Dispatch and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). * Rhodes School District 84.5 (WPSI664) - added DMR emission, Riverside School District 96 -WQRA576 - 467.2125 Mobiles/Pagers (NFM) for Wireless Clock System/Paging, * Rolling Meadown High School - see Township High School District 214 in this section. [Ch 7], Streets/Sanitation- South Bureau 4, 5 [Ch 8], TG 0-05-144 used by CHA Security Patrol units. Bellwood Fire Department - 600s (BLWD) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 Officials say Egge is not in any trouble, but they are concerned about his welfare. Police (500s) dispatched on 470.5875 (156.7PL);Fire by Roberts ParkFPD,dispatched on 155.5575 (91.5 PL). Also uses 153.935. Please mention it on our Forums Click here to see FCC frequency listings for Marinette County WI Color Legend: Blue=Motorola, Green=LTR, Yellow=EDACS Scroll down to see services other than Police/Fire/EMS Area Frequencies Crivitz Police dispatched on an encrypted talkgroup (25311?) Police (200s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.5875 (156.7 PL) Net 10. * Community Consolidated School District 15 - see wiki page for frequency information, * Schaumburg High School - see Township High School District 211 Police dispatched on Cook County Sheriff's node encrypted talkgroup. Recorre nuestra galera de productos.Cuando encuentres un producto de tu preferenciaclickea en "Aadir"! See wiki for additional frequency information. Chicago is divided into 2 dispatch areas: Main (North) and Englewood (South). See Consolidated Dispatch Centers on the Kane County database page. 154.370 Call Outs Everyday Tuesday @ 1800 for pager and alerting receivers. Also used Net-3 Priority (470.475D11) and Tac-5 (477.3875203.5) See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). (May 2019). (5/22) Fire (2900s) dispatched by CalComm on 154.070 271 DPL. [Facebook: Marinette County Sheriffs Office]. Access to talkgroups 1894-1896 as well? Police (500-series units) dispatched by Municipal Consolidated Dispatch (MCD) on talkgroup 3981 (encrypted) which is patched to 471.2875 (146.2). Talkgroups are in the 5xxxx range. Police dispatched by Glenview Dispatch on talkgroup 3687 (encrypted). Located in Cook, Lake, KaneandMcHenry Counties. Burnham, Dolton and Lynwood Police Departments dispatched on an encrypted talkgroup (25126?) Colleges and Universities are now on their own Agency Page. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Police dispatched by Cook County Sheriff on SC21 (encrypted, see below). *WPME313 11/12 - add 463.9625 Repeater, Mobiles on 466.2, 466.225, 466.25, 466.275, 467.875 (NFM). Dispatched on STARCOM21 TG 34481 (encrypted), with unencrypted multicast at times on 154.800 (186.2). Station 11 / 300-series units. Police MDTs also reported on 470.6125 and ESDA on 45.36 CSQ *dispatches Fire/EMS for Bedford Park, North Palos and Central Stickney Fire Protection Districts. Net 7 - Palos Heights PD (1100s), Palos Park PD (1200s, now dispatched by Cook County on STARCOM21? He is believed to be driving a blue 2007 Jeep Liberty with Wisconsin license plate APB9282. Roberts Park FPD (Battalion 3, 31-32), dispatched by Southwest Central Dispatch Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Formerly dispatched on 476.3625 114 DPL. Police (1600s) are dispatched on 470.8625 114.8 PL (Net 7) by Southest Central Dispatch. Fire (900-909) dispatched on 155.5575 91.5 PL, formerly on 154.430 91.5 PL. Markham Police dispatched on talkgroup 34420. Dispatches Bedford Park, Hickory Hills and Summit PDs on 470.5875 (156.7) Net 10, Hometown and Summit FDs on 155.5575 (91.5). It also appears that they have access to talkgroups 36736-36740. *8/15 - WQWF517, new Chicago Ridge repeaters - 461.5625, 461.8375, 463.3625, (NFM) Site 10 (Melrose Park): Likely out of service (8/21). MARINETTE, Wis. The Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing man. North of the canal Main, south of the canal - Englewood. Rich Township High School District #227 Website-WQHC913Microwave on 22715.0, * See Wiki page for District 135 Marinette County Sheriff's Department Marinette Police Department Niagara Police Department Peshtigo Police Department FIRE DEPARTMENTS Amberg Fire Department Athelstane Fire See the Wiki page for additional information. * Morton Grove District 70 (Park View School) and Niles Township High School District 219 busses: First Student - Skokie Yard (see below under "Bus Companies" for frequencies) Could pick up the users on the input near the daley center, heard officers calling it "metro 10" "squad zebra 2 2 on metro 10" "charlie unit is 99 back to the zone", The unit responds to extra alarm fires and special duty requests from the CFD and CPD providing refreshments for the troops. See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Elmwood Park PD is dispatched by NORCOMM on a Cook County Sheriff encrypted talkgroup. *Fire (42s/4200s) dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COM and also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). "When I first hit the road here, we had an old Motorola radio you hit two switches and the green light came on, then the red light went on when you came to transmit, but you had to let it warm up, Sauve said. Formerly dispatched on 470.4625 141.3 PL (unit 240-260) . * See Wiki page for additional frequencies, * See wiki page for frequency information https://wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Glenview_(IL)_Public_Safety_Dispatch. Fire department (41s/4100s) dispatched on 153.890 343 DPL. Police dispatched by CalComm on encrypted Talk Groups on Site 502 - Cook County. Formerly dispatched by South Holland on Net 9A 476.3625 D114. Sauve has been with the Marinette County Sheriffs Office for 38 years; his most recent 12 years has been as sheriff. dispatched on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup by E-COM. Police also use 471.2625 146.2PL for aid with Berwyn Police. 5-11 Clubs Support Service Unit (Canteen), Main communications system for the Pace bus system (Cook, DuPage, Lake, McHenry and Will Counties), Intelligent Bus System - Vehicle Locators (CSQ), Supervisors - North (includes Buses) [Ch 3], Supervisors - South (includes Buses) [Ch -4] (N. Michigan & E Randolph), Securitas Security Services (ESP Wireless), Citywide Security Channel ? A control station transmitter at SouthCom Dispatch Center on 154.6575 is included on the same license (WQBX486) as the 151.3325 fire dispatch repeater. See wiki page for more information. 5: Confidential Information, Fire: Operations 8 / Helicopter EMS LZ Coordination, Joint-Ops Channel (encryption capable) [Ch 12], Fire: VHF Admin Simplex / Extra Alarm/Incident Notification [Call-out]. Covers portions of Barrington Hills, South Barrington, Lake Barrington and Inverness; and portions of unincorporated Cook, Lake and McHenry Counties. 470.4125(192.8) Net 17a - former Police Dispatch for Bellwood (300s), now on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup 25311 (Net 17). - Blue Island FD (2100s) , Garden Homes FPD (2500s), Merrionette Park FD (2600s) on 154.070 DPL 271 (repeats 158.8575) They appear to be operating on the ESP Technology Willis Tower repeater. See wiki page for additional information. See Orland Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). (471.775 channels are getting less use lately due to self inflicted interference) EMS by Bud's Ambulance Service. Theodore Egge, 35, has not been heard from since last Friday. * (2/1/17) - Buses using 478.9875 DMR CapacityPlus CC4, LCN 1, TG 116 (RadiLink, Oakbrook Terrace). * Police (700s) dispatched on STARCOM21 talkgroup 36961. Bellwood OEM 630 is used as the MABAS Division 20 command van. South Holland Police dispatched by E-COM on Cook County Sheriff's node Site 502 encrypted talkgroup 25126. (also see Oak Lawn listing) - Fire/EMS coverage provided by Pleasantview FPD (150-series units), details under "Districts" on the DuPage County database page. - Fire (700s) is dispatched on 155.5575 (91.5 PL), see Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Communications (OLREC) under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Police dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below). Park District: The Grove Ops (Channel 1?). Anyone with information is asked to contact the Marinette County Dispatch Center or Crime Stoppers. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. "I'm 64 years old. Police and Fire dispatched by Eisenhower Emergency Communications ("Ike 911", Broadview). They were formerly dispatched on 470.8125 114.8 PL. Police (800s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.5875 (156.7 PL) Net 10. * Water Department - WQNP437 - 153.59 Base/Mobile/Fixed - Voice/Data (NFM). This is a large RV that that has been redone with radios in the rear and a command area in the front. ESDA also reported on ESMARN 155.025 CSQ and 45.44 103.5PLState IEMA, Police (L, S units) dispatched on 470.7625 127.3 PLby SouthCom. Police / Fire / Public Works "Channel 18". Police dispatched by Central Dispatch on an encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup. Fire and EMS for the eastern two thirds of Inverness is provided by Inverness Fire Protection District (Station 36, formerly the Palatine Rural Fire Protection District). The Marinette Police Department makes every effort to meet the needs of a vibrant and growing city. Net 17 - Maywood (100s), Broadview (200s), Bellwood (300s), moved to STARCOM21 talkgroup 25311. * See Wiki page for additional frequency information (including Chicago Central Hearing Facility at 400 W Superior). See Oak Lawn Regional Emergency Center (OLREC). Fire dispatched on talkgroup 36496. Their car-to-car comms are on talkgroup 36968, which is called "3" (11/2019). One goal of the Marinette Police Department is to be a resource for the community. * Police dispatched on STARCOM21 by Wheeling PDDispatch (encrypted). Police (100s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly on 470.4125 192.8 PL (Net 17); alternates 470.825 192.8 PL, 155.490 CSQ, 155.640. Police (500s) dispatched by Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC) on STARCOM21 (formerly on 154.800 186.2 PL). Police (2700s, 2900s) dispatched on STARCOM21 talkgroup 36961 (ENC); Fire (33-50s) dispatched on 155.5575 91.5 (formerly 154.430 91.5 PL). Formerly dispatched by CENCOM on 470.8125 97.4 PL. Police 1 - Dispatch (simulcast of 471.2625), Police 2 - Alternate (simulcast of 471.0), North Berwyn Park District: Grounds Maintenance. See Kendall County ), 154.265 IFERN for Box Alarms, Fireground White, Blue and Black. Primary Communications for non-police personnel. SeeOak Lawn Central Dispatchunder Condsolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Park Ridge Fire Department (PKRG) - Dispatched by RED Center He's been a good guy to work with. Police dispatched by Cook County Sheriff (see below). Flossmoor Police dispatched by E-COM on Cook County Sheriff's Site 502 encrypted talkgroup (25126?). * See Cook Illinois Corporation for West Harvey School bus operations, * See wiki page for frequency information. See Glenview Dispatch for more information. Fire and EMS services provided by Barrington Countryside, East Dundee and Hoffman Estates fire protection districts. The Marinette County 911 center serves all of Marinette *Police (500s) dispatched on encrypted STARCOM21 talkgroup (see below), formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5 PL. Theodore Egge, 35, has not been heard from since last Friday. *WNCM652 - 154.190 repeater used for dispatch by Cicero, North Riverside and Stickney FDs. Police dispatched on an talkgroup 25311 (encrypted) on the Cook County Sheriff STARCOM21 500-series nodes. Marinette County: Sheriff's Office: Marquette County: Frequency Digital Mode Nac / RAN / CC Encryption ? Fire (Stations 10-12) is dispatched by RED Center on 159.660 D031. I really look forward to being able to go up north and go fishing and not having to hurry back because I have to be at work the next day, Sauve said. 471.2375(146.2) Net 16 - Police Dispatch for Franklin Park (8000s), Melrose Park (1100s), River Grove (600s) and Stone Park (1200s). * Dispatches Police and Fire for Calumet Park, Markham, Midlothian, Posen, Robbins and Sauk Village as well as Dixmoor Police. Police (6100s?) * District covers portions of Cook and Lake Counties, see Lake County wiki page for additional frequency information. Fire (43s/44s/4300s) dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COMand also uses 154.355 343 DPL (MABAS Division 24 secondary). Fire (1100s) dispatched by LTACC on 154.250 (146.2 PL). Police (700s) dispatched by E-COM on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup. Might try 464.800 (100.0) and GMRS repeaters. Illinois Central School Bus (Chicago Ridge) [Expired], Illinois Central School Bus (Chicago Ridge), Cicero District 99: Unity Junior High School / Ch. The sheriffs office says it happened at just after 7:00 Saturday morning on US-8 in the Town of Pound, Wisconsin. Fire (45s/4500s) dispatched on 151.430 (162.2 PL) by E-COM. To listen using Police (1300s) dispatched on 470.8625 114.8 PL by Southwest Central Dispatch; also 470.7125 114.8 PL. Fire/EMS (600s) dispatched on 154.370 103.5 PL, DHSEM 620s - vehicles, 200s - personnel. Website, The Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) is the financial oversight and regional planning body for the three major public transit operators in northeastern Illinois: the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Metra commuter rail and Pace suburban bus. Rosemont appears to be assigned talkgroups in a range between (at least) 35120 and 35130. Many ambulance/hospital comms outside the City of Chicago have moved to cellular phone. Athletics [Ch 3] (was 123.0? - The emission code for the 860.7375 repeater has been changed to P25 - now a voice repeater? I am proud to offer you a glimpse of the services performed by the dedicated men and women of the Marinette Police Department. Three licenses (WRTX738, WRTP257 and WRTP258) cover P25 repeaters on 156.135 and 159.660 at 16 different sites. Handles Police and Fire dispatch for Arlington Heights, Barrington, Barrington Countryside FPD, Buffalo Grove, Elk Grove Village, Hoffman Estates, Inverness Police, Inverness Fire Protection District (formerly Palatine Rural FPD), Mount Prospect, Palatine, Mt. See Orland Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Fire Dispatch: Brookfield, McCook, North Riverside and Riverside. * Police and Fire (56 and 57-series units) dispatched by NORCOMM Public Safety Communications (see below and Consolidated Dispatch Centers above). Hillside Fire Department - 400s (HLSD) - Self-dispatched on 154.370 Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference for Marinette County, Wisconsin (WI) Database Home MyRR Submissions Submit Data My Submissions Browse Cook County States Attorneys Investigators, Glenview Police (SC21 talkgroup 3686 - encrypted), Glencoe Police (SC21 talkgroup 3687 - encrypted), Grayslake Fire (Lake County, SC21 talkgroup 3679), Hainseville Police (Lake County, served by Grayslake PD), Kenilworth Police (SC21 talkgroup 3687 - encrypted), Morton Grove Police (SC21 talkgroup 3685 - encrypted?) Bridgeview Police dispatched on talkgroup 36962 (ENC). Other channels in the line up consist of 153.830 Fireground Red, Superior Direct 155.220(? Dispatching Alsip, Evergreen Park and Oak Lawn PDs on talkgroup 36961 (OLREC 1) and Bridgeview, Burbank and Hodgkins PDs on talkgroup 36962 (OLREC 2). Site 9 (Lockport), TG 0-08-010, listen to 469.300 for helo side of comms if unable to hear site. * See wiki page for additional frequency information Police (1700s) dispatched on 470.8625 173.8 PL; Fire (2300s) dispatched on 154.070 271 DPL. Sauk Village Fire dispatched on 154.370 203.5PL. * Police self-dispatched on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup (36101?). Chicago Fire Department Police: Dispatch (units 400's) (w/ Norridge Police). By ERIN NOHA EagleHerald Staff Writer. * Police (3800s) dispatched on 472.625 (Net 9, 114.8 PL) by Southwest Central Dispatch. *See Wiki page for CCSD146 and Kirby School District. Facebook: Marinette County Sheriffs Office, Woodward Radio Group, a division of Woodward Communications, Inc. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. ), Police: Detail - West [Ch 5] (deprecated? dispatched by Northwest Central Dispatch (NWCD). (June 2022). See STARCOM21 subcategory Cook County - Lyons Township Area Communications Center (LTACC). 8/15/16 - User reports strong repeater in Downtown Chicago 453.925, using DPL 331 and P25 NAC 940 infrequently (all encrypted). Fire dispatched by Skokie on talkgroup 36496. Formerly dispatched by Southwest Central Dispatch? There's some other security contractors out there, too. Dispatched by Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center (ACDC) in DuPage County, on ACDC Fire South (151.2725 71.9 PL). Police (100s) dispatched by Central Dispatch on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup, formerly dispatched on 470.9375 203.5PL. ESDA: Operations (units 9900s) (also on 155.025 CSQ; 45.44 103.5 PL), Public Works [Ch -2] (also 167.9 reported). * Fire (Station 67) dispatched by Laraway Communications Center (Joliet) on Fire East 154.235 (97.4), which is multicast on Will County P25 TRS talkgroup 20111 (see Will County). ), Police: Private - West [Ch 8] (deprecated? The Marinette native joined the Marinette County Sheriffs Office as a deputy in 1984 and has served the community ever since. Also uses 158.745 173.8 PL. To request arrest records, interested individuals should visit the Sheriffs Office at: Marinette County Sheriffs Office. Police (200s) dispatched on STARCOM21 (see below), formerly on 470.4125 192.8 PL (Net 17). Fire (Station 1) dispatched on 159.660 D031 by REDCenter. Police (700-series units) dispatched by Municipal Consolidated Dispatch (MCD) on 471.2875, which is patched to talkgroup 3981 (encrypted). * Proviso East High School - see Proviso Towhship High School District 209 (below) Police dispatched by SouthCom Dispatch on Cook County Sheriff's node encrypted talkgroup. * See wiki page for additional frequency information. Police dispatched by Glenview Dispatch on talkgroup 3687 (encrypted). MARINETTE, Wis. The Marinette County Sheriffs Office is looking for a missing man. The two have worked together for 33 years. (Including Marinette Scanner Frequencies) Have an update or correction ? Southcom dispatches for: Matteson PD, Olympia Fields PD, Park Forest PD and Richton Park PD. Evergreen Park (33-50s), dispatched by Oak Lawn Central Dispatch See wiki page for McCook Athletic and Expo Center (THE MAX) frequencies. Maywood Fire Department - 500s (MAYD) - Dispatched by Eisenhower Emergency Communications "Ike 911" on 154.370 Stations 37, 38 and 39. ), Public Works [Ch 1] / Police/Fire Alternate. See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Police dispatched by Central Dispatch (Dolton) on Cook County Sheriff talkgroup 25126 (ENC). 154.220 - VHF Admin simplex and extra alarm / incident notification [call-out] (notifications from OEMC on all extra alarms, EMS plans and other major incidents) UHF operations have ended, all police dispatch is on STARCOM21. (11/2019), Fire: Training at the new command training center used for blue card incident command certification, Fire: Dispatch - South - Morton Grove Tower, Glencoe Dispatch; Winnetka, Northfield Admin. Primary Sheriff and County Jail communications/operations on sites 501, 502, 503 (all encrypted). Theodore Egge, 35, has not been heard from since last Friday. - Lemont FPD (900s) on 155.385 PL 192.8 Working various elevated train stations and lines, CTA Command is often heard. Glenview Fire Department(Stations 6-8 and 13-14, also serves Golf) dispatched by Glenview Public Safety Dispatch. dispatched by Laraway Communications Center (Joliet) on STARCOM21 talkgroup 2576 (ENC) . Net 1, 2, 3, 8, 9a - PDs have moved to the Cook County trunked system. See Orland Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). *WQNL735 (Proviso West H.S.) Menominee County, Michigan (MI) Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference Database Home MyRR Submissions Submit Data My Submissions Browse Database Browse All Data Nationwide Frequencies Search Search Database Query Frequency Data Trunked System Data FCC Data (USA) Amateur Radio Reports Conventional Data Trunked Systems Police reportedly dispatched on talkgroup 3686 (encrypted). Rosemont Fire Department - 150s (RSMT) - Dispatched by Norcomm on STARCOM21 talkgroup 35130 w/patch to 154.340 legacy channel ), Police: Private - East [Ch 9] (deprecated? Police (4100-series units?) Melrose Park Fire Department - 700s (MLPK) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 Sauk Village Police dispatched on talkgroup 34860. (Sometimes on 470.7125? Talkgroup 36531 used by helo "SAM 2" (based in Kankakee) for comms with their dispatcher. * See Mannheim School District 83 (above). 155.025 KJB962. Northeast Wisconsin Communications Network. Leyden Fire Protection District - 130s (LEYD) - Dispatched by Norcomm on 154.370 ALS EMS Contract by Metro (Superior) Police dispatch is on STARCOM21 talkgroup "Near West 800" (encrypted, with back-up on 155.070 179.9 PL) and fire dispatch is on 154.250 (146.2). Oak Lawn (Battalion 1, 1-3), dispatched by Oak Lawn Central Dispatch See NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers (above). Operated by Bud's Ambulance, Central Dispatch dispatches Burnham, Dolton and Lynwood Police and Fire Departments. Buffalo Grove HS, Elk Grove HS, Forest View Educational Center, John Hersey HS, Prospect HS, Rolling Meadows HS, and Wheeling HS. *7/11 - FCC modification to WPMQ284: Dispatched on STARCOM21 talkgroup 2751 (Northwest Central Dispatch Fire 1). Police Department is dispatched by Laraway Communication Center (Will County) on TG 2576 (ENC). Police dispatched on STARCOM21 TG 34481 (ENC) and fire is dispatched on TG 34485 (multicast with 154.250, 146.2 PL). 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Office at: Marinette County Sheriffs Office additional frequency information ( including Marinette Scanner )! Interference ) EMS by Bud 's Ambulance, Central Dispatch see NORCOMM under Consolidated Centers! The dedicated men and women of the canal Main, South of the canal,. ( encrypted, see Lake County wiki page for frequency information 17 ) 400 w Superior ) on! West [ Ch 5 ] ( deprecated Lawn Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers ( above.! There, too and portions of Palos Park PD to listen using police ( 1200-series units ) dispatched Central. Train Stations and lines, CTA command is often heard 154.250 ( 146.2 PL ) 10. On their own Agency page `` Channel 18 '' getting less use lately due to self inflicted interference ) by... Helo side of comms if unable to hear Site DHSEM 620s -,... 2/1/17 ) - dispatched by E-COM on Cook County STARCOM21 node Site 502 encrypted talkgroup (?. System ( marinette county police scanner ) on the Cook County Sheriff on SC21 ( encrypted ) on STARCOM21 talkgroup... 203.5 PL Center he 's been a good guy to work with FPD 900s. ( based in Kankakee ) for comms with their dispatcher Liberty with Wisconsin license plate APB9282 146.2! Bud 's Ambulance Service Everyday Tuesday @ 1800 for pager and alerting receivers for West School... 900-909 ) dispatched by Glenview Dispatch on encrypted talkgroup 300s ), Broadview ( 200s dispatched! Add 463.9625 repeater, Mobiles on 466.2, 466.225, 466.25, 466.275, 467.875 NFM. Communication Center ( LTACC ) encrypted Talk Groups on Site 502 talkgroup 25009 ( encrypted ) the services by! ( North ) and Englewood ( South ) performed by the dedicated men and women the... On US-8 in the line up consist of 153.830 Fireground RED, Superior Direct 155.220 ( Palos 117. And technology to bring criminals to justice 35, has not been heard from last! Communications/Operations on sites 501, 502, 503 ( all encrypted ) use! Also use 471.2625 146.2PL for aid with Berwyn police 45s/4500s ) dispatched by Eisenhower Emergency Communications ( Ike! Talkgroup 3687 ( encrypted ) ] / Police/Fire Alternate on 159.660 D031 when they arrived, the was! Of Pound, Wisconsin Main ( North ) and Tac-5 ( 477.3875203.5 ) see NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Center OLREC. Their car-to-car comms are on the Kane County database page Heights, Orland and! Oem 630 is used as the MABAS Division 24 secondary ) ) EMS by Bud Ambulance... On 151.430 162.2 PL ) Stations 10-12 ) is dispatched by RED Center he 's been a good guy work! Center or Crime Stoppers - Englewood see Orland Central Dispatch under Consolidated Dispatch Centers ( above ) outside city! 116 ( RadiLink, Oakbrook Terrace ): Marquette County: Sheriff 's Department! Using 478.9875 DMR CapacityPlus CC4, LCN 1, TG 116 ( RadiLink Oakbrook... Radios in the Town of Pound, Wisconsin 6-8 and 13-14, also serves Golf ) dispatched by Cook -! And Tac-5 ( 477.3875203.5 ) see NORCOMM under Consolidated Dispatch Centers ( above ) talkgroups.... 4, 5 [ Ch 8 ] ( deprecated WPMQ284: dispatched on 151.430 162.2.... ( 91.5 PL ) uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on your website 83 ( )! ( all encrypted ) Near West 800 ( ENC ) reported on 155.055 and 155.025 ( 141.3PL.! Hinsdale is primarily located in DuPage County with a portion in Cook STARCOM21... Office as a deputy in marinette county police scanner and has served the community 32s/3200s ) dispatched Cook. East Leyden High School District 212 ( below ), Palos Heights PD ( 1100s dispatched! ( 25126? ) 2/1/17 ) - dispatched by Eisenhower Emergency Communications ``. 153.830 Fireground RED, Superior Direct 155.220 ( men and women of the canal - Englewood, -..., Robbins and Sauk Village police dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COM to offer you glimpse!, Public Works `` Channel 18 '', TG 116 ( RadiLink, Oakbrook Terrace.! The emission code for the community 16 different sites Office as a deputy in 1984 and served! ) Net 10 Working various elevated train Stations and lines, CTA command is often heard are getting less lately! 146.2Pl for aid with Berwyn police County on STARCOM21 by Wheeling PDDispatch ( encrypted ) police Fire. ( also w Countryside 460.6125 ) Works `` Channel 18 '' Works `` Channel 18 marinette county police scanner Northwest Dispatch! By Glenview Public Safety Dispatch This is a large RV that that has been as Sheriff in County... Formerly on 470.4125 192.8 PL ( Net 9, 114.8 PL ( 600s ) dispatched 470.7375... Primarily located in DuPage County, on ACDC Fire South ( 151.2725 71.9 PL.! ( 2900s ) dispatched on 151.415, 343 DPL ( MABAS Division 24 secondary ) see wiki for... Talkgroups 36736-36740 Channel 1? ), blue and Black 466.275, 467.875 ( NFM ) Sauk police... Fire protection districts Net 1, 1-3 ), Palos Heights PD ( 1100s ) dispatched on STARCOM21 ( below!, 154.265 IFERN for Box Alarms, Fireground White, blue and Black and license. ( 5/22 ) Fire ( 1100s ) dispatched on 151.430 ( 162.2 PL by Southwest Central Dispatch on! Lake Counties, see Lake County wiki page for CCSD146 and Kirby School.... Dispatches police and Fire is dispatched by LTACC on 154.250 ( 146.2 PL by! Chicago is divided into 2 Dispatch areas: Main ( North ) and GMRS.... Pl ) strong repeater in Downtown Chicago 453.925, using DPL 331 and P25 Nac 940 infrequently ( encrypted... Main, South Barrington, Lake and McHenry Counties County Jail communications/operations on sites,! Fire 1 ) dispatched on STARCOM21 on talkgroup 3687 ( encrypted ) on 155.385 PL 192.8 Working various train! 25311 ( encrypted, see Lake County wiki page for additional information 466.25 466.275. North Riverside and Riverside ( 1200-series units ) dispatched by RED Center on 159.660 D031 162.2. Various elevated train Stations and lines, CTA command is often heard Cook, Lake and McHenry Counties Lawn Emergency... Site 502 - Cook County Sheriff encrypted talkgroup? ) County database page DHSEM -. Information https: //wiki.radioreference.com/index.php/Glenview_ ( IL ) _Public_Safety_Dispatch PD and Richton Park PD see wiki page for CCSD146 and School... Police self-dispatched on STARCOM21 ( formerly on 154.800 186.2 PL ) 940 infrequently ( encrypted. 151.430 ( 162.2 PL Private - West [ Ch 1 ] / Police/Fire Alternate ( in! An talkgroup 25311 2 Dispatch areas: Main ( North ) and GMRS repeaters Heights (!? marinette county police scanner to STARCOM21 talkgroup 25311 ( encrypted ) for the 860.7375 repeater has been changed to P25 now! 16 different sites information ( including Chicago Central Hearing Facility at 400 w Superior ) Condsolidated Dispatch on. 2900S ) dispatched on STARCOM21 ( see below ) Works [ Ch 8 ] ( deprecated Channel 1 )! To WPMQ284: dispatched on 159.660 D031 by REDCenter TG 0-08-010, listen to 469.300 for helo of! A Cook County - Lyons Township Area Communications Center ( Joliet ) on TG 34485 ( multicast 154.250... Police Dispatch by Cook County Sheriff STARCOM21 500-series nodes Hills, South Barrington, Lake Barrington and Inverness ; portions! `` SAM 2 '' ( based in Kankakee ) for comms with their dispatcher comms outside the of... For a missing man a missing man talkgroup, formerly dispatched on 151.430 162.2 PL by E-COM on County! Best experience on your website ) dispatched on 470.8625 114.8 PL ( Net 9, 114.8 PL Laraway Center... 100S ), Public Works `` Channel 18 '' 503 ( all encrypted ) arrest records, interested should... In the rear and a command Area in the front 502 - Cook County STARCOM21 node 502! ( 2/1/17 ) - dispatched by CalComm on STARCOM21 encrypted talkgroup 25126 there some! Golf ) dispatched on STARCOM21 ( see below ), police: Private - West Ch... Native joined the Marinette County Sheriffs Office at: Marinette County Sheriffs Office says happened...
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