We have NOT been able to find an updated graduation schedule for MCT or ITB East at Camp Geiger. is the final march back to camp geiger on thursday or friday? Hes done on the 15th I think and he told me he may be lucky if he even gets 3 days. Same thing as my husband. Thanks, this was very helpful, im leaving for boot camp in December and was wondering what really happens after boot camp. Some of it makes sense, and some of it is pointless just like the military in general. Related Article Marine Corps Basic Training Guide. Rank and Name Your entire issue of uniforms and gear that you received at the Recruit Depot is all that is required. Also, he told me that his phone was taken away for 25 days and he will get it back on the 25th day. July 18, 2022 - Camp Lejeune Justice Act of 2022 Update. Be prepared to eat a lot of MREs during Marine Combat Training. We just received our second correspondence from our son who will be completing his 4th week of training (phase 1). Theyll split you up, but nothing is stopping you from jumping to a different line. WOWI went through MCT almost 10 years ago (the first platoon to integrate females) and we were allowed to take our phones with us. Thats about all I knoe! PSC BOX 20166 Notebook After checking in, Rumors about a 4th of July LIBERTY might happen. Is there another graduation after MOS training? To find the MCT and MCT Alumni membership fees for your country/region, use the lookup tool at the end of the page. All hikes start really early in the morning, and the long hikes at MCT usually last about 4 hours. Marine Girlfriend and Fiance. I cant find any info or websites really on this, can you help? I read online if he has school longer than 4 months he may be able to apply for bade housing. He called me yesterday afternoon and stated that he would have Christmas eve and day off. Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 0166. Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 0166. This training is a 29-day infantry training through the School of Infantry. By definition, OPSEC (Operational Security) is defined as pieces of critical information that could be collected and used against friendly forces. You are all heroes and I thank you for serving our country, and I am trying to learn as much as I can about ranks, etc., of all branches, so that I can properly thank each and every active duty and veteran that I encounter, as well as, the families that have sacraficed right alongside you. And if you do, Do you get to go off base? there, and only after your squared away & only if you performed perfectly week prior. Thank you for your time and service! http://www.kevinwebb22.com/marine-combat-training-2/marine-combat-training-mct-graduation-visitors-information, Thank you so much I really apprieciate it. Was picked up over Christmas, but they were given liberty for the first time in a long time, if not ever, in the history of East Coast MCT. When you hike out to the range, the A rats disappear. One of the Marine Corps foundational training methods is forced marches and conditioning hikes. Wait until he gets to his MOS school, and then you can send whatever you want. Semper Fidelis~~~. What should I expect and what can I tell his family? On the East coast, we have to hike several miles a day to and from our shooting ranges, so we only complete 1-2 ranges a day, where as West coast might be able to do 3-4. The se See more Im not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Proud Marine Mom I live about 16 hours away and really cant afford missing anymore school after going to his bootcamp graduation If I dont go will he be the only one without someone there? (on a Tuesday) It is to make them perform at a high level when the proverbial Ice cream turns to S4!t. I wish Marineparents.com would add a link to your site on theirs. Thank you for your time. At least now I know what he is experiencing. Im not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Hi. While at boot camp they like the letters and cards but eventually they mature and youll be lucky to get an email from them. I also am very aware that each platoon is different, each company is different, and each battalion is different. You still do fire watch at MCT. Our platoon did not get to call our last Sunday there either. . The people that I saw have the most issues adjusting to the culture were the young men that had ties too close to home. I love the comments about east coast/west coast. Im just curious, how important is MCT graduation? He can request to take leave. When you get to Marine Combat Training (MCT), you get the upgraded version with the Trijicon ACOG and the laser infrared sight. I was born and raised in California, back when it was a state I was much prouder of before our infiltration and I still remember as a young girl the G.I.s coming home from serving in Viet Nam, and how different these young men were from when they left. Visitors will need to provide the following for access to New River Air Station / Camp Geiger: The hikes are very similar to the hikes at boot camp. Thanks for your help. MARINE CORPS BASE CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. - As the world's finest fighting force, Marines have to prepare each other for the challenges of being in combat, this process starts aboard Camp Geiger. [] If you are planning on joining the Marine Corps, then you better get used to the idea of hiking everywhere you go. What is the more likely cause of that? Valid Drivers License Students who are expecting visitors will meet with their visitors in Bldg TC-1005,the Camp Geiger Recreation Center Anything shared will be appreciated. Most of those pictures are not from MCT, i didnt go to that i went to ITB and i know that the first, second and fourth pics arnt from there. My husband just started his MCT last tuesday. There will be minimal chances to read mail. Very informational and just what I needed. @M Im posting answers to your questions on the MCT Frequently Asked Questions page as well. Try to get to the front of the line, that way youll be done and can head back to your pack. 1 week ago You might attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton or Camp Geiger. since his mos will be too far away for him to travel on a 96 (even with a chit) could he fly me out to where he is on MOS while hes on 96 if we get a hotel and everything? I am leaving for Parris Island on September 6. i know afterwards he goes to school for 9 months. After you were treated like a recruit in MCT because you got screwed because of what someone else did, and now that you are in the fleet do you really see a difference? MCT is for Marines whose MOS is not infantry (03xx). How long is the entire thing? Is this an attempt at spam/link building? Thanks. A lot of recruits and new Marines do that. The east coast, west coast argument is more of a fun game we play. Is there a way he or I can do in case he doesnt get PTAD after MCT? Today 11/30/10 he is headed to NC for his 4 wk. Because of those Marines, all the punish all for one mentality does is lower moral, waste time, and cut into actual training time. Sometimes I think that it is not just done to strengthen our military people but also to instill discipline to each of them which could be of great help. He can grab luggage carts at the Airport otherwise he will need to make multiple trips, or figure out how to turn himself into a load-bearing mule. You will leave for your Military Occupational School (MOS) IMMEDIATELY AFTER you graduate. My boyfriend is currently at MCT east and i got to talk to him at the end of week two i think. Marine Combat Training is a challenging training program. In either case, your training is the same. The first week of Marine Combat Training youll spend doing simple classes and practical application. After attending Marine Combat Training, it is time to attend schooling in their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) before moving on to their permanent duty station. The 2 companies before and after mine are on this schedule though, so it might be a more permanent change. Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. Im trying to find out how long his school is. I wish I could just set all of yall down and console you ,but The Corps is something very different than you can imagine, even after reading all of the blogs and watching all of the documentaries including Ears, Open, Eyeballs, Click There is no way to comprehend the reality of the Corps.When a kid steps on those yellow foot prints he is in his own mind alone. This year's edition is even more comprehensive than the four previous versions, enhanced with photos and more program detail, and now includes all relevant camp forms within this single publication. When he arrived at the airport, his luggage did not make it until later the next day. Dont worry, hell be just fine. I was surprised to see they dont get 36 hours leave after Graduation. Caroline. He was thankful that I had found this site. Every platoon at Marine Corps boot camp has a few recruits that get a hold of the training matrix/schedule, but finding a schedule for Marine Combat Training (MCT) is another story. You get about 5 hours of free time during your entire month-long training and it will be spent showering and prepping your gear. Take advantage of any down time to eat chow, use the head, and make friends. Just wondering, my hubby graduates MCT in about a week and a halfby now does he know if hes going straight to job school or if he has to wait and where it is. Thank you so much for your insite to MCT. This has helped me out tremendously on finding out info about my fiancs graduation. It ALWAYS depends on the training schedule, and who is in charge of the platoon that day. @ Krista.as I know they have 10 days leave.. @ ChriatyIm sorry to hear thatPraise God my husbands MCT is in Camp Pendleton..He just started his MCT last Tuesday. SOI East MCT BN If your MOS school is within 8 hours of driving, then youll be on the bus the entire trip. However this is no surprise because before he left he was informed about it. HI i am a fiance to a MArine he is in MOS but his school is backed up till july he got RA but he needs his paper work his recruiter said theres a website he can get them on does anyone know it so I can give it to him so he can come home thank you. My husband left for his MCT in NC on November 22 but he didnt class up until December 7. mct training schedule 2022 camp geiger. He had heard recently that some schedule changes were giving new MCT graduates a leave in between MCT and MOS can you comment on that? You can tell the difference between infantry MOSs because the MOS code for infantry positions begin with 03. The SGT doesnt want to hear it..what can I do to help my son? Semper Fi ! Thanks, You might, if youre lucky, have about 30 minutes to change over to civilian clothes, grab your bags, say goodbye and jump on the bus. Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it. Therefore, the School of Infantry condensed the training into approximately four weeks, so all Marines learn weapon skills, explosives, convoys, navigation, and warfare fundamentals. he graduates the 13th of December and i know they have to go straight to MOS after this. His arrival date was 30 November. PSC 20161 When it comes to the west coast, terrain has a lot to do with why they get weekends off (which is NOT like they have a px across the street like east coast does. The Rally Point . Related Article Marine Infantry MOS Guide. But its Marine Dad Lol, Hi My son arrived Tuesday at Camp Lejeune for MCT. The Marine Combat Training schedule. Rule #2 Bootcamp today is so much easier than when I was in boot camp They just have to push thru and except their new family and culture. I really dont want to have already screwed up. I can honestly say Im excited about the whole idea, but very nervous. I wanted to ask how definite that is because I do want to see him for as long as possible before he leaves again. Did you have some that resisted coming together as a team? It wasnt the physical part that was rough it was that fact that i was a woman and i had to work harder, because I was not going to be put in the rest of the category of women., weak and dependent on men. Im curious what he might mean by this. I really appreciate ur time and effort with this web site..It takes a load off my mind..Thanks again, @CherBey, Youre very welcome. God Bless the USA. At MOS, Marines will typically have regular schedules with evenings off free to do what they want for the most part. He was also told his only way out of i and to come home on leave until it starts would be to get recruiter assistance. Semper fi! Now as far as the comparision of east and west cost, again I was there when all the changes were coming down range (excuse the pun) rest assured the training is the same. my nephew is the one I wrote you about getting the meritorious mast. will he call? Click here to join the MarineParents.com Official Facebook Group for MCT East at Camp Geiger. Posted on October 26, 2022. by . Gortex Top maybe if youre lucky on saturday nights but we were lucky to get more then 6 hours asleep a night and thats not even counting firewatch if you have it which is a two hour post sometimes more. I was always hungry at boot camp. I do have a question. Thanks again! thank you so much!! This has been very helpful. I tried to switch with the other girls in my platoon, but everyone seemed to have larges and the ones with smalls wouldnt give them up. Im sorry this has happened. Great to see this as there was no MCT in the proverbial old Corps . He didnt think to call my cell phone but I had it off anyway. I know I read it before but cant remember where..his report date was October 5th..thanks. He just needs to check with his local RS to see if they need anyone. There is very little time for communications while at MCT. At times youll feel like youre back in boot camp (on the East coast) and youll end up getting screwed because of what other Marines in your platoon do. Can somebody please help me find the info on his mos school start date!??? The next few days youll spend studying for your final written exam, turning in gear, getting orders, going through admin again and practicing for your twenty-minute graduation. My boyfriends school is pending and hell be up there for 2 weeks before he can start school (Jan 3) and I was wondering if theres anyway we can bring him home instead of him sitting up there waiting, is there any sort of form or way we can check him out so he can come back home? THE MARINE COMBAT TRAINING BATTALION-EAST CONDUCTS STANDARDS-BASED COMMON COMBAT SKILLS TRAINING OF ENTRY-LEVEL MARINES IN ORDER TO CREATE RIFLEMEN FOR SERVICE THROUGHOUT THE MARINE CORPS.. Very tough, cold, wet, MREs the whole time. Hi. Kevlars will fit, and your gear issue will be legit. My son lost a lot of weight (45lbs)during boot.. mostly from so much exercise from the DIs crap. Not even close. Much more to that it would be something remarkable experience after all. And Im not sure how Christmas is done if youve already started MCT. Theyre doing the 10k hiking till Friday. After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. Those who are in an Infantry MOS attend the School of Infantry. Nor can we have food or candy of our own. And if the West Coast trainees get the weekends off, do the weekends not count for the 29 days? Did he recently have anything happen at home? I honestly do not know of any Sailors that have gone through MCT. Otherwise, youre stuck waiting in line for possibly up to 5 hours. Your site is well intentioned and I applaud its merits. Youll hit the classroom first and then do some hands-on work in the afternoon. I just wanted to point out that the graduation date for India # 15-14, pick up date Feb 4th is March 11th on the page here. My son has not been himself at all..now he is being charged with some stuff that he did while in sac company.. Sometimes, due to holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and the Marine Corps Birthday, graduation will be on a Wednesday. I was in 3 different platoons before all was said and done. I just want to say that as a new Marines wife it is so good to read all this stuff. Last question. I agree, each service member is a hero regardless of branch, but there is no other brotherhood like the Marine Corps and that is coming from someone who was in a college fraternity. also there is collegewill there be another graduation then also? Not that Marines dont respect Navy personnel, but there would be a higher bond having experienced this portion of training. They didnt brief us or anything before my husband leave for bootcamp, thats why I have alot of questions.. Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training ITB has a mission to train infantry Marines for 59 days. Your son may have even done something purposefully in order to be released. There is an RA budget, so if they already have Marines helping, then they may not need him. Sure would like to know where the weekend liberty is everyone speaking of as wed love to have flown down to see him. I heard that the mail does not get to them often because they are in the field. We took our son to MCT Camp Geiger on Feb 22, 2011. I was wondering why you would have this sight here, isnt this going against opsec, not only endangering those marine lives that are there now but future generation. Is there a good site you know of that gives a lot of info for MOS in 29 palms Cali? They will come back this Friday. why.now im worried that he got in trouble or got hurt or something Im not 100% sure because he only had a few minutes to talk so I wasnt able to ask a lot of questions. Even my MOS was back up by up to 4 months and it was only a 3-month school. I know she is Hotel Company 3rd Platoon, do you think that is enough to write her? We are going to have a lot of Vets from these dam wars we are in now and I hope you all ban together, regardless of branch served or east or west coasts. motorola phones in kenya; xiaomi pad 5 stylus alternative; what is text classification in deep learning. So Im glad to read that they dont get to call for a while and so on. There will be a lot of trading, buying and selling of MREs during MCT. They all deserve the up-respect specially one to the other when your against the enemy. -Christy. But what do I know, my opinion is irrelevant, First of all, I think you mean site and not sight.. After a few days of classes and practical application, youll start the BSRE (Basic Skills Retention Exercise) which will test you on everything you have learned during Marine Combat Training. Against friendly forces go off base infantry MOSs because the MOS code for infantry positions with. July 18, 2022 - Camp Lejeune for MCT East and i got to talk to him at end! 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