After 1 Year Reading Progression Comments Guide . ___ is a dedicated student who participates actively in class. In other words, a number or letter or grade captures the what, while an accompanying comment captures the how. ________ is learning to offer more direct responses to her reading experiences supported by reasons, examples, and details. ___ excels at transferring classroom knowledge to real-world and real-life circumstances. So when you're ready to draft phonics report card comments or a phonics progress report and need a little help crafting your words, these phonics comments will come in handy. Pages 3, 4, 5 Table of contents, suggested activities and how to use this pack. Sentences: An assortment of report card comments and phrases focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The 105 report card comments in this list will help you: You'll notice that the report card comments below can act as a springboard for more fully developed ones. ______ is a fantastic writer of creative stories and poetry. Each row contains a variety of these subjects. Looking for report card comments?The perfect tool to keep with you at report writing time!Most suitable for junior/middle level teachers.Designed to be printed 2-sided and laminatedA4 sizedContains 245 comment ideas, split into the following categories:* Managing myself* Working with others* Thinking skills* Speaking and listening* Reading* Writing, Handwriting* Spelling, Phonics* Mathematics (Perfect for New Zealand key competencies reporting! No problem! WRITING comments. Many problems that show up at school are also problems noticed at home, so your comments will not surprise parents. I'm hoping that this effort and attitude will continue into the next school year. Using our extensive, 180-page collection of comments resource is a wise and efficient use of teacher's valuable time. ________ does not use his time wisely in ______ is gaining self-confidence. 2. Any assistance you can provide from your own home would be really valuable. Contents:This resource includes 12 differentiated assessments. ________ is conscious of putting care into his/her daily writing work, and frequently goes beyond the minimum requirements for assignments. 1. ______ enjoys participating in artistic pursuits. When speaking, ______ utilises a lot of colourful words. Mathematics and Literacy 3. ________ handled technical problems well and was always prepared. The first line of the white board is for sounds.The se, These Phonics Boom Cards are perfect for reading centers, whole group, summer review and homeschooling. _____ is prone to making careless mistakes. _______ uses (complex, simple) sentences in her writing. Proofreading is something that _____ must do. However, he will need to work on skim-reading texts more effectively in his future studies. _______ needs to apply skills to all written work. _______ has done some excellent work, but it hasn't been consistent. Price: 30 pages X .10 = $3.00 They are a collection of my in-person and virtual learning comments.This document was created for fellow teachers. She has trouble grasping simple concepts and is unable to work on her own. He/she does well on assignments, but does not seem to retain information for tests. ______'s actions are still inconsistent. Creating report card comments and remarks can be a daunting and tedious task for teachers. _______'s reading is not yet becoming automatic. ________ is thoughtful, insightful and thorough in written and verbal communication, and has a talent for expressing his/her ideas clearly. Ideally, at some point prior to receiving the progress report, parents have already discussed the problem with you. _____ sight words are now recognised by ____ . Writing report card comments doesnt have to be stressful. I am using them in my RTI class. This reporting period, _____ has made significant progress. He or she must pay close attention to directions in order to learn to operate autonomously. ________ is having trouble with math tests. It doesn't have to be on your own either. That's especially true in the era of distance learning. ________ is very conscientious and shows excellent effort and care with daily work. phonics report card comments phonics. This term, ____ has done an outstanding job confronting and overcoming significant obstacles. _____ is amusing and enjoys the stories we read. I appreciate your assistance at home. The learner works democratically with peers, Continue Reading 2. __ has good reading comprehension and decoding skills. _______ is very eager to do her work, yet she can be a nuisance to the other pupils. _______ is able to learn to spell words easily. Please keep working on these abilities over the summer. Sign up for your free teacher account today! Personal Word Wall He or she makes sound decisions and is open to new ideas. Use EduCloud Report Card system to create reports with inbuilt report card comment bank. Please contact me if you need materials to get him/her started. _______ uses the dictionary to find unfamiliar words. report card Hooked on Phonics. ________ is having a difficult time in certain areas of math. ______ is a very pleasant and willing worker who takes a keen interest in all of her work. _______ speaks very well in front of the class. It would be useful to pay more attention to the required tasks and to attend the online classes on a regular basis. I am very pleased with (name)'s improvement over the past few months. ________ consistently needs reminders to focus on time management. 2. Within this activity students will practice reading word families which can help strengthen their knowledge in reading fluency, word patterns, common meanings, and sounds. Every teacher will agree that writing unique report card comments is important as it helps the parents to understand their child's progress, they can take necessary action by understanding the report card comments. How to create school and college student report cards online? Report Card Comments amp Phrases?End of Year Assessment. _______ puts words in the appropriate order. ______ continues to mix up words that appear to be the same. If you get stuck completing the comments for a particular student, move on to your other students and return to it later. Classroom and support teachers find this handout particularly helpful as a resource to share with parents wanting to partic, Purposeful, paperless practice! __ needs to learn basic sight words so she/he can decode words more quickly. _______ sometimes reverses letters in a word. What kind of comments, and how should you word these comments? ______ is quick to pick up on new concepts. While every report card comment is ultimately about your student, think of your students parents or guardians as much as possible and offer suggestions for their participation. ________ is interested in his/her own learning, listens attentively, and makes a solid effort to avoid distractions that could interrupt the learning process. Page 2 Shout Out Finished Product will Includes 38 W, These BINGO choice cards can be used for a weekly homework assignment for primary grades, but mainly geared towards kindergarten. Quotes Poetry Activity for Middle School, Martin Luther King, Jr. Problem Solving and Innovating4. They are a collection of my in-person and virtual learning comments.This document was created for fellow teachers. ______ is a diligent student who should do well in the ____ grade. . I'm hoping that the current level of enthusiasm and progress will continue. If you are unclear about your schools format for report cards, request samples or consult with other teachers or staff members to clarify. ________ demonstrates a willing and conscientious effort in his/her daily work. These comments are my go-to! Report Card Comments For Assessing Elementary Student Writing Skills These quick tips will help you accurately assess your student's writing skills for their report cards. Students will practice developing their blending, vocabulary and understanding of word sounds with this word family digital game. ___ takes an active interest in his or her own learning, pays close attention, and makes a concerted effort to avoid distractions that could disrupt the learning process. 3. ______ enjoys talking about the stories we've been reading. The quality of _____'s work reflects her positive attitude. ________ is learning to skip count forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns. Self Regulation and Well Being Covers Level 4(A) to Level 1(D) in all areas, as well as next steps for further success. Phase 1 Phonics Guidance Pack 4.9 (16 Reviews) General Comments Report Writing 4.7 (29 Reviews) EYFS 2021 Resource. It is based on the Communication of Learning (COL) report card comments for Junior and Senior Kindergarten classes in Ontario. ________ is frequently among the first to help and mentor other classmates. ________ asks good questions and always reaches out proactively when he/she needs help with an assignment or lesson. (Name) often participates in class discussions. It is designed to be used as a supplement for beginning reading. The comments can be applied to both Initial Observations reports (released to parents in the fall), Kindergarten Communication of Learning report in the winter (Term One) and Kindergarten Communication. If she can make a positive effort in this area, she will find school much more enjoyable. ________ determines various forms of writing and identifies important ideas through the development of insightful questions and answers. ________ is encouraged to be more responsible in completing tasks without needing regular reminders. _______ is able to read his sentences back. This Boom Cards deck provides students practice with beginning digraphs. Contents of the notebook: ______'s motor skills are good/ bad/ fine. _______'s spelling scores have improved greatly since the beginning of the school year. Reading, Phonics, Decoding, Encoding, General Work Habits, Mechanics of Writing, Creative Writing, Social Skills, Math, Following Directions, Goals For the Year, End-of-the-Year Comments, Sample Reading Reports, Library Science Comments and Samples Report Card Comments for Language Arts and Reading CREATED BY: TeacherVision Staff LAST UPDATED: May 18, 2022 An assortment of report card comments and phrases focusing on reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Keep your comments positive and to the point. ________ works well with classmates in group work and often takes a leadership role. (11) . Academically, _____ is making steady progress. This will help next time to improve the result and remember your times tables at home in an easy, step-by-step way. Self Regulation and Well Being Covers Level 4(A) to Level 1(D) in all areas, as well as next steps for further success. With online learning, ____ has successfully maintained his/her class demeanour and work habits. Engage and motivate your students with our adaptive, game-based learning platform! _______ uses (complex, simple) sentences while speaking. She continues to struggle with obeying school rules and treating other pupils with respect. This bundle of Boom Cards provides students practice with long vowel words. To retain reading vocabulary, ______ requires a lot of repetition and practise. Since our last meeting, ______ has improved. ________ worked well independently and in a group setting during distance learning activities. _____ appears unable to complete the required work. 4. Reading, Phonics, Decoding, Encoding, General Work Habits, Mechanics of Writing, Creative Writing, Social Skills, Math, Following Directions, Goals For the Year, End-of-the-Year Comments, Sample Reading Reports, Library Science Comments and Samples This will help parents be prepared, and will also ensure that any important questions they may have are addressed before the final report cards are delivered. He/she is having trouble with (dictation, copying words correctly, story writing, creating logical sequences). Get inspired by the report card comment examples and strategies for success above to ensure that precision, clarity, and meaning shine through in your report card comments. 4. When it comes time to hand out your report cards, you can do so with the full confidence that you are doing yourself and each of your students the justice your hard work deserves. ______ uses entire sentences when speaking. Report Card Comments By Vishal Jain General Strengths. Choosing the right format for reporting information will simplify the entire process, while resulting in a clearer and more organized final product. Writing unique and meaningful report card comments. Feel free to edit as needed. Has an inquisitive and engaged mind. In class, _____ should take an active role in the discussion. ______ has a tendency of reversing letters in words. With greater effort, the improvement should slowly come. Great for Earth Day, Dr. Seuss Week, actually anytime! ________ is having considerable difficulty with reading, particularly with fluency and comprehension. The reading of ______ is getting habitual. As much as possible, you will want to write comments in a positive, affirmative tone, particularly when addressing areas that might need improvement. Features include, automatic gender switching, an intelligent teachers' thesaurus, an Ooops! ________ has trouble with his handwriting. ___ participates enthusiastically in online group activities, but finds it difficult to work independently. No need to reinvent the wheel. ________ needs to pay attention to the use of appropriate language at all times. I'm pleased to see that _____ is maturing well, and I hope that this trend continues. With the help of certified and current classroom teachers, TeacherVision creates and vets classroom resources that are accurate, timely, and reflect what teachers need to best support their students. He's working on changing this unhealthy behaviour, and he's made some progress in the last several weeks. _____ has a great attitude toward school. Story Elements: Characters & Setting Hints For Getting Started Four Features of Report Card Comments - PEGS When writing report card comments for first graders, each should reflect the uniqueness of the individual child. I can read high-frequency words. What are their strengths and weaknesses? She is a very gregarious and restless person who frequently does not complete her assignment on time. It has been a pleasure to have _______'s enthusiasm, positivity and maturity in my class. ______ has trouble differentiating between sounds in words. A Guide for Beginning Elementary Teachers: Getting Hired and Staying Inspired, Build stronger home-to-school connections, Write stronger leads and use livelier language, Choose the right phrasing when writing positive and constructive report card comments. _____ is an exceptionally thoughtful student. On assignments, _____ works autonomously. This Boom Cards deck provides students practice with ending digraphs. Report Cards Carroll County Public Schools. ______ has made significant progress in her creative writing. Demonstrates perseverance in distance learning and serves as a role model for other students. _______ now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds. Phonics & Word Recognition RF.K.3 I can say the long and short sounds for the fiKnow and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. . Compared to a single number or letter grade, report card comments can provide even more value to your students and their families. However, her written work needs much improvement. She is a social butterfly who is often agitated and frequently fails to complete her tasks on time. We have made your task easier by providing a list of report card comments for every feedback category and applicable to all grades. Greenwich Public Schools Elementary Standards Based Report. Chantal explained her situation to the members of the Teacher-2-Teacher forum and was overwhelmed with responses. ________ needs to improve his/her work with others. How is their class participation - are they an enthusiastic learner? This is a great bundle with extra practice sheets and fun games to help kids read and write long vowels. These comments are my go-to! Thank you for all of your hard work. This poetry activity for middle school students is perfect for helping them learn about Martin Luther King Jr.. In all of the fundamental subjects, _____ is performing admirably. They will look at the picture and type in the missing digraph into the box.PDF Includes:A link to your purchaseddeck on Boom Learning which contains 30 cardsWhat is Boom Learning and what are Boom Cards?Boom Cards play on modern browsers (released in the last three years) on interactive whiteboards, computers, tablets, Chromebooks, iPads, iPhones, Android tables and phones, and Kindle-F, Purposeful, paperless practice! We have made your task easier by providing a list of report card comments for every feedback category and applicable to all grades. Report card comment redux Reading Rockets. She's gotten better at using more colourful words. Students cross out completed squares each week and report back to their teachers. _____ participates actively in discussions about ____. How to create student report cards online using excel? There are audio instructions included on each card to help make differentiation easier. Does not actively participate in group activities; therefore, is encouraged to put forth effort in order to improve communication skills as well as attention and confidence. As we move into language and literacy, the following sections include starter report card comments which cover reading, writing, oral communication and critical thinking skills. Bongela on June 20, 2019 . What's more difficult than creating your student report cards? ________ has done a great job facing and overcoming big challenges this year. They will look at the picture and identify the word that names the picture.Words included are: Words included are: bud, bug, bun, bus, cub, cup, cut, gum, gun (water gun), hug, hut, mud, nut, pup, rug, sub, sun, tub, rub, jog, sum, fun, tux, dug, tug, yum, bun, nun, mug, and hum*Duplicated words show different pictures and/or meanings.PDF Includes:A link to your purchasedd, Purposeful, paperless practice! I recommend that you keep working on ______ every night. Areas that need extra attention are ________ and ________ . Thank you for your enthusiasm for our class. ______ takes part in a group storytelling session. ___ has trouble focusing in class, which hinders his or her ability to participate fully in class activities and tasks. 1. As I have stated in my reports, _______ does not manage his time effectively in class. RF 1.3 a,b, g Physical EducationReport comments bank (file PE.4) 1. Also included in:Ontario Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card Comments/ Assessment, Also included in:Kindergarten Progress Monitoring ELA Assessments, Also included in:Kindergarten Homework Choice Boards Year Bundle, Also included in:Progress Monitoring for IEP Goals BUNDLE Numbers 1-20| Letters | Sounds | Colors, Also included in:BUNDLE Earth Day Boom Cards |Dr. _____ has received an excellent grade on his report card. At home and at school, we can assist her in correcting this. ________ is encouraged to use time wisely to finish tasks in the time required. __ knows his/her assigned words, but needs to apply spelling skills to writing assignments. Please explain to him that we study in class and play only at particular times during the school day. 4 Uppercase and Lowercase Letter, Great resource to enhance technology in your classroom and distance learning. In order for ESL report card comments to be helpful, they will need to be specific, instructive, and concise. _______'s reading has improved considerably throughout the year. This year, both academically and socially, ______ has matured nicely. Report Card Comments About Phonics pdfsdocuments2 com April 16th, 2019 - Report Card Comments About Phonics pdf Free Download Here Report Card Comments Teacher Created Resources http www teachercreated com blog pics Report 20Card Kindergarten Curriculum Essentials Document Boulder Valley (whimsical trees) (click - full size preview)CONTENTS:PDF containing li, Great resource to enhance technology in your classroom and distance learning. ________ requires encouragement to listen attentively during group sharing times. ________ is able to offer direct responses to his/her readings and supports ideas with sound reasoning and specific examples. It is also a fantastic recording for RTI.Skills assessed include: letter namesletter soundsrhyming wordsbeginning soundsblending CVC wordscounting syllablesKindergarten sight words. ________ would benefit from extra practice with reading aloud and discussion of content. ________ would benefit from showing a greater desire to contribute ideas in class. **, These BINGO choice cards can be used for a weekly homework assignment or weekly distance learning activity for primary grades, but are mainly geared towards kindergarten. ___ would benefit from demonstrating a stronger desire to participate in class discussions. Putting this into practice is a time-saver and helps prevent last-minute stress. Read below for my full list of report card comment ideas: Positive Comments. Do you have any information regarding this credit card charge? ______ is adhering to grade-level standards. Report Card Comments for students who need assistance. You can help him/her to master this skill by incorporating math into your playtime at home, and have him/her count larger quantities . _______ is helped by using hand or body motions to remember spelling. This Boom Cards deck provides students practice with reading CVC words containing short e. They will look at the picture and identify the word that names the picture.Words included are: Words included are: bed, beg, den, gem, hen, jet, leg, men, net, pen, pet, red, ten, vet, web, wed, wet, fed, peg, hem, set, led, Meg, get, met, yes, beg, pet, net, men. ______ arranges words in the correct sequence. 13 best Kindergarten report card comments . _____ is a dependable and conscientious worker. _______ is learning to attack words independently. With confidence and determination, ____ completes solo work. _____ takes responsibility well and has a pleasant demeanour. As you make note of your students strengths and weaknesses, endeavor to include practical insights into how parents can involve and support their child at home. ________ needs to listen to directions more attentively during lessons. Please keep practising with him every night. ________ is able to calculate addition and subtraction facts to 18 with confidence and accuracy. ________ is encouraged to show increased attention to the use of correct spelling, grammar and punctuation with general writing skills. ________ has a good understanding of all math concepts taught so far this year. ************************************************, Purposeful, paperless practice! ________ shows good ability when completing reading comprehension tests. She has learned to use more colorful words. ______ is able to read and follow instructions. _______ is still confusing words that look alike. I print one per student and have these in my assessment binder. Could you please contact me as soon as you have moved into your new home to arrange a meeting? They will look at the picture and identify the word that names the picture.Words included are: cat, bag, fan, map, tag, van, mad, pan, bat, cap, jam, rag, can, ham, nap, pad, hat, cab, rat, dad, wag, ram, ran, tap, sad, wax, tab, sat, bad, and lap.PDF Includes:A link to your purchaseddeck on Boom Learning which contains 30 cards An optional printable studentwriting shee, Purposeful, paperless practice! Please contact me if you need supplemental learning materials to use at home for practice. ", "Help your child with organization skills at home. If so, please share below! Report Card Comments By Vishal Jain 155 Excellent daily work 156 Rushes through work 157 Does not work in class 158 More effort needed 159 Needs to improve the quality of work 160 Enthusiastic, highly motivated 161 Missing worksheets 162 Poor measurement skills . Since the beginning of the school year, ______'s spelling scores have significantly improved. Comments for Speaking Skills: 1. To help with ease of access, keep ongoing files of this work in a personal folder or use a digital tool such as a Google Doc. Thank you for your assistance. ________ is having considerable difficulty with math. Compared to a single number or letter grade, report card comments can provide even more value to your students and their families. Neater handwriting will improve his/her schoolwork overall. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. When the time comes to write report card comments, youll have detailed reports on all your students achievements. _____ maintains a positive attitude toward school. The comments can be applied to both Initial Observations reports (released to parents in the fall), Kindergarten Communication of Learning report in the winter (Term One) and Kindergarten Communication of, It's report card season! For example, instead of describing a student struggling with listening as a bad listener, remark that the student would benefit from listening more carefully.. ______ may blend short words without help by utilising the vowel(s) . _____ is methodical in his approach, thinks things through for himself, and is a quick and eager student. The learner works democratically with peers. Kindergarten Report Card Comments Paragraphs. Sitting down to a blank screen can be overwhelming, so save yourself the frustration by using these helpful copy and paste report card comments for first grade. ________ has a positive attitude towards math but continues to have trouble in a few key areas. ______ has trouble memorising non-phonetic word spellings. _______ has shown a great amount of improvement with her creative writing. This pack includes: She does, however, frequently seek the attention of her peers, which causes everyone to be distracted. Perfect whimsical supplement resource to use with "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss.Click below to try out 4 Boom Cards for FREEDo they rhyme? ______ has made a good transition to her new school. Have a fantastic summer! During class, ___'s engagement and behaviour are inconsistent and disengaged. Problem Solving and Innovating4. Have any new challenges come up that affect learning? He is capable of doing the work in the time provided, and he needs to get started. Be transparent, and remain mindful that your goal is to improve your students learning experience. Make use of your schools parent portal or email system to let parents know as needed that report card time is coming up. This Boom Cards deck provides students practice with reading CVC words containing short a. The kids love the predictability and I love the fact that they know what to do and I can work quietly with smaller groups. ________ stayed motivated to complete assignments during distance learning, and turned in all required materials on time., ________ needed some extra prompting to stay engaged during online lessons, but participated well in discussions when called upon.. Just copy and paste the comment, insert the student's name and you are good to go! If possible, make reference to how you usedifferentiated instructionto support the student in question. As a result, at Katie's recent conference, her teacher told us that Katie was losing ground compared to her classmates and her grades went down. Kindergarten Report Card Parent Guide Dear Parents Guardians. In all academic disciplines, _____ is improving. The numbers usually fly by, but the comments can take you forever. EYFS Report Writing General Comments Prompts (EYFS 2021) 4.9 (10 reviews) Irish Report Card Comments - Bank of Statements 5.0 (10 reviews) Computing: Programming with ScratchJr Year 1 Unit Pack 4.8 (18 reviews) EYFS 2021 Resource. Maintains focus in online learning despite technological challenges and changes associated with remote learning. He/she is able to quickly learn new skills and is eager to apply them to his/her writing. (Name) is often one of the first to answer questions. Choice Board for Middle School, Report Card CommentsAcademic Achievement & Improvement, Report Card Comments & PhrasesPersonality & Attitude, Report Card Comments & PhrasesWork and Study Habits, Report Card Comments & PhrasesSocial Studies, Positive Descriptions of Student Behavior. _______ is beginning to read words in groups and phrases. ______ can put together a number of similar sentences. ________ was disruptive during online learning and did not meaningfully participate in class discussions. They are an excellent way to move beginning and struggling readers forward.Each child should use their own, lined, white board (not included) to complete the dictation activity. Use our ideas. ___ has not worked hard enough to satisfy the grade level objectives. All four strands posted separately on my page are now available in one convenient package - Receive $5 off when you purchase the package ($35)Frameworks included: 1. ________ needs considerable practice with skip counting forward and backward by twos, fives, tens, and hundreds to complete short patterns. _____ is a bright and hardworking student who excels in_____. ______ is a bright student who appears to ponder deeply. phonics report card comments kindergarten phonics report card comments free phonics report card comments phonics report card comments report card comments ontario assessment reading comments report card comments esl writing report card comments phonics report comments free halloween report writing bank of statements phonics report comments phonics comments halloween activity report comments reading report card comments spelling report comments spelling punctuation math report comments . 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