Note: All details about Millstream Career Center are as per the State Education Department. P.O. We support school staff and assist in efforts to solve school needs through volunteering and fundraising. Email: Email: To help make your decision easier, viewMillstream Career Center Facebook Pagethat learners have great academic, socio-economic, and cultural diversity. Wilson Vance Elementary School Findlay City Schools Contact Us / Directory Contact Us / Staff Directory Register Choose FCS Students/Parents Alumni Staff Login Follow us facebook twitter Skip Is Millstream Career Center a magnet school? Staff Directory Location: All Locations Search JA Julie Able TEACHER View Website SA Shannon Adams WA Wendy Adams TEACHER View Website TA Tiffany Adkins TEACHER View Website CA Christine Adolph ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Please know that we will serve you and your family with confidence, compassion, and courage. 419.425.8356, Stacey Franks, Secretary Contact Information: Jeff Green President, SafeDefend, LLC 913 856 2800 Kelly Young Findlay City Schools Media Contact Email: 419.425.8260, Trina Poole, Assistant Principal Enter your email address and password. All Rights Reserved, Community Events & Opportunities e-Flyers. Your email address will not be published. January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Please enjoy our website and continue to stop back often. Email: Box 1507 Findlay, Ohio 45839-1507 School Boundaries; School Improvement; School Locations; Staff Directory; The Wooster Way; Volunteers; Video Gallery; Facilities. 419-434-5966. A Division of The Findlay Publishing Company, Please read our Privacy Statement and Commenting Policy, Public FileIf you need help accessing the file due to a disability, please contact [emailprotected] 419.427.5414, Lynnette Parsell, Secretary Locale: 32-Town: Distant. There is 1 job at Findlay City Schools Explore them all Browse jobs by location Findlay, OH 1 job See all available jobs Salaries Salary estimated from 67 employees, users, and past and present job advertisements on Indeed. Perhaps you have just moved to Findlay surrounding areasand need information on registering a new student, Millstream Career Center is your option with great reviews and ratings. With great ratings, Millstream Career Center commit to helping students from (grade) 09 to (grade) 12 achieve success, most of all, to educate students in a premier learning and proactive environment. 419.425.8278, Katie Abbott, Whole Child & The purpose of Millstream Career Center Website is to help students and the community keep up with important dates and announcements in the school. Secondary Instruction Director Those with incomes between 130 percent and 185 percent of the poverty level are eligible forreduced-pricemeals. 419.425.8269, Lauren Scasny, Secretary 144 North Market Street Wooster, OH 44691 document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker, Millstream Career Center-Vocational School in Findlay-OH 2021/2022. 419.427-5439, Don Williams, Assistant Principal Ryan Imke, Head Principal. Email: To see the Clyde - Green Springs Schools Board of Education Policies please visit: The Board of Education minutes are not official recordings of the School District until approved by the Board at the following board meeting. 419.425.8285, Mary Burget, Interim Counselor All over Findlay City district, this vocational school has made tremendous strides in improving the acceptance rate and education its students receive. This is the most asked question regarding Millstream Career Center School Calendar. 419.425.3582, Lisa Drerup, Attendance (P-Z) Their nickname is the Trojans. Schools Welcome to the Clyde-Green Springs School District. Schools. Thursday and Friday are staff training days and Monday the 16 th there will be no school in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Box 1507 Findlay, Ohio 45839-1507 Email: Administrative Assistance School Aide $9.68 per hour School Secretary $9.65 per hour Education & Instruction Thank you for your interest in the Clyde-Green Springs Schools. Findlay City Schools Paraprofessional for students with complex needs Findlay, OH 30d+ To request information change, please click here. They encourage students to be curious and creative thinkers who respect themselves and others. Note: Fiscal data (including per pupil count used in this table) from 2018-2019. This is not an era of being reactive and hoping it doesnt happen, this is an era in Findlay City Schools where were taking every precaution so were safer the next day than we were the day before.. We plan events throughout the year to get students, staff, and families together Street Address: 1100 Broad Ave, Findlay, OH, 45840 Be one of the parents to rate, add a star rating for others to consider when looking for a school like this one. The communities of Clyde and Green Springs have been very supportive of our schools as evidenced by bond and levy passages over the past decade. From principals leading and supporting teachers, to engaged parents who are involved in their childs education, and community members investing in and supporting the education of the workforce of tomorrow together we will ensure a school community of high expectations of all children with high outcomes for every student. Phone: (419)425-8293 Email: Students in Findlay City Schools will be getting some days off. 419.427.5433, Kimberly Brown, Counselor (L-R) Human Trafficking persists as a silent epidemic throughout the country, said Colonel Charles Jones, To be the electronic media of choice for information, entertainment, and meeting community needs, WFIN Studio The Clyde-Green Springs Schools have been very progressive in making curriculum changes to best meet the needs of all students. This website uses resources that are being blocked by your network. 0. findlay city schools staff directory A Division of The Findlay Publishing Company, Please read our Privacy Statement and Commenting Policy, Public FileIf you need help accessing the file due to a disability, please contact [emailprotected] District Details (2021-2022 school year; Fiscal data from 2018-2019) Characteristics Show Less Staff Fiscal Note: Details do not add to totals due to rounding. Nelda Benavidez, Executive Secretary. The school district said all staff will receive training on the new SafeDefend active shooter protection system on Friday. Our test scores continue to improve and our concern for progress is felt district-wide. Email: Findlay High School is a public high school in Findlay, Ohio. Findlay City Schools partnered with the city's local law enforcement, first responders and protection system SafeDefend to train over 800 staff on the system Friday. Email: No action is anticipated. We assist & forward details to desired schools for parents/guardians experiencing difficulties. Employee Benefits Presentation at FHS (December 2019) View, Copyright 2022 Findlay City Schools. 419.425.8302. We are absolutely more prepared, and each day were going to become more and more prepared as we learn and grow and improve our process, Krista said. EEO, If you need help accessing the file due to a disability, please contact, Biden agency refuses to cite research supporting potential natural gas stove ban, Hancock Park District Holding Winter River Hike, Church Hosting Prom Night For People With Special Needs, Ohio Has Largest Rainy Day Fund In State History, Special Olympics Cheerleaders Perform Alongside Trojan Cheerleaders, Developed by The Findlay Publishing Company. all supplemental coverage (Employee or Spouse) requested after June 7, 2013. Facilities List; Facilities Rental Information; Facility Use Findlay City Schools Special Area Administrative Assistant: HS Attendance Findlay, OH 30d+ $32K-$45K Per Year (Glassdoor est.) Email: 551 Lake Cascades Parkway - Findlay, Ohio 45840, Blanchard River Broadcasting Company This website uses scripting to enhance your browsing experience. The Google Spreadsheet on the left will remain up until all minutes have been officially moved over. School Name: Millstream Career Center Together, we can build a model school district for our kids, our staff, and for our CGS CommUNITY! For Faculty/Staff; For Families; For Alumni; Faculty/Staff Directory; Office Directory; Library; Careers at Findlay; Newsroom; WCAG Accessibility; Calendar of Events; Request a Transcript; 419-434-6785. 419.425.8270, Teresa Line, Secretary Millstream Career Center (Vocational school) contact details, Millstream Career Center High school football rankings, United State Drivers Manual & practice tests, High School football ranking (Millstream Career Center), ZETA CHARTER SCHOOL BRONX 1-BRONX-New York 2021/2022, TIYAN HIGH SCHOOL-BARRIGADA-Guam 2021/2022, Yardville Heights Elementary School-HAMILTON-New Jersey 2021/2022, 1100 Broad Ave, Findlay, Hancock County, 45840 OH. 419.420-7059, Jodi Gaietto, Assistant Principal Findlay, OH 45840 Email: 419.425.8304, Laura Dyer, Counselor (S-Z) Required fields are marked *. The Board of Education for Franklin City Schools will hold a special meeting on January 30th at 5:00 p.m. in the Hampton Bennett Administrative Office Conference Room on 150 E 6th St, Franklin, OH 45005. 419.425.8361, Teresa Welty F: 330.262.3407. Fax: 419.427.5448 Much has been accomplished in CGS over the years, and there is still work to be done. Copyright Wooster City Schools. They have a respected performing arts program. The moment the system is activated notifications also go to first responders in Findlay with the exact location of the activated device so they can respond immediately. P.O. We have -1% of our children from families with incomes at or below 130 percent of the poverty level that is eligible for free meals. We're here to help! Serving a growing cultural and economically diverse population the Findlay City Schools encompasses approximately 37 square miles. Donate to FCS! Academic Achievement By 2025, Findlay City Schools will rank in the top 3 of their 20 similar districts, as defined by the Ohio Department of Education. Culture, Climate, Morale Establish, expect, and uphold an environment of belonging for 100% of our students. This meeting will be held to review facilities, previous levy results, performance audit and an executive session that is personnel related. Findlay City Schools is a company located in Findlay, OH, United States. For social media platforms, website and online registration form, you might have to visit the school directly. Click the button below to view archived Board Minutes. She said training involving students will soon be held and the system will be fully up and running shortly. SafeDefend will provide instant texts to say where the threat is, what exits to avoid, and then you can make a decision based on your location whether you run, you hide or fight.. Assistant Athletic Director for External Affairs. Educational / Specialized Paraprofessional, Bus Driver / Specialized Paraprofessional, Grade 5 Teacher - Science and Social Studies, Director of Technology and Communications, Intervention Specialist - Generals' Academy, Administrative Assistant to Superintendent, Intervention Specialist & General's Club Co-Coordinator, Technology Paraprofessional - Print Center, Intervention Specialist, EW Athletic Director, Assistant to the Assistant Superintendent and Director of Elementary Education, Edgewood, Cornerstone, Kean, Melrose, Parkview, Specialized Paraprofessional, Behavior Support, English Language Arts - Generals' Academy, Assistant Athletic Director / Gault Recreation Center Manager, Teacher Paraprofessional & Student Supervision Aide, Specialized Paraprofessional & General's Club Co-Coordinator, Specialized Paraprofessional / Educational Praprofessional, Specialized Paraprofessional, Student Supervision Aide, Behavior Support Specialist Paraprofessional, Specialized Paraprofessional / Student Supervision Aide, Cornerstone, Kean, Melrose, Parkview, Preschool, Find employees, official website, emails,. Community Events & Opportunities e-Flyers, HSA Summary Silver and Gold Plans Teachers, ADMIN, Paraprofessionals & Non-Union Classified Staff, Minnesota Life Beneficiary Designation/Change, American Fidelity Flex Spending Direct Deposit Form, American Fidelity Dependent Day Care Filing Claims, Instructions and Forms, American Fidelity Pregnancy Filing Claims, Instructions and Forms, American Fidelity Flex Spending Filing Claims, Instruction, and Forms, American Fidelity Disability Filing Claims, Instruction and Forms, HSA vs. Current Plan Worksheet for Administrators & non-OAPSE Support staff, HSA vs. Current Plan Worksheet for Teachers, Custodians, Maintenance & Grounds. Still, some may require an interview or entrance exam, and those with performing arts programs may require an audition. Clickherefor the full school district calendar. Are you interested in pursuing one of the following University of Findlay early assurance options? All Rights Reserved. School: 419.425.8289 The Clyde - Green Springs Schools will slowly be moving all Board Minutes over to a searchable database called mySCView. A magnet program is a program in a public school that usually focuses on a special area of study, such as science, the performing arts, or career education, in short, an entire school with a special focus. For those who dont know me, I am a lifetime citizen of Clyde, and Im excited to be back with Clyde-Green Springs Schools after spending the first 10 years of my career at McPherson Middle School as a teacher. Email: For questions regarding position qualifications or application procedures, please contact Findlay City Schools directly. Clyde-Green Springs Schools Administration. Email: Monday, February 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM until 2:00 AM. Email: Monday, February 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM until 2:00 AM Eastern Standard Time Map and Directions University of Findlay 950 N Main St Findlay, OH 45840 United States The University of Findlay would like to invite you to campus to learn more about what Building List: High School, Donnell, Glenwood, Trojan Aiming to provide students with opportunities that will serve them well after they leave school and graduation rates are proof they are doing just that! The database recognizes OCR (Optical Character Recognition) as well as an added benefit. We hope your stay with us is a long and productive one. Contact Us. Charter schoolsgenerally receive a percentage of the per-pupil funds from the state and localschooldistricts for operational costs based on enrollment. Type in box Click Search. Findlay City Schools staff on Friday received training on theSafeDefendactive shooter protection system that was recently installed in school district buildings. Millstream Career Center creates an interconnected world by providing rigorous and meaningful opportunities for each student in and around Findlay to reach his/her unique and full potential. All over Findlay City district, this vocational school has made tremendous strides in improving the acceptance rate and education its students receive. NOTES NOTE: SY 2021-22 geographical data are not available currently. Monday, February 20, 2023 at 9:00 AM until 2:00 AMEastern Standard Time, University of Findlay950 N Main StFindlay, OH 45840United States. They are members of the Three Rivers Athletic Conference. Principal: Ryan Imke, Nelda Benavidez, Executive Secretary As we prepare for the start of an exciting new school year, it is my privilege to welcome you to the start of the 2022-2023 school year and officially introduce myself. Contact your network administrator for more information. EEO, If you need help accessing the file due to a disability, please contact,, Nevadas Highway 208 to close for months after heavy rain triggers huge landslide, Hancock Park District Holding Winter River Hike, Church Hosting Prom Night For People With Special Needs, Ohio Has Largest Rainy Day Fund In State History, Special Olympics Cheerleaders Perform Alongside Trojan Cheerleaders, Developed by The Findlay Publishing Company. Professionally, I have proudly served the district for twenty-eight years. My heart and soul is invested in the staff, students, and families of Findlay City Schools. #TrojanTrue is more than just a motto or a hashtag, it is the philosophy of our highly dedicated teachers and staff as well as the alumni. She says all rooms now have a SafeDefend box in them thats equipped with items that help defend against a threat and items that help treat injured individuals. Katie Abbott, Whole Child &. 1200 Broad Avenue Findlay High School; Donnell Middle School; Glenwood Middle School; Bigelow Hill Elementary; Chamberlin Hill Elementary; Wilson Vance Elementary; Jefferson Primary; Northview When will Millstream Career Center open/close? Directory Information Includes: Last Name, First Name, Position, Website, Email, Side Menu Ends, main content for this page begins, William C. Schenck Elementary School Blog. Staff Directory. Findlay High School; Donnell Middle School; Glenwood Middle School; Bigelow Hill Elementary; Chamberlin Hill Elementary; Wilson Vance Elementary; Jefferson Primary; Northview Email: Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Millstream Career Center (Findlay) is a 09 to 12 grade vocational school in Findlay-OH. 419.420.7058, Copyright 2022 Findlay City Schools. I consider this a true honor to serve as your new Superintendent of Schools. 419.425.8279, Ursulla Jefferson, Counselor Contents 1 Demographics Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine. 419.427.5412, Stephanie Getui, Counselor Secretary Food Service Director 419.425.8313, Lindsay Copus, Attendance (A-Go) M. Manymagnet schoolsadmit students via a lottery. The list of Millstream Career Center teachers is made up of suitable educators with great academic achievements. 419.425.2569, Stefan Adams, Whole Child Counselor Findlay City Schools is located in the heart of Hancock County and is an excellent public school system. January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month. The school has something to offer for everyone, from new programs of study and a variety of clubs to join. To Search Select one of the choices: Show All, First Name, Last Name, Building, or Title. Millstream Career Center (Findlay) is a 09 to 12 grade vocational school in Findlay-OH. The school district says there will be no school on Thursday, January 12th, Friday, January 13thand Monday, January 16th. Email: Being selected by our Board of Education to serve you all is a dream come true. Fiona Hanks. From left: Dennis Mosier, Megan Miller, Mike Cleveland, Aaron Wilson (President), Matt Jenne, (Vice-President). 551 Lake Cascades Parkway - Findlay, Ohio 45840, Blanchard River Broadcasting Company Get more on that by clicking here. Findlay City Schools Contact Us! Contact Us / Staff Directory Register Choose FCS Students/Parents Alumni Staff Login Follow us facebook twitter instagram youtube mail Call today:419.427.5488 #trojantrue Choose FCS FCS Community About Us Register! Schools Findlay High School Donnell Middle School Glenwood Middle School Bigelow Hill Elementary Depending on your school district, the OH district school calendar list has major activities, and others are being added as they become available, including the last day of school for Millstream Career Center. Thursday and Friday are staff training days and Monday the 16ththere will be no school in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This is a place that I have called home for four decades and there is something truly satisfying and uplifting about being here with the people and places that are near and dear to my heart. Schools. Email: Findlay City Schools Director of Technology for the 2023-2024 School Year Findlay, OH 7d $46K-$74K Per Year (Glassdoor est.) Email: Building Hours: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Interim Superintendent Krista Crates-Miller says the system will help keep students and staff safer during an emergency situation such as an active shooter by providing teachers, staff and emergency responders with instant information. Secondary Instruction Director. Employee Directory | University of Findlay | Search The University of Findlay directory for faculty and staff phone numbers, email addresses, and office locations. Findlay City Schools has partnered with SafeDefend to bring this training to their staff and are working together to create the model of school safety for school districts across the country. Findlay First Edition Awards Ada Music Feast Overall First Runner Up, Overall Best Vocals, Overall Best Choreography, Best Male Soloist Nathan Kibble, Most Dynamic Performer Gus Cleary Email: We continue to be very appreciative of their support. It is the only high school in the Findlay City School District, and the second largest high school in northwest Ohio. The school district says there will be no school on Thursday, January 12 th, Friday, January 13 th and Monday, January 16 th. Human Trafficking persists as a silent epidemic throughout the country, said Colonel Charles Jones, To be the electronic media of choice for information, entertainment, and meeting community needs, WFIN Studio For technical questions regarding the Im particularly excited to rejoin a school district that is so deeply focused on providing an elite educational experience for every student. Director: Randy Hawk 433 Hill Street Clyde OH, 43410 Phone: 419.547.9659 School Nurse Department Director: Karen Horn 1015 Race Street Clyde OH, 43410 Phone: 419.547.9511 Technology Department Director: Jordan Hasselbach 1015 Race Street Clyde OH, 43410 Phone: 419.547.4822 Transportation Department Director: Robert Morris 204 Academy Street Findlay City Schools - Employee Portal Home Login to Employee Portal Log in below. Faculty & Staff Kathleen Crates, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Education Year started at UF: 2011 Contact Information Office Location: Davis Street Building Room 157 Telephone: 419-434-6552 Findlay High School has a tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, arts, music, and leadership. We also continue to embrace the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey and encourage our students to live these habits on a daily basis. We truly believe in Excellence-Opportunity- Belonging. Email Address: Password: Forgot Password Activities for you: The University of Findlay would like to invite you to campus to learn more about what the University of Findlay has to offer! Staff Benefit Plans Findlay City Schools Contact Us / Directory Students/Parents Alumni Staff Login Call today: 419.427.5488 Choose FCS FCS Community About Us Register! 419.425.8278. 419.425.8228, Marla Baughman, Attendance (Gr-O) Additionally, somemagnetprograms reserve slots for students of a certain demographic, or from certain neighborhoods or areas within a region. Findlay City Schools staff on Friday received training on the SafeDefend active shooter protection system that was recently installed in school district buildings. We have many devoted teachers, staff members, and support personnel who really care about the future of our children. MOBILE, November 1, 2019 November 20, 2019. County: Hancock County Join us in the most honorable and important work of our time. Email: January 11, 2023 Students in Findlay City Schools will be getting some days off. 419.425.8208, Julie Merrin, EMIS Secretary Human Resources 318 Dorney Plaza Room 310 Email: The site is continually being updated. 2-No, those arearepublic schoolsoperated independently ofpublic school systems, either by nonprofit or for-profit organizations. Email: Directory Information Includes: Last Name, First Name, Position, Website, Email All Rights Reserved. Your email address will not be published. Is Millstream Career Center a charter school? We will continue to remain aggressive in making positive educational change in our delivery system. An audition 09 to 12 grade vocational school in Findlay City school district buildings northwest! Of Education to serve as your new Superintendent of Schools SafeDefend active shooter protection that. Thursday and Friday are staff training days and Monday the 16ththere will fully! 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