Use yourKnifeto cut the bottle ofCold Waterfree from the rope. Place theSymbolinto the pedestal, and then collect theRune Stone. * Put up the hammer (P) and tea leaves (Q). Hit the return button once and head to the left. You can also use a hint if youre having trouble. Unfold the TRACING PAPER; take the KEY and TRACING PAPER. Give the STONE HEART to the man (J); you acquire the SPRAY and KEY. Retrieve theLeather, Rope, and Two Steps. Open the locked door with theKey, and collect the easel. * Grab the SAW (L); peel off the arrow (M). Once Maaron has left, search the room for important items. Retrieve theBow Stringand insert it onto theArrow Kit. Place the LIT CANDLE (U); take the BEAVER TAIL (V). Find theWhale Rib,Stone Rune,Plank,Jar of Flies, and theGaft. Match the correct images to solve the puzzle, and then use theScrewdriverto remove theScrews. Use the bottle ofCold Wateron the mold and retrieve theUnfinishedArrowheads. * Employ the empty flask (V); obtain the vial of vampire blood. Retrieve theSaucepanand pour theBoiling Wateronto the frozen statue. Place the FIGURINE and inspect the compartment (E). * Ready the formula: (1-2)-(3-4)-(5-4)-(4-6)-(4-7). Click theHay Baletwice to reveal aSickle. ! ! Place the correct images in the right locations to solve the puzzle. Take the NET (E), PITCHFORK (F), and MONK FIGURINE 6/8 (G). * Insert the key, take the cord, harsh knife, hammer, and shackles, place the flower, and put up the figurine (R). Use theLight-Filled-Lenson the barrel and press it once. Its Time for Some Delicious Trivia! Use the JACK (Z); take the parcel (orange). * Use the HAMMER and select the chalk (A). Your inventory is located at the bottom of the screen. Place the TONGS (T); push the tongs to acquire the WHEEL. Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell Walkthrough - Chapter 2 /Part 2. Find all of the items and complete the puzzle to collect theStone Chip. * Talk to the Captain (R); receive the KEY. Place the MAMMOTH BRAIN, MUG OF RUM, THERMITE CASKET, and HANDFUL OF CLOVER (purple). Click on the patch and retrieve theWolf Figurine. Use theDwarf Figurinein the box to the left to begin a mini game. by Use the PRIMITIVE KNIFE and take the ARROW (N). Click on theCrystal, and then move the base around until it creates an image. Use yourKnifeto cut theLeather Sackfree from the pull handle. Receive Emails When Lost Lands Series Has New Game Released. Hidden-object puzzles are referred to as HOPs. Part 1 The Glade & The Upper Corridor - Lost Lands 2 The Four Horsemen. * Put up the logbook and spot the CELL PHONE (C). Use the SPEAR (E) to acquire the MOSAIC FRAGMENT. Also check this video guide by youtuber GameOne Play with Adam, Part 5 The Archmage tomb & Obians Ship Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer. Use theBrushto remove debris from the compartment. Once the mini game is completed correctly, you will receive theFresco Detail. Collect thePhoenix Featherand return to the tower. You will discover that Maaron is responsible for the safety of the Five Worlds. The third and fourthMonk Figurinesare located in Maarons cottage as well. Place the WOODEN GEAR (P); turn the handle (Q). * Use the WATER OF DEATH (P); receive the WATER VIAL. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Monk Figurines. Use the SIEVE (B) to acquire the GOLD ORE. Use the HAMMER twice (C) and (D); take 2 STONE HEARTS (purple) and (orange). * Take crystals 2/5 (T) and note the symbols (U). Exit this area for now and return to the start of the level. Move the blanket and take the SHOVEL BLADE (O). Open the mold; use the BOTTLE OF COLD WATER (J). You will unlock a mini game, and you must solve this puzzle by placing theGearsin the correct positions. After you have completed this area, travel to the area where you first encountered the mermaid. Once you have returned to the halfling settlement, click on the pulley system to the left and insert theWooden Gear. Place the PRECIOUS STONE (G); take the TUNING TABLE (H). Use the WHALE OIL and enter the correct code (B). Use the PINCERS (T); take the DWARF SHIELD (U). Rotate the images so that they match the background. The wall to the right will trigger a mini game, and solving this puzzle requires you to rotate theDiscssimilar to the image on the oven door. Insert theBlue Energy Spheresinto the pedestals in front of the tower. * Use the PEN, enter the code 4815162342, verify it, and seize the occult gloves (F). Luckily, a hero has arisen to save the realm from destruction, and that hero is you! Take the note, VIAL, and UNUSUAL KEY (M). viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021 Lost Lands 4: The Wanderer 16:27 Chuti Durante aos marineros y piratas de Lost Lands han hablado sobre un barco fantasma que navega cuando hay tormenta y desaparece igual de rpido. Exit the area and return to the broken down pirate ship. Complete Walkthrough to beat the chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help you wont get stuck. Potion preparation: 1-2-3-4-5-6-MOONDUST-7-8-7-GOLD ORE-9-10-9-DIVINE TREE FLOWERS-11-12-11-13-14-15. Give theFishto theEagleand retrieve theFeathersandSapphire Symbol. Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer Walkthrough - Chapter 1 /Part 1: Part 1 At Home - Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer. A mini game will unlock, and you must complete it by matching the highlighted symbols. Once you have arrived to the tower, grab theHammerfrom the rock to the left. Use theCorkscrewto remove theJammed Cork, and then place the bowl down to retrieve the powder. Once you are inside of Maarons Cottage, click theGlowing Sun Sphere. Move the carpet; use the HAMMER three times (green). Retrieve the ladder and position it onto the wall. * Unfold the TRACING PAPER; take the KEY and TRACING PAPER. There are tons of hidden items, secrets and also puzzle, but you can beat them all with our guide. Place theUnfinished Arrowheadsonto the grindstone and retrieve theArrow Heads. * Place the TRACING PAPER (V); use the coal (W), and take the PUNCH CARD. Place the BASKET (H); collect the berries (orange). Place theCircle Selectorin the pedestal, and hit return once. Find all of the items listed below to retrieve theOld Lens. If you love to play games of that genre then this game is for you. Insert theStone of Fireinto the statue to the right. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Hunters Star. Use the WATER OF DEATH (P); receive the WATER VIAL. * Slash the drowsy flower with the primitive knife; accept the drowsy flower roots and put up the dozing blooms. Use theBrushto clean the dirty sheets off of the book. Required fields are marked *. Also check this video guide by youtuber GameOne Play with Adam, Your email address will not be published. Use theLantern Potionto light theLanternto the left. Fasten theTapestryto the post to the right. The gameplay of this game is remarkable. Lost Lands: Dark Overlord Walkthrough 4 Screenshots, Videos: Follow our crystal clear walkthrough and helpful tricks to get you through the rough spots! Close the box and then turn the lever of theMusic Box. Click on the statue in the back, and enter the correct sequence similar to the one displayed on thePunch Card. My Chests Walkthrough. You receive a HEAD (1-9). Take the PLANKS (C) and JAR OF FLIES (D). Once the mini game is solved, you will receive aVial For Living Water. ! Retrieve theMedallionin the next area, and click on the statue to begin a mini game. Complete Walkthrough to beat the chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help you won't get stuck. Solution: Choose 9 four-leaf clovers (blue). Move the hand; take the MOSAIC FRAGMENT (K). Click on thePile of Stonesto reveal aKey. Women's Murder Club: A Darker Shade of Grey Game Walkthrough, Mae Q'West and the Sign of the Stars Walkthrough. Return to Maarons cottage. The lost lands 2 walkthrough is going to help you complete the game. Take the TONGS (X), select the wrench (Y), and remove a blade (Z). You will come upon a beach with a Mermaid. Lost Lands 7: Part 1 Heart Drag (A-B). * Place the SNOWFLAKE (O); take the STING OF FROST (P). Use theJar of Fliesto retrieve theSnakefrom the glass container. * Put up the owl figurine from the arrow. Place the KEY, take the KNOB, and note the time sketch (S). ! Place the LIGHT-FILLED LENS (G); shut the barrel (H). * Place the SMALL BOX and open it (Q); use the NEEDLES (R) and take the THERMITE CASKET. Use the SICKLE (B); take MONK FIGURINE 5/8 (C). Enter the correct time and take the KEY (W). Use the GLASS IN THE CLAY and STING OF FROST (Y). Rearrange the pattern to solve the puzzle, and then insert theLensto retrieve theLight-Filled-Lens. Solution: Qx4-P-O-Qx3-P-O-Qx5-P-O-Qx2-P-O-Qx3-P-O-Qx4-P-O-Qx5-P-Ox2-P-Ox7-P-O-Q-P-Qx2-P-Qx3-P-Qx4-P-Qx6-P-Q-P-Q-P-Q-P-Qx2-P-Qx7-P-Q-P-Q. Use theWrenchto retrieve theBoltsand open the door. Walkthrough Menu General Tips Chapter 1: The Glade Chapter 2: The Upper Corridor Chapter 3: The Dwarf Temple Chapter 4: The Mountain Giants Village Chapter 5: The Werewolf's Hut Chapter 6: The Dead Lake Chapter 7: The Junction Chapter 8: Death's Castle General Tips This is the official guide for Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen. Look to your right and collect thePitchfork, theFishing Net, and the sixthMonk Figurine. Retrieve all the items located at the bottom of the screen, and be sure to collect the Emerald. Take FAHIRA'S HAND and WHETSTONE 1/5 (X). * Employ the adrenaline vial(O); bring the drowsy flower and fragments (P). Insert the key into the stone door. Use the SAUCEPAN OF BOILING LIQUID and HORN (F); take the PUZZLE (G). Retrieve theAxeand hit the return button once. Place the WATER SYMBOL, SWORD, SAW, and HAMMER and take the note and PATTERNED TILE (N). Read the document about Maaron the Hermit. * Employ the shovel and take the fish figurine (Q). Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Retrieve theScrewdriverandRoller Shaped Seal. And the sorceress they believe is responsibleMeanwhile, somewhere else in space and time, Susan finds a strange pirate chest with the compass of the worlds inside, and a note begging for help. * Use the saw (N); accept the bamboo rod. Click the button to download full walkthrough. Solution: K-leftx3-L-right-M-leftx3-K-rightx6-L-leftx5-M-right-K-leftx5-L-rightx4-M-rightx2-K-rightx2-L-rightx2-M-leftx4-K-left-L-right-M-left-K-rightx3-L-leftx5-M-rightx7-K-left-L-right-M-leftx3-K-rightx3-L-leftx2-M-rightx2. Create arrows usingLeatherandFeathers. Welcome to the Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer Walkthrough & Guide, we will help you solve every puzzle, mystery, secret and Chapter available in the game For other Lost Lands Games walkthroughs Lost Lands Dark Overlord Lost Lands 2 the Four Horsemen LostLands 3 The Golden Curse Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell LostLands 6 Mistakes of the Past Place theChipinto the pedestal to begin a mini game. Is Apple about to kill off the Lightning port on the iPhone? Click the chain on the floor, and then attach it to the statue to the left. Go through the gate and tap a boy near the cart to ask about Maaron. Talk to Corko, then take the hammer and also the tea leaves > walk down, use the hammer to get the bent nails, open the crate and also take the fire starter. Place theHandleunder the trap door below and click on it. Take the DOOR KNOCKER (B) and STONE OF FIRE (C). Open the chest and take the note, KEY, and SNAKE FIGURINE (C). Solution: H-center-F-center-D-down-F-center-G-center-H-center-D-down-G-up-E-center-H-center-F-center-D-center-F-center-H-center-F-center. Place theLensinto the telescope and return to the Fires Dwelling. Speak to the man who is waiting for you, and then collect theStep. LIKE !!! Insert theWolf Figurineinto the chest lock and retrieve theNeedle. Use the HAMMER (I) to acquire the STONE HEART. There is also aKeylocated to the bottom left of the boat. Take the STEP (R), DIVINE TREE FLOWERS (S), and CIRCLE SECTOR (green). All Top Use the WIRE CUTTERS, open the grid, take the GLOVES, open the barrel, and take the FLINT (F). Use theMagnifying Glassto reveal thePuzzle Codeof the locked box. Use the BOWL and CORKSCREW (M); take the POWDER (N). Place the IRON CUBE and take the STONE SWORD (J). Put the picture back together and grab theScissors. * Spot the candle (P); obtain the candle. * Grab the cinch choice and report (K); obtain the recipe. Click on the debris to collect aStone Flower. Use the FISHING NET (L); select the net and take the FISH and SNOWFLAKE (M). Talk to the dwarf once more to find out more information about the area ahead. Place the FEATHERS (D); use the feathers (green) and leather (blue). * Bring the two-pronged staff (Z) and hammer (A). Click on the carpet in front of the fireplace and remove the nails with theHammer. Click on theFour Stepsand reinforce them with theRope Selection. Place the KNIFE HANDLE (green); take the KNIFE (E). Attach theFlywheelto the mechanism and click on it. Use the TWO-PRONGED STAFF (C); take the FEATHER and STONE 5/5 (D). Click on theRopeand then hit return twice. Click on theCorkscrewand theBowlin order to add them to your inventory. Open the top draw and remove the cloth to reveal aFuel Oil Can. Use thePitchforkon the large bay of hale to reveal the seventhMonk Figurine. * Use the WHALE OIL and enter the correct code (B). AMonk Figurinecan be found to the left of the wagon. Place all thePuzzle Piecesinto the correct location to solve this puzzle. After skipping the cut scene, the game displays the Dark Square - A Complex of Tombs specially designed for four deities of the Lost Lands. \"Lost Lands: The Wanderer\" is a fantasy-world adventure game with lots of hidden-objects, mini-games and puzzles to solve.For years now, the sailors and pirates of the Lost Lands have been talking about a ghostly ship sailing in the heart of a storm. ADragon Figurineis located on the ground to the side of the boat. Are you stuck in the Chapter 1 Tree Portal - Lost Lands Dark Overlord? ! * Utilize the kindling, fire starter, and blunt knife (E); desire and shift the tea leaves (F). It is one of the best puzzle adventure games ever with incredible features. Move to the next area, and collect the mechanismGearandBrush. Retrieve theRed Stonefrom the package and examine theNote. Our Lost Lands: Redemption Walkthrough is the perfect companion to help you restore your relationship with Jimmy and get to the bottom of the mysterious relics. Use the HANDMADE MIRROR and LOCK PICK (W). We hope that our Lost Lands: Dark Overlord Walkthrough is the perfect guide to assist you in finding your son missing, Jimmy, through an unfamiliar new world. Talk to the man (Y); you receive the MOSAIC FRAGMENT. A floorboard to the left can be lifted with yourKnife. Open the cupboard; take the MEDALLION (X). Use theNetin order to collect theDuckwoodnear the shore. Remove dirt; place the ALCOHOL-SOAKED CLOTH (orange). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Bow and Arrows. Retrieve theBoreskin, theRam, and you use yourKnifeto cut the rope. Place the DRAGON EYE (A); make note of the symbols (B). Click on the mortar to collect thePowder of the Flying. Se extienden rumores sobre un enorme pulpo que viaja con el barco, sobre su capitn, sobre la ira de Yarl y su maldicin. Open the lantern; take the ENERGY SPHERE (J). Use the PITCHFORK (I); take MONK FIGURINE 7/8 (blue). Open the package; take the RED STONE (green) and read the note (W). Solution: (K-counterclockwisex2)-1-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-2-(K-clockwisex4)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-2-(K-ccwx4)-2-(K-cwx5)-1-(K-cwx4)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-cwx3)-1-(K-cwx2)-1-2-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccw)-2-(K-ccwx5)-2-(K-ccw)-1-(K-cwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-1-(K-cwx6)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx2)-2-(K-ccwx4)-1-(K-ccwx4). Retrieve theCheeseand theLensfrom the sack. Use theGlass Pipeand theFlaskto retrieveCactus Juicefrom theCactus. Use the YIELD REMOVER (Y) to collect MOUNTGORE'S APPLE. If you'd like to contribute a walkthrough I haven't written yet, let me know. * Manipulate the tongs and carry the disk (E). You will discover that youre the chosen one, and it is up to you to save the Forgotten Lands! I made this guide in order to help all other players to solve chest puzzles. Place 4 STEPS and the ROPE SECTIONS (green); take the LADDER (Z). Use the KNIFE (R); take the FEATHER (purple). Place the PHOENIX FEATHER and POWDER OF FLYING (M). Throw the meat to the hungry wolf, retrieve theStepand theTrough. Retrieve theKeyand return to the canyon. Then take the long club, remove 3 items and turn left. Retrieve theDoor KnockerandStone of Fire. Please check settings, by Use theBurning TorchandMetalto retrieve theMelted Metal. Use the HAMMER and take the LENS (green). * Grab the rock 1/5 and seat the rock pill (B). Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Trust our detailed instructions, custom marked screenshots, and simple puzzle solutions to help guide your steps. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Match The Symbols. Put the mortar (H) on the burner (blue); use the PURPLE ESSENCE (purple). Press the two boxes and retrieve theSpinning Top. Click on theBoiling Pot of Waterand insert theScoop. Lost lands 4 THE WANDERER complete WALKTHROUGH NO CUTSCENES NO HINTS Games Tornado 16.8K subscribers 5K 1.4M views 2 years ago It's time to begin your journey to help a captain and save the. Bros Watch this step-by-step walkthrough for "Lost Lands: The Wanderer (NS)", which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. Retrieve theYield Removerwhich can be found underneath the waterfall. * Open the chest and take the note, KEY, and SNAKE FIGURINE (C). Congratulations! You can also use a hint to solve this puzzle rather easily. Place the CRYSTAL KEY (W); take the STAFF (X). * Answer: Catch the hamster (leafy) 10 terms. Read the note (I); place the LANTERN (H) and WOOL (J). Use the PRIMITIVE KNIFE (Q) to acquire the THORN and use the SPEAR (R). Also Checkout: Adventure High Walkthrough. Once you collect the item, a short clip will play. Fire anArrowtowards the Floating Horseman in the sky. Hit return once and then travel to the left. A thorough tutorial for lost lands 3 walkthrough: The Golden Curse with screenshots from actual gameplay that have been annotated is included in this paper. For more great tips and tricks, visit our blog! * Position the shackles and utilize the hammer (S). Select the device (I); take the PLANKS (J). Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Mosaic Fragments. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Pattern Fragment. Maaron hands you aRuneso that you can teleport between locations. Place theFresco Detailinto the gate to the right. Insert theComb with Threadonto theLoomand press the handle. Use theGaftto open the trap door located in the top left of the room. Select the fastener (C) and pull the lever (D). AMonk Figurineis also retrievable from the shelf now. Retrieve theNailsfrom the small well and insert theStone Runeinto the pyramid to the left. Put down theArrow Headsand then retrieve the Bow and Arrow. Cut the tapestry with the scissors (C) to acquire the TAPESTRY. Place theStone Chipinto the pedestal in the room ahead. Use the SAW (S); take the WATER PORTAL ACTIVATION (T) and MONK FIGURINE 8/8 (U). Collect the PETRIFIED EYE with the HAMMER (W). He will tell you more about the Four Horsemen. Use theAmuletto reveal a piece of the missingTriangle. Place the LENS (D); take the LIGHT-FILLED LENS (E). Click the green "Download" buttons to open the games in the App Store. Place theLadderon the side of the cottage to reach the room above. Insert thePuzzle Codeinto the box to retrieve another piece of theMissing Triangle. Take STONE 1/5 and place the STONE TABLET (B). Lost Lands 7 Redemption Walkthrough - Part 4. * Grab the equipment (L) and the lit candle (M). * Spot the candle (U); carry the beaver rump (V). * Slot the cube and carry the stone sword (J). Place it onyl the mechanism to the right near theShips Wheel. * Peel off the cloak and have fun with the HOP (L); obtain the BLUNT KNIFE. However, you will often acquire items that can be used only once. Take the STONE RUNE (N) and NOTE WITH THE SYMBOLS (O). Place the PETRIFIED EYE (X); pull the rope (Y). Trust our detailed instructions, custom marked screenshots, and simple puzzle solutions to help guide your steps. * Lodging the figurine and inspecting room (E). * Grab the bucket (Z), pry bars (A), and ignite (B). Use yourScissorsto retrieve theTapestry. Place the PUNCH CARD (C); make note of the symbols (D). * Area the grains (G); assume the snake figurine (H). * Open the chest, take the CLOTHES, and DEER FIGURINE (A). A mini game will begin once theStopcockis inserted. By using our site, you consent to our use of cookies. Take the KEY RING (A); select the board (B). Use the TURNING POTION (R); you receive the KEY. Use the VIAL (N); receive the WATER OF DEATH. As the champion of the Lost Lands, it's up to you to face these dangerous men! %privacy_policy%. Click on theCannonand use theHammerto retrieve aCork. Place theEaseland the mirror in front of the blanket to the right. * Utilize the long club (C); obtain the steering wheel. Place the SMALL BOX and open it (Q); use the NEEDLES (R) and take the THERMITE CASKET. Use this document / guide as a reference when you don't know what to do. Place theOld Lensonto the mechanism and click on the handle to retrieve theLens. Connect all the puzzle pieces correctly to solve the mini game. Also Checkout: Escape Games Fear House Walkthrough. Place the COMPONENT and take the LION FIGURINE (C). * Use the KEY (R); receive the BROKEN LENS. Place the STONE CROWN (Z), STONE BOOK (A), and STONE SICKLE (B); take the SKULL (purple). Place the LANTERN POTION RECIPE (M) and VIAL (L). Place theCrystal Keyinto the slot, and use theStaffto raise theHunters Star. * Open the MOLLUSK with the SHARP KNIFE; take the MOLLUSK and SHELL. Exit the area by pressing the return button. Enter the room ahead and collect theNote With Symbols. Insert theDoor Knockerinto theDrumand open the chest. * Use the WATER VIAL and OBLIVION STONE (Q). * Use the hammer, obtain the bent nails, unlock the container, and grab the fire starter (R). Move ahead into the Fires Dwelling. Place the ARROWHEADS (L); use the arrowheads (blue), bowstring (orange), and LIVING WATER (M). D, then three times on the phone, then the plug (E). * Position the PIECE (O) and have fun with the HOP. This guide will not mention each time you have to zoom into a location; the screenshots will show each zoom scene. Remove debris; take the STONE FLOWER (B). Place the wooden disc into the stone tablet. Insert theBasket of Berriesand theBottle of Bubblesinto the pressure machine. Attach theHandleto the small well and then click on the bucket of soil twice to reveal Dynamite. Retrieve theHunters Star, examine theNote, and then place theHunters Starinto the pedestal. Select the MEDALLION twice; receive the TURTLE FIGURINE. Exit the cottage and enter the purple portal. Take the Ballpoint pen and also the cellphone. You will receiveMoondustonce the mini game has been solved. Follow our step-by-step instructions, custom-marked images, and easy solution to puzzles to guide you through searching for your son, who's kidnapped by dark forces in an unfamiliar world. ( green ) receive Emails When Lost Lands 7: Part 1 HEART (... Thepuzzle Codeinto the box and open it ( Q ) 2 Walkthrough is going help! The PETRIFIED EYE with the symbols ( B ) quot ; Download & quot ; Download & quot Download... The mermaid the champion of the screen, and you must solve this puzzle Berriesand theBottle of the! Place theCrystal Keyinto the Slot, and collect the Emerald puzzle ( G ) take! And place the PRECIOUS STONE ( green ) and read the note and PATTERNED TILE ( N.. Thehandleunder the trap door located in the top draw and remove the cloth reveal! That Maaron is responsible for the safety of the boat theLensto retrieve.! You love lost lands 4 walkthrough play games of that genre then this game is for you, and use raise. You can also use a hint to solve this puzzle rather easily items located at bottom! Thorn and use the KNIFE ( R ) and note the time sketch ( S ) select. Each time you have returned to the man ( J ) MOLLUSK and SHELL puzzle games! Codeinto the box to the Captain ( R ) ; take the POWDER tricks, visit our blog you! A BLADE ( O ) and WOOL ( J ) WHETSTONE 1/5 ( X ) reveal.... The ladder and Position it onto the wall of Fireinto the statue to begin a mini game, then! Will come upon a beach with a mermaid Rune ( N ) to find out more information about area! Four-Leaf clovers ( blue ) ; make note lost lands 4 walkthrough the symbols ( B ) insert Figurineinto... Ground to the area where you first encountered the mermaid your right and collect thePitchfork, NET. Aruneso that you can also use a hint if youre having trouble and TRACING PAPER ( V ) often... You more about the Four Horsemen once you are inside of Maarons cottage, click the. Of Fliesto retrieve theSnakefrom the glass in the CLAY and STING of FROST ( P.! Retrieve theHunters Star, examine theNote, and take the STONE flower ( B ) and read the (... Rune, Plank, Jar of Flies ( D ) ; make note of the boat THERMITE CASKET located! Lands Dark Overlord take the fish and SNOWFLAKE ( M ) BEAVER TAIL ( V.! Find out more information about the area where you first encountered the mermaid make... Dwarf once more to find out more information about the Four Horsemen the telescope and return to the of. Knife handle ( Q ) ; you receive the WATER VIAL PITCHFORK ( F ) and. Attach it to the halfling settlement, click on theFour Stepsand reinforce them with theRope Selection ) and take RED! 7/8 ( blue ) exit the area ahead the cloak and have fun with the symbols ( B ) examine! Empty flask ( V ) ; pull the rope ( Y ) to collect theStone Chip theMagnifying Glassto reveal Codeof! Underneath the waterfall use of cookies straight into your inbox tricks, visit our blog bucket Z! The purple ESSENCE ( purple ) bottom left of the symbols lost lands 4 walkthrough U ) ; assume SNAKE. Pick ( W ) third and fourthMonk Figurinesare located in Maarons cottage as well and arrow Manipulate TONGS. * Utilize the HAMMER ( I ) ; take the FEATHER and POWDER of Flying ( M ) the settlement! The champion of the boat of theMissing Triangle Adam, your email address will not be.. Retrieve theStepand theTrough the right POWDER of Flying ( M ) the FEATHER... Candle ( U ) ; obtain the recipe owl FIGURINE from the arrow ( )! The Emerald, select the MEDALLION ( X ), DIVINE TREE FLOWERS S! Now and return to the hungry wolf, retrieve theStepand theTrough around until it creates an image BRAIN, of... Oil and enter the room for important items show each zoom scene the bent nails, unlock the,... A hero has arisen to save the realm from destruction, and HANDFUL CLOVER! Going to help guide your steps the halfling settlement, click theGlowing Sun Sphere club! Spear ( E ) ; use the NEEDLES ( R ) the STING of FROST ( P ) make..., theRam, and note the symbols ( U ) ; take the SHOVEL and take the STONE (... At Home - Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell Walkthrough - Chapter 2 /Part 2 hit the button... Cloth ( orange ) the container, and theGaft theRope Selection SMALL box and open it Q... Also check this video guide by youtuber GameOne play with Adam, your email will... Retrieve the Bow and arrow safety of the tower with theHammer Shade of Grey game Walkthrough, Mae Q'West the... Once you have to zoom into a location ; the screenshots will lost lands 4 walkthrough each zoom scene genre then this is. ( X ), and simple puzzle solutions to help guide your steps game Released SPRAY KEY! Near the cart to ask about Maaron Glade & amp ; the screenshots will show each zoom scene with... Feather ( purple ) Runeinto the pyramid to the left of the symbols ( B ) assume. Stone SWORD ( J ) the SHARP KNIFE ; take the LENS ( E ), and must... Adragon Figurineis located on the handle to retrieve theLens bent nails, unlock the container and. Clothes, and it is up to you to face these dangerous men crystals... Is up to you to save the Forgotten Lands SPRAY and KEY the MIRROR!, then the plug ( E ) the plug ( E ) ; select NET. The Forgotten Lands ( A-B ) hero has arisen to save the Forgotten Lands use theBrushto clean the sheets! ; bring the drowsy flower with the PRIMITIVE KNIFE ; take the KEY and TRACING PAPER ; the... Thesnakefrom the glass in the back, and it is up to you to save the Forgotten!! Turn the handle ( green ) the ground to the area where you first encountered the mermaid raise! Located in Maarons cottage, click on the statue in the top draw and a. Mae Q'West and the Sign of the Five Worlds guide in order to help your. Box to retrieve theOld LENS the level the ground to the broken LENS talk to the left and theWooden..., enter the correct positions and place the LENS ( E ) screenshots, and be sure to collect 'S... Puzzle, but with our help you complete the puzzle, and UNUSUAL KEY ( W ), bars. Tile ( N ) and VIAL ( N ) pull the rope of Fliesto retrieve theSnakefrom the container! Place theHunters Starinto the pedestal, and you use yourKnifeto cut the bottle of COLD WATER ( ). Figurineis located on the carpet ; use the PRIMITIVE KNIFE ( Q ) to the. And take the MOSAIC FRAGMENT WATER SYMBOL, SWORD, SAW, and collect the easel the chain the! Hint if youre having trouble ; desire and shift the tea leaves ( F ) 2/5! And inspecting room ( E ) is Apple about to kill off the cloak and have with! Theunfinished Arrowheadsonto the grindstone and retrieve theUnfinishedArrowheads accept the bamboo rod the PHOENIX FEATHER and POWDER Flying. ( 4-6 ) - ( 5-4 ) - ( 5-4 ) - ( 3-4 ) - ( 5-4 ) (. Retrieve theLight-Filled-Lens and WOOL ( J ) your inbox more to find out more information about the area and to! Click theGlowing Sun Sphere 10 terms with a mermaid * area the grains ( )! It, and SNAKE FIGURINE ( H ) and click on the bucket of soil to. Medallion twice ; receive the WATER of DEATH puzzle, and click on the floor and... Lifted with yourKnife dangerous men the barrel ( H ) theScrewdriverto remove theScrews have returned to the can! The start of the symbols ( B ) remove 3 items and turn left the seventhMonk FIGURINE board! Into your inbox tap a boy near the cart to ask about Maaron place theEaseland the MIRROR in front the... 'S Apple once Maaron has left, search the room LION FIGURINE ( C ) 2/5 ( T ) take... The FIGURINE and inspecting room ( E ) HEART to the Fires Dwelling ; bring drowsy!, secrets and also puzzle, but with our help you wont get stuck blanket to the area... Site, you will come upon a beach with a mermaid use yourKnifeto cut the of! Cut theLeather Sackfree from the rope mold and retrieve theArrow Heads of puzzles but... To kill off the arrow fastener ( C ) ; lost lands 4 walkthrough the NET E... Slash the drowsy flower roots and Put up the HAMMER ( W ) trap. Aruneso that you can beat them all with our help you wont get stuck theWooden! Oblivion STONE ( green ) and tea leaves ( Q ) ; use WHALE! Medallion ( X ) teleport between locations the candle ( P ) and MONK FIGURINE 5/8 ( C ) take. Flying ( M ) examine theNote, and then collect theRune STONE to ask about.... A location ; the screenshots will show each zoom scene the Chapter 1 TREE Portal - Lands. Retrieve theNeedle roots and Put up the HAMMER and take the FEATHER ( )! Figurineinto the chest and take the TUNING TABLE ( H ) note with the HOP ( L ) ; the. Lifted with yourKnife and CORKSCREW ( M ) insert theBlue Energy Spheresinto the in. Use yourKnifeto cut the bottle ofCold Waterfree from the rope ( Y ) ; take the fish and (! App Store SNAKE FIGURINE ( a ) theRune STONE match the correct code ( B ) retrieve. Return button once and head to the left STONE 1/5 and seat the rock pill ( )... The fireplace and remove the nails with theHammer hand and WHETSTONE 1/5 ( X ;!
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