Strong physical reactions to intense solar and galactic energies can result in random, transitory or intense physical symptoms. This all happened to me, and Id love to hear in the comments if this resonates with you too. Sending you lots of love and blessings . This is a amazing journy to wake to. Notice what is beautiful. Ive also let go of the fear of family and friends not excepting my spiritual beliefs . Nevertheless, there are experiences everyone on an awakening journey goes through! It isn't clear how long these effects might last. The energy in 3D is in conflict with the serenity that comes with discovering your true self in 5D. Learning more about your numerology is also an excellent way of finding your. And, of course, putting your attention on anything will only amplify it. Ive had my teeth checked, havent been to a doctor though. Many of us are remembering and feeling this contrast. NEW 5D ASCENSION SYMPTOMS 2020 - Are you feeling these BODY CHANGES? Sudden headaches. Shes the mother of a child with special needs so shes constantly worried about her health as her child is totally dependent on her. These symptoms can sometimes be uncomfortable. Coming together with your Twin Flame puts you on an advanced Soul Ascension path. Feeling overwhelming love for all of humanity, the planet, your existence. Food has healing abilities that help you through this strenuous process. Never confuse this symptom with the other headaches that occur due to psychical issues. Find evidence of community and integrity in the life surrounding you. This can also include a shift in your eating preferences, aromas you enjoy, and music selections. Your newly found traits and habits can be confusing when you suddenly acquire them at an older age. They pick up new tasks to occupy their racing minds. If you appreciate what we do, please support us. Firstly, the energy is not yours but is coming from those around you. How long does the process takesshes a lightworker, I am a star seed. It is there. Thank you soo much as this article helped me alot. You realize that youre responsible for your own well-being, so you protect it. What other words remind you of Home? In 2000, went back to what worked in the past, more veggies, less meat, meditating, being closer to nature & slowly over the last 6 months, things have really come into focus. In the fifth dimension, ascendants see and hear things that 3D human beings cant. I am getting aches and pains in places that I cant relate to any specific activity or exertion. I started going to church but realized I feel like I am reading a different book than them. It happens when your souls transition is clashing with your present 3D reality. It is called the witching hour or cleansing and releasing time. Your physical body is full of bursting energy. I have been going through my own Ascension, but the symptoms are less nowit can get scary tho. How to treat it. Many people who dont have tools are feeling the Shift and responding to it with despair. What is that pattern? Both my husband & I are experiencing a lot of these symptoms! While all twelve energy bodies are expanding during ascension periods, it is common to experience weight gain, water retention, bloating, and/or digestive issues. Trust the process and make peace with your evolution. Its like Im over the hard part, now I just need to integrate everything I have learned & remembered. Some people become physically sick, and others wake up with bruises that werent there the day before. Most Common 5 Spiritual Awakening Physical Symptoms. Ascension is the process of raising your vibration, shedding your ego, and gaining control of your future through an elevated level of consciousness. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. You might find it helpful to imagine the ache as a color. Youre thei love!!! (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.) Can you give me some idea of what might be going on? I have so many other symptoms that are listed I felt like I was reading everything thats been happening to me lately and at the same time, so relieved that Im not going crazy. As Im sure you know, all physical discomfort is related to being energetically off balance. Its all part of the vibrational shift were going through now. I started my journy 20 years ago, i woke to the spirit and was trying to figure it out for a long time. Please be patient and use the tools daily. As you shift into a higher frequency, some vibrations repel or attract you. You are changing. It looks like this electrical energy you are experiencing may be great validation that energy is moving through your space at higher and brighter levels. And my apologies for the long msg. This article is pretty spot on with what i have gone though. The reverse is also true; a person with poor vision can get improved eyesight on their journey. You may experience short or prolonged bouts of debilitating exhaustion. The last one was intense and happened after a deep meditation session. Can you give me some idea of what might be going on? It seems that most people who begin the shift into a . It will help maintain your awareness and stops you from drifting away from reality permanently. Caduceus is a symbol of Masculine and Feminine polarity merging in unity consciousness, depicted from Wider Rait Tarot in 2 of Cups formation. You need to eat nourishing meals to keep your body grounded. You have more of a journey than that ahead of you, and that is as it needs to be. Universal Copyright 2019 is authorized here. I am the light! Let yourself drool. You are becoming a being that holds higher, faster frequencies of consciousness. So depressed and feel Im not going to make it as I cant even seem to quit smoking. She had a virtual visit today with her doctor who prescribed medication for sleeping and a sleep study. And I could sense when things were going to happen sometimes. Heat felt on top of head 3. As you continue on your journey, you will assimilate and master the symptoms faster. It is also referred to varyingly as ascension sickness or simply ascension symptoms. I blamed the insomnia on the ghosts and goblins. (Which I've experienced myself as an ascension symptom!) What to do when undergoing 5D ascension symptoms? Bumps behind your ears (on one side or both) 5. Also, during ascension, some people feel the presence of other heavenly bodies. So, to experience life on a divine energy frequency, you must go through a journey of spiritual awakening. Cut out the noise of what others say and listen to the universe. An increase in tremors or chills that are not due to illness. Ill be getting into more meditations asap. Maintaining an even keel, a balance within, working with ourselves and our issues and pain, gracing our bodies with weekly massages and nurturing healing, being kind to ourselves . Learning from other peoples experiences will help you manage your process better. Those AAEE's assisted to train us all to become more aware and self-accepting. I feel the Universe doesnt give a shit about my life. Please use your own discernment when reading the content shared on this website. I started meditating and doing Tai Chi Gung with Master Rasaji at the beginning of the year which has helped tremendously and cleared my mind. You could feel a sudden feeling of warmth in your upper body, including your face, neck, and chest. In the year leading up to this I have become extremely attracted to nature. However lately Ive become super sensitive to nature and even cry when its something beautiful, feel so disconnected and alone at times but I feel that what Iam feeling is right for me. Although these symptoms of ascension are temporary, they may feel uncomfortable or even frustrating, especially when you may have remedied these symptoms a certain way in the past but . Like as if when I recovered from Covid I became a new/ different person but for the better. Thank you. Have been through the dark night of the soul and am currently learning to let go of traumas, sparks in the eyes, and general aches and pains..Im an NDE..I have been a Vegan for nearly two years now. Crazy bc when the blogger mentioned joint pain lol well I just noticed the other day that my knees are aching out of no where. Ascension awakens your inner creative juices. Listed below are physical symptoms of ascension you may experience; Head You might experience headaches Feel dizzy Feel Lightheadedness Ears Popping or air pressure changes Hear ringing or buzzing sounds Earaches Body Pain Back pains, especially mid-lower sections Experience joint pains, Shoulders and knees Feel like you are in your golden years The ego thing kind of hangs on to you and vice versa but I hope I am winning that battle. I had Covid 1 yr ago. Sinus infections, colds, dizziness, vertigo, unbalanced, feverish, tired, feeling cold or feeling too hot, which can change from moment to moment, feeling weak, drained, de . What other words remind you of Home? Depending on how we hold resistance in our body, and where we argue for our limitations, we will experience physical and emotional symptoms from time to time. A suggestion: In order to allow the flow to move without discomfort, you might try opening up your feet chakras about 10% more. You might feel wildly happy one day and depressed the next. These typically include headaches, fatigue, and ringing in the ears. The process of ascension takes a toll on your body, so youll often feel tired. First level - when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches. Physical symptoms Body discomfort, pain, and aches. As we make changes to heal energetically, the places in our bodies that hold the old patterns may talk back to us. Many people experience astral projection through sleeping. Newly developed insomnia. Why is my neck stiff? Im having what I perceive to be panic attacks. Ascension Symptoms As the DNA is shifting and new vibrations are activating, physical symptoms can pop up. Meditating will help you feel better inside and out. Your email address will not be published. We are altering how we see the world around us, and increasing our bodys ability to hold Light. I assumed my bathroom fan was making it and when I turned it off I hear the most beautiful sounds. I will look for a legitimate Reiiki healer so she can meditate and feel a bit better. While the old system gradually disintegrates, the establishment hardens and holds on. Here are two possibilities: Firstly, the energy is not yours but is coming from those around you. I eat healthier. Absolutely there is an energetic ascension factor to many of our physical symptoms. You disconnect from the 3D reality and have long episodes experiencing 5D. Notice what is graceful and kind. I also find myself knowing what my friends are going to say before they say it. Crazy bc I worked so hard to be a nurse but now I often want to work for myself. The ascension symptoms can be physical, emotional, or spiritual. You feel confused about where you are. 31 Mind-blowing Physical Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening, 50 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms and Signs, 33 Reality Shifting Methods: The Ultimate List 2023, What Is 5D Consciousness? I seem to be experiencing a lot of physical discomfort lately in different areas of my body. Kundalini Activation and kundalini rising. Discomfort, aches, and pains Headaches Bursts of energy running through you Sudden Shifts in moods Unusual sleep patterns Intense Dreams Heightened sensitivity and more common ascension symptoms. A new understanding of every living thing makes them feel at peace within the environment. Most people who are spiritually awakening also experience more awareness within their physical bodies. Ear popping, high pitched tones and buzzing which mirrors vertigo. Take your spiritual business to the next level with The Spirit Mastermind. Spiritually awakened people operate on energy vibrations that vary based on dimensions. Igniting the Spark Within Our Sacred Heart, Life Tapestry Creations: New Multi-Dimensional Threads, Jeshua: Respect and Honor Yourselves and Others, The Vastness of Being: Riding the Waves of Love, Europes Energy Crisis Worsens As Prices Soar, World Economic Forum Declares Misinformation a Top Global Risk, Police Officers, Including the Chief, Protected Sex Trafficking Ring In Exchange for Sex With VictimsLawsuit, Benjamin Fulford Report: McCarthy to Replace Biden as US president While the UN Prepares to Move to Laos, The Gateway to the Fifth Dimension is Open, Sananda, One Who Serves and Shoshanna: The Changing of the Guard, The Arcturian Group: Accessing More Light, Drug Insider Spills Beans: DoD, HHS and Big Pharma Committed Mass Murder With Covid Vaccines, January Energetic Update plus Frequency Activation. What is wrong with me ? I can hear it even when it isnt filling my head. 9. Attach it to the ache and ground or drain out the energy. Its weird. Thank you for all the great info on 5D changes, it let me know Im not getting old. Use the Rose Tool. You are the livht!light!! The new light codes vibrate faster and are clearing out all that no longer serves you. Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). Those factors also dictate how long the ascension flu will last. You can also put your attention on your leg channels and open those a bit more too. I have felt the need to start meditating and become more aware of my thoughts. You are not alone. As they are getting knocked loose, the logs may bump around for a bit or get stuck in new ways until the water (energy) washes them away. I have experienced something like restless leg syndrome especially if my husband gets close to me at night when sleeping, I feel bloated and my eyes can not stand the iPad screen my hands and feet get really cold . As we make changes to heal energetically, the places in our bodies that hold the old patterns may talk back to us. The more understanding you can bring to what is essentially a MORE Love and light , Wow!! 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. Going through changes physically and emotionally affects your mental health. Many new pathways for light are opening in your physical body, especially in your head area! Appreciate it and you might feel a little bit of Home here and now. Theres a surge of energy at the peak of ascension. Wow. Many others, like you, who are sensitive, are picking up on it. This is common withlightworkers, who get smoother and brighter skin. Back to their own heads. Now the trick is to get out of the way and allow it! I am the love! All other memory functions seem to be fine. Use the Rose Tool. You feel a sense of dissatisfaction with life and an overwhelming desire for purpose. As we alter the electromagnetic frequencies in our physical and emotional bodies, many of us are beginning to think differently about ourselves. Heightened Sensitivity. You may feel cold immediately afterward. Before leaving she gave me a hug. Here are two possibilities: Firstly, the energy is not yours but is coming from those around you. Flue like symptoms. We move!!! It feels intense as you change your energetic frequency and adjust to a higher vibration level. I can feel my third eye and my chest feels different but not palpitations is more of a sensitive feeling. Collect up the energy/color with the Rose, then move the Rose outside your energy field and explode it.- releasing all that ache. For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: This is often called 5D Earth or New Earth. The best solution I have found to date is to relax, enjoy yourself, and know that this readjustment phase will be over soon. Im working on that. It is as if you are now suddenly running 210 volts of electricity through wires designed to only allow 110. This is the message I receive. Its driving me insane watching what felt like a day pass in a few hours or less, it scares me! I have had flu like symptoms and they said was covid . You are changing. Simply use the tools that you know work so well to clear that energy out. Despite all the energy tools of light and reiki, the symptoms are alarming! Here are common ascension symptoms many people are currently experiencing. Here are 31 signs that show youre ascending: Here are the 10 most common 5D ascension symptoms. So there is an Earth ascension happening, but our bodies are also going through the same shift (some people sooner than others). The cumulative effects of an identity crisis, disorientation, memory loss, etc., can cause irritability. If youre experiencing any of these symptoms, dont panic. Upon 5D ascension, your 6th sense is awakened. And then with Metatron download today .. Im a suffering tonight Ill tell ya THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIGHT AND GUIDANCE, Im currently feeling the 5D sickness emotionally speaking. 7. Dont worry, though; youll get through it. You feel out of place, like youre on the outside watching yourself. The signs aren't 100% Twin Flame specific. 8. A balanced diet:Ascension stretches your physical limits. Increased sensitivity is a common ascension symptom. I felt absolutely powerless and felt like a 13 year old feeling like Ive been triggered; reminding me of childhood trauma; I hadnt worked through yet. It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. Meditate:Practice yoga, take guided meditations, repeat positive mantras, exercise your body, etc. ascension symptoms 2020 ascension symptoms anxiety kundalini awakening depression awakening symptoms 2020 empath awakening symptoms physical spiritual awakening symptoms ascension. Being in the third dimension becomes a chore. This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace, Build what is divinely beautiful. Has anyone else been experiencing this? I experienced several of them and most recently I have started seeing people who are not there and hearing voices that sound muffled but arent really here. Thank You. Yes yes yes. During 5D ascension, it is common to feel unusual aches in different parts of your body. Its an effect of the physical stress your body is going through while reaching for spiritual awakening. Is there a way to speed it up or ease the physical because I have fell a few times from the dizziness. >Dizziness, loss of balance, back and neck pain, ringing in the ears, "gritty" eyes, and blurred vision >Heart palpitations with difficulty in breathing >Headaches >Crying about anything >Not remembering the meaning of anything >You don't feel like doing anything >A loss of desire for food >You 'know' or sense that something is happening/changing. Energy shift or ascension as they call it, is basically an increase in the awareness level and vibration energy which creates an obvious shift in the level of consciousness one possesses. The above 5D ascension symptoms are just some of the signs to look out for. Aches, pains, and general physical discomfort. I start sweating like crazy which wakes me up. Attach it to the ache and ground or drain out the energy. Forgetfulness. The increased and expanded cognition makes 3D consciousness a bore for you. Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. I will help you. More than happy to read the amazing experiences in the reply section too. Spin your fields. Some people see light sparks in the corner of their eyes. I started paying attention to angel numbers and not sleeping between 2 and 4 am about 5 years ago. Provided chest PT and conducted aerobic exercise for patients with cystic fibrosis and bronchiectasis. Dont be so hard on you. Here are some exercises that may help: Use the Grounding Cord. Im experiencing the majority of those symptoms. 2am-3am Wakeup - This is the time when your body gets the most spiritual downloads. Youre welcome. Ive never noticed that before. You begin to feel homesick as if youre just an imposter here on Earth. Congratulations! But what I felt was real . As you go through physical changes, you must keep your system hydrated. STAY WOKE . . Ascension makes you appreciate the need for harmony in the world. This entire process has been especially challenging because I am an Empath trying to protect my energy. There's a great Ho'oponopono healing prayer for forgiveness that I posted here, which is excellent for healing the Liver. Now these senses r back and I embrace it. As the charged block is dislodged we may feel the effect, kind of like an old log getting jogged loose from the log-jam in the river. Law of Attraction. As you become more spiritually sensitive your physical sensitivity, and emotional sensitivity may increase too. Ascension is the process of spiritual awakening that moves you into a higher level of consciousness. It looks like this electrical energy you are experiencing may be great validation that energy is moving through your space at higher and brighter levels. Its very scary and Im unable to go to work, I hoping this will pass. Ive concentrated on meditation and crystals assisting me with my thoughts and inner self. You may also discover new signs and share your experience for others to learn. I can sense that I should cleanse my space around certain individuals. This is leading to ascension symptoms as our DNA is being upgraded. With all the transformations occurring inside you, it is natural that youd feel pressure! Now the trick is to get out of the way and allow it! Customized by The Virtual Inch. A few months ago i woke up as if someone turned on a lightswitch. I drink alot of water and eating more vegies and fruits. I lost a lot of weight also. If that is the case for you, dont be afraid. Your habits change as well you can acquire new tastes in your diet. You realize that you have mental blackouts that occur at the time of your ascension. Extreme fatigue. You are reducing the density in your body. I am finally learning to be still. Being in the third dimension becomes a chore. Feelings of depression, disconnection and hopelessness: even though you're expanding into lighter vibrations, you'll still stir up inner density at times which will amplify feelings of disconnection from the expanded states. Ive been going through awakening for the past year, I do Reiki and feel energy all around. Release. When ascending to 5D, you may experience some manic episodes. Lightbody activation. Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. Be sure to use this tool even if you dont have a headache. Here is a breakdown of the most common signs and symptoms: Ringing in the ears: usually experienced as high pitched frequencies, without pain. Inflammation and problems with the immune system can also happen. Sadly I have had to say goodbye to certain ppl in my life and I have become a bit lonely. You are reducing the density in your body. I am utterly perplexed and frustrated as a result of all this. Is there still a chance for me I have so many questions. Thats enough to depress anyone, dont you think? If you know this book youll know that they work on you while you reading. I did not know that these were symptoms of ascension. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One. You Go Through Frequent Changes Of Appetite When I am traveling I feel like someone is with me too even though there is no one I can physically see. Im left feeling abandoned and angry. If this is true, then you may be undergoing 5D ascension symptoms. Why do I need to know this, you may ask; simply put, your ascendant sign helps you figure out your purpose in life. Accept. Try to include high vibrational food like vegetables and fruits in your diet. This requires the discarding of egoic thinking and moving into a lighter realm of love and light. You have explained the whole last year of my life in two web pages. Me Ive had big issues with depression but for the most part it was gone but anxiety is back! 18. Appreciate it and you might feel a little bit of Home here and now. --------- We are entering the 5th dimension ------------------------ OTHER RECOMMENDED VIDEOS -------------------#1. These symptoms are caused by the physical body reaction to the toxins that are released when the chakras begin to expand. Both my husband & I have experienced sore throats! The Ascension process opens and awakens the Heart Chakra, which is the energetic center of spiritual awareness and love. Many others, like you, who are sensitive, are picking up on it. The 3D (third dimension) consciousness is the physical world in which we live, known to everyone. Pretend it is a color to make it easier and more neutral to work with. When energy flows through you as you ascend, you can experience zaps of electricity. I now know my purpouse is to vibrate at a high frequency to help elevate everyone around me. You can also put your attention on your leg channels and open those a bit more too. Ive had a lot of the symptoms that you mention and was trying to figure out if I had the flu, or what was going on. Achy Pains & Physical Discomfort We all know what its like to get small, or sometimes larger pains that seem to come on for no reason. Firstly, the energy is not yours but is coming from those around you. Anxiety, panic attacks, palpitations etcshe feels uncomfortable at night like her sheets and clothes are attacking hershe gets out of bed and and doesnt sleep for hours. And I always encourage. This stress can present as a constant headache. In the process of adjusting to a higher frequency, your former character is tested against the person youre becoming. Ascension flu can be a relative breeze through to absolute hell, depending on a number of factors. Doctors ran numerous test CT scans MRIs , X-rays, and blood work. Beloved masters, we will endeavor to give you more information regarding the Ascension process. Focus on your breathing; it helps with panic attacks. Thank you for this. Is this something I should be concerned about, or does this have something to do with all the solar flares we have been getting? Its all part of the purification process that allows your body to ascend higher, to a 5th dimension frequency. I seriously thought I was losing my mind. I had the ear ringing for a year straight!!!!!! It doesnt matter if this is the cause of your despair or not. There are gaps in your recollection of events due to you regularly zoning out. We may experience: Profound fatigue, softness of the body, breathing arrhythmias, cardiac arrhythmias, lack of force in the arms, hands, and legs. And I have had heart palpitations also like Im anxious out of no where. Filed Under: Ascensionitis, Bodily Changes, Body and Lightbody, Commentary, Transformation. Dont be afraid; once youve fully ascended to 5D, youll feel safer and at peace! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Symptoms of fear before breaking through to unified love affects our body as these types of symptoms to finally release through the infinite process. Back to their own heads. You need to eat nourishing meals to keep your body grounded. 3. In responsibility, there is no. (Read more), Sasha Latypova: Everything About Covid Vaccines is a Fraud, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: When You See a UFO or E.T., This Happens, Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young ~ 2023: Into the True. Well, unfortunately, doctors dont learn about ascension sickness in school. Ascension is a completely natural and universal evolutionary process. investigate what foods are causing a histamine response inside of you. TMJ symptoms (ringing in ears, sore jaws, hurting teeth, trouble chewing) 6. Irritability. Using the Rose Tool to clean out the Center of Your Head will help. However, like with everything in this reality, we can never know for sure, so exercise your own discernment and only take on as truth that which resonates for you as truth. I hope the answers will give you some peace of mind. So, whenever you feel yourself looking inwards and meditating, it is a sign of spiritual awakening. I see Angel numbers often throughout the day, and feel a strong spiritual presence quite often. It defines the light am an empath trying to figure it out for for a long.... Through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020. sense that I cant to. Ahead of you great info on 5D changes, body and Lightbody, Commentary Transformation... Id love to hear in the world to train us all to become more spiritually sensitive your physical,... Light are opening in your upper body, especially in your head area on journey. One chooses to live needs to be you ascend, you must go through changes... 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