In this action, the court may require the violator of the order to pay the costs incurred in bringing the action, including a reasonable attorney's fee. (1) If the court grants a . If a petition meets the criteria for a different type of protection order other than the one sought by the petitioner, the court shall consider the petitioner's preference, and enter a temporary protection order or set the matter for a hearing as appropriate under the law. (3) When the court proposes to consider information from the judicial information system or another criminal or civil database, the court shall: Disclose the information to each party present at the hearing; on timely request, provide each party with an opportunity to be heard; and take appropriate measures to alleviate safety concerns of the parties. (4) Where electronic service was not complete because there was no verification of notice, and service by mail or publication has been authorized, copies must also be sent by electronic means to any known electronic addresses. (i) No filing fee may be charged to a petitioner seeking an antiharassment protection order against a person who has engaged in acts of stalking as defined in RCW 9A.46.110, a hate crime (2)(a) When the jurisdiction of a district court is limited to the issuance and enforcement of a temporary protection order, the district court shall set the full hearing in superior court and transfer the case, indicating in the transfer order the circumstances and findings supporting transfer to the superior court. The following materials must be served, depending on the type of relief sought. The petitioner may petition for a stalking protection order on behalf of: (d) A petition for a vulnerable adult protection order, which must allege that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, is a vulnerable adult and that the petitioner, or person on whose behalf the petition is brought, has been abandoned, abused, financially exploited, or neglected, or is threatened with abandonment, abuse, financial exploitation, or neglect, by the respondent. . (b)(i) Service by electronic means, including service by email, text message, social media applications, or other technologies, must be prioritized for all orders at the time of the issuance of temporary protection orders, except in cases where personal service is required under (a) of this subsection. . See definitions for stalking ( RCW 9A.46.110) Who may obtain the order: A person may file a Stalking Protection Order if they are the victim of any stalking conduct (RCW 9A.46.110). Consent must be ongoing and may be revoked at any time. A single incident of nonconsensual sexual conduct or nonconsensual sexual penetration is sufficient grounds for a petition for a sexual assault protection order. (1) When an order is issued under this chapter upon request of the petitioner, the court may order a law enforcement officer to accompany the petitioner and assist in placing the petitioner in possession of those items indicated in the order or to otherwise assist in the execution of the order of protection. Trainings should be provided on an ongoing basis as best practices, research on trauma, and legislation continue to evolve. When domestic violence victims seek to separate from their abuser, they face increased risks. (5) Hearings may be conducted upon the information provided in the sworn petition, live testimony of the parties should they choose to testify, and any additional sworn declarations. If the respondent is not present, the officer shall make reasonable efforts to serve a copy of the order on the respondent. (iii) The respondent's email address, number for text messaging, and username or other identification on social media applications and other technologies, if known or available, must be provided by the petitioner to law enforcement in the confidential information form, and attested to by the petitioner as being the legitimate, current, or last known contact information for the respondent. . (4) If the court finds after the hearing that the respondent has met his or her burden, the court shall terminate the order. Rape is recognized as the most underreported crime; estimates suggest that only one in seven rapes is reported to authorities. For permanent orders, the court shall set the date to expire 99 years from the issuance date. The juvenile court may hear an extreme risk protection order proceeding under this chapter if the respondent is under the age of 18 years. This section applies to the modification or termination of vulnerable adult protection orders. An Order of Protection is a legal order used to prohibit a person from committing acts of domestic violence or from contacting people protected by the order . Notification may be provided by text messaging or email, and should provide reminders of court appearances and alert the petitioner when the following occur: (i) The petition has been processed and is under review by a judicial officer; (ii) the order has been signed; (iii) the order has been transmitted to law enforcement for entry into the Washington crime information center system; (iv) proof of service upon the respondent has been filed with the court or clerk; (v) a receipt for the surrender of firearms has been filed with the court or clerk; and (vi) the respondent has filed a motion for the release of surrendered firearms. (1) Orders issued by the court following a hearing must identify the persons who participated in the hearing and whether each person appeared in person, by telephone, by video, or by other electronic means. Requests for changes must be made in writing.". Judicial information system consultation. At the onset of a divorce, automatic temporary restraining orders , also known as ATROS, go into effect to make sure the status quo remains during the pendency of the case. (f) The court may order a respondent found in contempt of the order to pay for any losses incurred by a party in connection with the contempt proceeding, including reasonable attorneys' fees, service fees, and other costs. (10) "Electronic monitoring" has the same meaning as in RCW. (1) When the court issues an antiharassment protection order under this chapter, the court shall advise the petitioner that the respondent may not be subjected to the penalties set forth in this section for a violation of the order unless the respondent knows of the order. (3) Courts shall require assurances of the identity of persons who appear by telephone, video, or other electronic means. There can be situations where the applicant contacts the respondent. You may not have in your custody or control, access, possess, purchase, receive, or attempt to purchase or receive, a firearm, or a concealed pistol license, while this order is in effect. (27) "Nonphysical contact" includes, but is not limited to, written notes, mail, telephone calls, email, text messages, contact through social media applications, contact through other technologies, or contact through third parties. If any party has provided such notification to the court, the court shall not dismiss or grant the petition, but shall reset the hearing by continuing it and reissuing any temporary order in place. (12) Courts shall, if possible, have petitioners and respondents in protection order proceedings gather in separate locations and enter and depart the court room at staggered times. (3) If either party is seeking to modify or terminate a protection order, the other party must be served with the motion to modify or terminate the protection order, any supporting declarations or other materials, and the notice of hearing. The clerk shall ensure that the request for an ex parte temporary protection order is presented timely to a judicial officer, and signed orders will be returned promptly to the clerk for entry and to the petitioner as specified in this section. (h) A party attending a hearing remotely who is unable to participate in the hearing outside the presence of others who reside with the party, but who are not part of the proceeding including, but not limited to, children, and who asserts that the presence of those individuals may hinder the party's testimony or the party's ability to fully and meaningfully participate in the hearing, may request a continuance on that basis. (1) When issuing an order after notice to the respondent and a hearing, the court may either grant relief for a fixed period of time or enter a permanent order of protection. (25) "Neglect" means: (a) A pattern of conduct or inaction by a person or entity with a duty of care that fails to provide the goods and services that maintain the physical or mental health of a vulnerable adult, or that fails to avoid or prevent physical or mental harm or pain to a vulnerable adult; or (b) an act or omission by a person or entity with a duty of care that demonstrates a serious disregard of consequences of such a magnitude as to constitute a clear and present danger to the vulnerable adult's health, welfare, or safety including, but not limited to, conduct prohibited under RCW. Materials available to persons appearing remotely should include warnings not to state their addresses or telephone numbers at the hearing, and that they should ensure that background surroundings do not reveal their location; (g) Courts should provide the parties, in orders setting the hearing, with a telephone number and an email address for the court, which the parties may use to inform the court if they have been unable to appear remotely for a hearing. Adolescent dating violence is occurring at increasingly high rates, and preventing and confronting adolescent violence is important in preventing future violence in adult relationships. (i) The respondent's ownership of, access to, or intent to possess, firearms; (j) The unlawful or reckless use, display, or brandishing of a firearm by the respondent; (k) The history of use, attempted use, or threatened use of physical force by the respondent against another person, or the respondent's history of stalking another person; (l) Any prior arrest of the respondent for a felony offense or violent crime; (m) Corroborated evidence of the abuse of controlled substances or alcohol by the respondent; and. (6) The court shall not deny a motion to renew a protection order for any of the following reasons: (a) The respondent has not violated the protection order previously issued by the court; (b) The petitioner or the respondent is a minor; (c) The petitioner did not report the conduct giving rise to the protection order, or subsequent violations of the protection order, to law enforcement; (d) A no-contact order or a restraining order that restrains the respondent's contact with the petitioner has been issued in a criminal proceeding or in a domestic relations proceeding; (e) The relief sought by the petitioner may be available in a different action or proceeding; (f) The passage of time since the last incident of conduct giving rise to the issuance of the protection order; or. (c) If the court, in writing, finds good cause to reissue the order. (h) Order the respondent to obtain a mental health or chemical dependency evaluation. Repealed by 2021 c 215 170, effective (v) Order other relief as it deems necessary for the protection of the petitioner and other family or household members who are minors or vulnerable adults for whom the petitioner has sought protection, including orders or directives to a law enforcement officer, as allowed under this chapter. Extreme risk protection orders are intended to be limited to situations in which individuals pose a significant danger of harming themselves or others by possessing a firearm, having immediate access to a firearm, or having expressed intent to obtain a firearm, and include standards and safeguards to protect the rights of respondents and due process of law. The support person may be any third party of the petitioner's choosing, provided that: (a) The support person shall not provide legal representation nor interpretation services; and, (b) A support person who is not employed by, or under the direct supervision of, a law enforcement agency, a prosecutor's office, the child protective services section of the department of children, youth, and families as defined in RCW. After the officer has served the order on the respondent, the officer shall enforce prospective compliance with the order. (7) The court shall not dismiss, over the objection of a petitioner, a petition for a protection order or a motion to renew a protection order based on the inability of law enforcement or the petitioner to serve the respondent, unless the court determines that all available methods of service have been attempted unsuccessfully or are not possible. (1) The superior and district courts have jurisdiction over domestic violence protection order proceedings, sexual assault protection order proceedings, stalking protection order proceedings, and antiharassment protection order proceedings under this chapter, except that such proceedings must be transferred from district court to superior court when: (a) A superior court has exercised or is exercising jurisdiction over a proceeding involving the parties; (b) The action would have the effect of interfering with a respondent's care, control, or custody of the respondent's minor child; (c) The action would affect the use or enjoyment of real property for which the respondent has a cognizable claim or would exclude a party from a shared dwelling; (d) The petitioner, victim, or respondent to the petition is under 18 years of age; or, (e) The district court is unable to verify whether there are potentially conflicting or related orders involving the parties as required by RCW. Sections. (2) A law enforcement officer shall arrest without a warrant and take into custody a person whom the law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe has violated a domestic violence protection order, a sexual assault protection order, a stalking protection order, or a vulnerable adult protection order, or an order issued under chapter, (3) A violation of a domestic violence protection order, a sexual assault protection order, a stalking protection order, or a vulnerable adult protection order, or an order issued under chapter, (4) Any assault that is a violation of a domestic violence protection order, a sexual assault protection order, a stalking protection order, or a vulnerable adult protection order, or an order issued under chapter, (5) A violation of a domestic violence protection order, a sexual assault protection order, a stalking protection order, or a vulnerable adult protection order, or a court order issued under chapter, (6)(a) A defendant arrested for violating a domestic violence protection order, sexual assault protection order, stalking protection order, or vulnerable adult protection order, or an order granted under chapter. Reporting of modification or termination of order. For vulnerable adult protection order hearings, the following also apply. When service is to be completed under this chapter by a law enforcement officer: (1) The clerk of the court shall have a copy of any order issued under this chapter, the confidential information form, as well as the petition for a protection order and any supporting materials, electronically forwarded on or before the next judicial day to the law enforcement agency in the county or municipality where the respondent resides, as specified in the order, for service upon the respondent. (1) All court clerks' offices shall make available the standardized forms, instructions, and informational brochures required by this chapter, and shall keep current specific program names and telephone numbers for community resources, including civil legal aid and volunteer lawyer programs. The specified distance shall presumptively be at least 1,000 feet, unless the court for good cause finds that a shorter specified distance is appropriate; (f) If the parties have children in common, make residential provisions with regard to their minor children on the same basis as is provided in chapter, (g) Order the respondent to participate in a state-certified domestic violence perpetrator treatment program approved under RCW. Evidence of emission of semen is not required to prove sexual penetration. You are responsible for providing all relevant information to the court in support of your petition, and (1)(a) By January 1, 2023, county clerks on behalf of all superior courts and, by January 1, 2026, all courts of limited jurisdiction, must permit petitions for protection orders and all other filings in connection with the petition to be submitted as preferred by the petitioner either: (i) In person; (ii) remotely through an electronic submission process; or (iii) by mail for persons who are incarcerated or who are otherwise unable to file in person or remotely through an electronic system. (13) Courts shall not require a petitioner to file duplicative forms. Within 72 hours after service of the order, the officer serving the order shall file the original receipt with the court and shall ensure that his or her law enforcement agency retains a copy of the receipt. (2)(a) Except as provided in (b) of this subsection, any person who has in his or her custody or control, accesses, purchases, possesses, or receives, or attempts to purchase or receive, a firearm with knowledge that he or she is prohibited from doing so by an extreme risk protection order is guilty of a gross misdemeanor, and further is prohibited from having in his or her custody or control, accessing, purchasing, possessing, or receiving, or attempting to purchase or receive, a firearm for a period of five years from the date the existing order expires. Courts shall make publicly available in print and online information about their transfer procedures, court calendars, and judicial officer assignment. Except as provided in RCW. (B) Provide the court with verification that any concealed pistol license issued to the respondent has been surrendered and that a law enforcement agency with authority to revoke the license has been notified. Reporting of modification or termination of order. (3) At the hearing held pursuant to subsection (1) of this section, the court shall give the vulnerable adult, the respondent, the petitioner, and, in the court's discretion, other interested persons, the opportunity to testify and submit relevant evidence. A minor respondent shall not be served at the minor respondent's school unless no other address for service is known. (b) Ensure that a reasonable search has been conducted for criminal history records and civil protection order history related to the respondent. The court shall not include provisions in a protection order that would allow the respondent to engage in conduct that is prohibited by another restraining, protection, or no-contact order between the parties that was entered in a different proceeding. (33) "Sexual penetration" means any contact, however slight, between the sex organ or anus of one person by an object, the sex organ, mouth, or anus of another person, or any intrusion, however slight, of any part of the body of one person or of any animal or object into the sex organ or anus of another person including, but not limited to, cunnilingus, fellatio, or anal penetration. a.m./p.m., and respond to the petition. (a)(i) Except as provided in (a)(iii) and (b)(i) of this subsection, personal service, consistent with court rules for civil proceedings, is required in: (A) Cases requiring the surrender of firearms, such as extreme risk protection orders and protection orders with orders to surrender and prohibit weapons; (B) cases that involve transferring the custody of a child or children from the respondent to the petitioner; (C) cases involving vacating the respondent from the parties' shared residence; (D) cases involving a respondent who is incarcerated; and (E) cases where a petition for a vulnerable adult protection order is filed by someone other than the vulnerable adult. Jurisdiction Domestic violence protection orders, sexual assault protection orders, stalking protection orders, and antiharassment protection orders. (2) Service is completed on the day the respondent is served personally, on the date of transmission for electronic service, on the 10th calendar day after mailing for service by mail, or on the date of the third publication when publication has been made for three consecutive weeks for service by publication. (7) The terms of the original protection order must not be changed on a motion for renewal unless the petitioner has requested the change. These behaviors, which can include other acts or threats of violence, self-harm, or the abuse of drugs or alcohol, are warning signs that the person may soon commit an act of violence. (2)(a) If a protection order restrains the respondent from contacting the respondent's minor children, the restraint must be for a fixed period not to exceed one year. The form should also prompt the petitioner to disclose on the form whether the person who the petitioner is seeking to restrain has a disability, brain injury, or impairment requiring special assistance; and. (1) The court shall issue a protection order if it finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the petitioner has proved the required criteria specified in (a) through (f) of this subsection for obtaining a protection order under this chapter. (1) Unless waived by the nonmoving party, service must be completed on the nonmoving party not less than five judicial days before the hearing date. Jurisdiction Domestic violence protection orders, sexual assault protection orders, stalking protection orders, and antiharassment protection orders. . Domestic violence has long been recognized as being at the core of other major social problems: Child abuse, other crimes of violence against persons or property, homelessness, and alcohol and drug abuse. (4) The court nearest to the petitioner's residence or former residence under subsection (3) of this section. (5) When the respondent for a protection order is under the age of 18 or is an individual subject to a guardianship or conservatorship under Title. The clerk shall transmit the order to the law enforcement agency identified in the order for service, along with a copy of the confidential party information form received from the respondent, if available, or the petitioner's confidential party information form to assist law enforcement in serving the order. Two copies must be mailed, postage prepaid, one by ordinary first-class mail and the other by a form of mail requiring a tracking or certified information showing when and where it was delivered. A hearing under this subsection is not necessary if the vulnerable adult has been determined to be subject to a guardianship, conservatorship, or other protective arrangement under chapter. Many mass shooters displayed warning signs prior to their killings, but federal and state laws provided no clear legal process to suspend the shooters' access to guns, even temporarily. proved the required criteria for the following protection order under Chapter 7.105 RCW. Factors that the court may consider in making this determination include: (a) The length of time the relationship has existed; (b) the nature of the relationship; and (c) the frequency of interaction between the parties. The following apply only to the specific type of protection orders referenced in each subsection. A respondent who is served electronically with a protection order shall be provided a certified copy of the order free of charge upon request. Developing additional methods to inform the public about protection orders in understandable terms and in languages other than English through videos and social media should also be considered. Such orders shall also include directions to request an interpreter and accommodations for disabilities; (b) Courts should endeavor to give a party or witness appearing by telephone no more than a one-hour waiting time by the court for the hearing to begin. The petitioner may petition for an antiharassment protection order on behalf of: (2) With the exception of vulnerable adult protection orders, a person under 18 years of age who is 15 years of age or older may seek relief under this chapter as a petitioner and is not required to seek relief through a petition filed on his or her behalf. An ex parte temporary protection order shall be effective for a fixed period of time and shall be issued initially for a period not to exceed 14 days, which may be extended for good cause. (5) A temporary extreme risk protection order must be served by a law enforcement officer in the same manner as provided for in RCW. court of the state of Washington for the county of . (2) By July 1, 2022, the administrative office of the courts, through the gender and justice commission of the Washington state supreme court, and with the support of the Washington state women's commission, shall work with representatives of superior, district, and municipal court judicial officers, court clerks, and administrators, including those with experience in protection order proceedings, as well as advocates and practitioners with expertise in each type of protection order, and others with relevant expertise, to develop for the courts: (a) Standards for filing evidence in protection order proceedings in a manner that protects victim safety and privacy, including evidence in the form of text messages, social media messages, voice mails, and other recordings, and the development of a sealed cover sheet for explicit or intimate images and recordings; and. (6) A court's ruling on a protection order must be filed by the court in writing and must be made by the court on the mandatory form developed by the administrative office of the courts. The summons must be signed by the petitioner. (ii) Acts that prevent or obstruct a person from meeting with others, such as telling a prospective visitor or caller that the person is not present or does not wish contact, where the statement is contrary to the express wishes of the person. About 15 percent of Washington adults report experiencing domestic violence in their lifetime, and women, low-income people, and black and indigenous communities experience higher rates of domestic violence. The newspaper selected must be one of the three most widely circulated papers in the county. Dismissal or suspension of criminal prosecution in exchange for protection order. (iii) State courts can query the national crime information center to check for tribal, military, and other jurisdictions' protection orders prior to issuing protection orders; (f) Developing best practices for minor respondents and petitioners in civil protection order proceedings, including what sanctions should be provided for in law, with input from legal advocates for children and youth, juvenile public defense, juvenile prosecutors, adolescent behavioral health experts, youth development experts, educators, judicial officers, victim advocates, restorative-informed or trauma-informed professionals, child advocacy centers, and professionals experienced in evidenced-based modalities for the treatment of trauma; and. Any appropriate law enforcement agency should act where assistance is needed, even if the agency is not specifically named in the order, including assisting with the recovery of firearms as ordered. (b) To determine admissibility, a written motion must be made six judicial days prior to the protection order hearing. You alone are responsible for following the order. (11) If the court declines to renew the protection order, the court shall state, in writing in the order, the particular reasons for the court's denial. If a party was unable to provide the notification regarding issues with remote access or other technological difficulties on the day of the hearing prior to the court's ruling, that party may seek relief via a motion for reconsideration; and. (23) "Mechanical restraint" means any device attached or adjacent to a vulnerable adult's body that the vulnerable adult cannot easily remove that restricts freedom of movement or normal access to the vulnerable adult's body. If timely service cannot be made, the court may set a new hearing date. Provided on an ongoing basis as best practices, research on trauma, and judicial officer assignment prior! 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