She later takes pity on Demetri after Kyler vandalizes his cast and humiliates him, writing an innuendo-laden compliment over Kyler's doodle of a long penis, and also admits she can relate to Demetri on how being a laughingstock feels. In the aftermath of the mall fight, Moon breaks up with Hawk, disgusted with his bullying behavior against Demetri. While Julie runs inside to get Mr. Miyagi, Eric drives to the docks to confront Ned; however, he is ambushed by Col. Dugan and the rest of Ned's gang. Earlier in the series, Cruz sports a mustache, but he shaves it off after being mocked by Johnny. He soon begins learning the "Way of the Fist" just as Miguel and Aisha Robinson had. During a party at a beach, Miguel attempts to pick a fight with Robby but accidentally hits Sam instead. When Trey and Cruz refuse to cooperate and make fun of Johnny for his injuries during the parking lot fight, Johnny slaps Cruz twice and leaves him with a bloody nose before Trey tells them to check out Tech Town for more clues on Robby's whereabouts as they used to scam customers at Tech Town when they were friends with Robby. Despite Daniel's vehement objections to lifting the lifetime ban on Cobra Kai from competing at the All Valley Tournament, Ron opts to let Johnny make his case and put the matter to a vote. After Silver's actions are exposed and Silver's ultimate defeat by Daniel LaRusso, Kenny, feeling betrayed, abandons Cobra Kai. During the ensuing fight, Kyler taunts Hawk over his loss to Kenny, but rebuffs it by calling Kyler out for being a bully. When the police arrive to break up the party, Robby brings her to Johnny's apartment to sleep off her hangover, infuriating Daniel and causing Daniel to cut ties with Johnny and Robby. Carrie Underwood (herself) is a multi-Grammy Award-winning country pop singer who is invited by Ron to the 51st All-Valley Tournament to perform her rendition of Survivor's "The Moment of Truth" prior to the male and female qualifying rounds. Mr. Miyagi also taught him karate (as a way of saying "thank you" after Jack saved his life), and in turn Jack taught Karate to his son, who then taught it to Julie. In the end, Armand backs down his demands to Johnny following a handshake deal. Chozen mentions that Sato had died, and left Chozen all of the Miyagi property. Karate Kid's real name is Val Armorr. She has quit karate altogether, but has retained her lessons from Cobra Kai. He is not to be confused with Darryl Vidal. A young boy learns kung fu from a kindly maintenance man after being forced to move from Detroit to China, where he becomes the target of a school bully. I thought it would last forever". In addition, Hawk is pressured into breaking Demetri's right arm during a gang fight with Miyagi-Do at the laser tag park where Chris works, which he does with some obvious reluctance, costing him his friendship with Miguel when Miguel finds out about it. Liang ( Ling Zho, played by Shijia L L Shji) one of Cheng's friends and the second-best student at the Fighting Dragons studio who antagonizes Dre. Mrs. Milo (Frances Bay) is the negative old lady that lives in the same apartment building as Daniel. During the break-in, Miguel defends Robby from Kenny before Kenny attacks him to ignite the brawl. After defeating Kyler, Miguel reconciles his friendship with Hawk and the two alongside Demetri decide to stop Sam and Tory from fighting. Every year, he smashes the car after fixing it on the date of their deaths and fixes it again after that to repeat the cycle, hoping to relieve his guilt somehow. Charlotte (Phoebe French) is one of Terry Silver's newly recruited female students who join Cobra Kai along with Piper. In Season 3, Chris is openly harassed by Cobra Kai at his job, prompting him to call Sam for reinforcements. These teachings would later be passed down to American soldiers, like Captain George Turner, who in turn passed this philosophy down to John Kreese and Terry Silver during the Vietnam War, starting the chain of events that would lead to the opening of the Cobra Kai dojo and the spread of its philosophy of "strike first, strike hard, no mercy". During his incarceration at Sylmar Juvenile Detention Center, Robby feels abandoned when Johnny misses a scheduled visit to provide moral support to Miguel's family during his surgery and subsequently cuts ties with Johnny and is bullied by an inmate, Shawn Payne. During the school fight, He seen cheering the rest of the Miyagi-Dos in the school fight along with Abe. Wu Ping After Silver is taken down, Robby tries to talk to a saddened Kenny, but the latter requests to be left alone and leaves in shame. Moon also pitches in when Sam starts a car wash fundraiser to help pay for Miguel's surgery. Stunned by the rejection, Daniel realizes that he has fallen out of touch with his daughter, and at Amanda's suggestion, takes Sam on a fishing trip. Log in. In Season 3 of Cobra Kai, Daniel returns to Okinawa after traveling to Japan in an attempt to save his business by forever reviving his soon-to-be-canceled contract with Doyona, a marketing conglomerate that handles international sales for Asian automobiles. He is then seen outside of the Larusso's door with Miyagi-Do telling Sam that Cobra Kai beat Nathaniel up and took the money away from him. Miguel is also wary of Kreese, noticing inconsistencies in Kreese's stories about his supposed military exploits during the '80s and '90s. She lost her residence alongside the Larussos as their apartment complex changed ownership. Gabriel (Owen Harn), is a criminal who beats up John Kreese in the prison. Dutch (Chad McQueen) is a friend of Johnny and a fellow student at the Cobra Kai dojo. When Samantha and Robby attend an end-of-summer party hosted by Moon, they are shocked to see all the Cobra Kai students there, even Bert. Remembering the last time they met, she storms out of the restaurant, swearing off dating apps. During their fight, U.S. Air Force planes bomb the compound, causing the Vietcong to flee the area as Turner hangs on the bridge for his life. Thomas Ian Griffith reprised his role as Terry Silver from The Karate Kid III, and actors from The Karate Kid and The Karate Kid II, Yuji Okumoto (Chozen Toguchi) and Randee Heller (Lucille LaRusso), made guest appearances. Choreographer Yuen Woo-ping and director Gordon Chan kept the use of wires to an absolute minimum. Miguel backs off and he and Robby finally make amends with each other and Johnny accidentally reveals to the two that Carmen is pregnant with their future half-sibling, much to the joy of both boys. In Season 4, Carmen continues her relationship with Johnny, but decides to take it slow. Sean Kanan reprises his role as Mike Barnes, and Robyn Lively reprises her role as Jessica Andrews from The Karate Kid Part III. After Robby ends his friendship with Daniel due to feeling betrayed by him, Shannon tearfully comforts Robby while the police escort him out of the rehab facility. When he is given a flyer to join the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, David crumples it and throws it to the diner floor; Kreese picks it up and decides to enlist. On the other hand, his rivalry with Robby comes to a head when Johnny tries to get the two boys to end their rivalry while his relationship with Sam goes south, due to their own personal issues. Robert Swayze "Robby" Keene (Tanner Buchanan) is Johnny's estranged teenage son. After Kenny is humiliated, she continues to remain friends with him, but remains unaware of the rivalry between Anthony and Kenny. He later helps recruit new female students into the new dojo, despite its initial failure. During a soccer game, Hawk winks at Moon, who ignores it and flirts with a different boy instead. Rhonda (Carole Kaboya) is Sid's caregiver, who is a target of Sid's verbal abuse. Despite the referee being bribed in Cobra Kai's favor, Sam manages to beat Devon, resulting in Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang being invited in along with Cobra Kai. When Johnny arrives unannounced at their home, and begins to fight with Daniel, she calmly ends the confrontation by convincing them to discuss their differences over breakfast. He has a powerful kick which he used to beat one fighting dragon student. Sato felt disgraced and betrayed by Miyagi and challenged him to a fight to save his honor; Miyagi instead left Okinawa the next day, angering Sato further. In the parking lot confrontation following the tournament where Kreese scolds Johnny for losing, Tommy pleads with Kreese to release Johnny from the chokehold that he has him in, even going so far as to furiously and adamantly agreeing with Mr. Miyagi's demands to let him go. Although Jessica and Amanda ask Lizzie-Anne to leave, Lizzie-Anne and her friends taunt them, by reminding Amanda of the high school nickname they gave her after her vandalism incident. While shopping for Pepto-Bismol for his grandmother at a strip mall in Reseda, he is attacked by a group of rich bullies led by Kyler after accidentally foiling their plans to buy beer. Next scene he is at the lunch room, with Frank and Lil Red, trying to find a table. He admits he has no regret for his past deeds, which led to him being exiled. In the end, Liang, along with Cheng and their friends, develops a newfound respect for Dre and Mr. Han after Dre fairly defeats Cheng in the tournament. After Silver and Cobra Kai's defeat, Sam and Miguel reconcile, admitting their love for each other and kiss. the village at sawmill woods affordable housing; 29 mayo, 2022; wu ping karate kid real name . During the student rumble at school, Demetri initially tries to avoid participating in the fight by summoning a teacher, but when the teacher retreats out of fear of injury, he is reluctantly forced to take on Hawk. Cobra Kai's thuggish philosophy begins to affect Miguel's values, and he becomes much more violent and ruthless, to Johnny's eventual disapproval, especially when Miguel fights dirty against Robby to win the championship for Cobra Kai in the 2018 All-Valley Tournament. Anoush Norouzi (Dan Ahdoot) is a LaRusso Auto Group sales agent. Kim Da-eun (Alicia Hannah-Kim) is a cruel and harsh sensei from South Korea and the granddaughter of Kim Sun-yung, a ruthless martial arts master who taught Korean War soldiers Tang Soo Do and the teachings of Cobra Kai. Despite Johnny's warning that he should avoid the LaRussos, Miguel begins dating Sam. He has a fondness for entertaining the village children with his shamisen. He tries to make advances on her, but she dumps him after seeing him and his gang bully Miguel and his friends in the library. After watching a Cobra Kai demonstration at the Valley Fest, Raymond enrolls in the dojo to become the oldest student on the roster. Tory Nichols (Peyton List) is an athlete from a poor family. In the aftermath, Tory makes amends with Robby and they kiss. She plays the violin, and gains admittance into the Beijing Academy of Music. As a result, he gains more confidence, but like many Cobra Kai students becomes increasingly aggressive. When Daniel leaves Amanda alone, Silver approaches her with a glass of wine and begins to gaslight her, not knowing this is part of Silver's plan to try and drive a wedge between her and Daniel. In Season 4, Nate is now best friends with Bert and they bully Kenny Payne while on a tour of the high school. Daniel lets them join and they all settle in with the Miyagi teachings. After he is saved by Mr. Miyagi, he leaves Cobra Kai for good. He tries to stop Johnny from ruining the beach party, stop him from harassing Daniel, and from doing further damage to Daniel during the fight alongside the South Sea apartments during the Halloween party. In the ensuing rumble, Miguel once again gets into a fight with Robby and even taunts him by mocking his relationship problems with Johnny and Sam. Although she is surprised that Jessica never told her these stories before she met Daniel, she now realizes that Daniel has been telling the truth about Silver, pushing her to return home. In Season 5, Devon initially remains in Eagle Fang but leaves to join Topanga Karate, which is later taken over by Cobra Kai. Sunny Mitchell (Kathleen Hogan) is the host of the annual Valley Fest. It is at this party that Hawk learns Moon has moved on and now has a girlfriend named Piper Elswith. She is later seen at the All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships tournament in the crowd cheering. He constantly harasses Tory for rent, even going so far as making sexual advances towards her at one point, until Kreese forces him to quit the harassment by threatening to cut his finger off with a cigar cutter. Afterwards, the gang go into the woods to have a campfire, revealing to Johnny that he was in love with Ali their first year as they had the same homeroom, but put his feelings aside after Johnny started dating Ali, revealing he inspired Tommy to join Cobra Kai. With Sam combining Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang techniques, she proves to be a match for Tory who accidentally elbows her in the eye. Louie is subsequently fired for his actions by Daniel. He also imposes a fee on the storage room behind the dojo, even though it was part of the lease Johnny signed. In Season 3, Anthony is thinner and appears to play soccer. He was portrayed by the Chinese movie actor and martial arts expert Zhenwei Wang . Mohawk Guy in The Karate Kid. Devon Lee (Oona O'Brien) is a student and member of the debate team alongside Bert at West Valley High School. Sato (Danny Kamekona) is Chozen's uncle and Miyagi's former best friend with whom he had a strong brotherly friendship, to the point Miyagi asked his father to teach Sato karate, which, traditionally, was only taught from father to son. In Season 3, with the dealership struggling in light of the school brawl, Daniel is forced to rehire Louie. Jerry Robertson (Larry B. Scott) is another student at the Cobra Kai dojo, but he is not a part of Johnny's gang. She has a new-age hippie fashion sense and a pacifistic personality, abhorring all forms of violence. In season 3, Abe appears again at the car wash fundraiser for Miguel's surgery run and managed by Samantha LaRusso and Moon and the Miyagi-Dos who started it. As such, she is unable to properly read a situation, to the point that Hawk is able to manipulate her into letting him get away with bullying because he knows how to use her vocabulary to play the victim card well enough while she punishes other students for swearing. Sam and Tory, along with the students of both Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang form a plan to try and expose Silver to the Cobra Kai students after finding out that Stingray had been assaulted by him. Jimmy (Tony O'Dell) is a friend of Johnny and a fellow student at the Cobra Kai dojo. Dre was originally from Detroit, Michigan, but Dre and his mother move to Beijing, China, to start a new life after his mom gets a job transfer. He has a loud and aggressive mother. Frozen in terror, she is helpless to prevent the Cobra Kais from turning the tide of battle and can only watch as Tory and others goad Hawk into breaking Demetri's right arm in retaliation for Robby's actions against Miguel during the school brawl. LaRusso Auto Group goes into a slump, which Amanda and Daniel reverse by completing a task of selling ten cars in one day. Upon his return to school in season 3, Hawk continues his antagonistic streak but becomes increasingly conflicted with his loyalty to Cobra Kai as Kreese slowly removes the remaining holdouts from Johnny's Cobra Kai, first when he expels Bert and several other students who refuse to feed a hamster to a snake, and later when he approaches Kyler and Brucks to try out for spots in the dojo, with the former replacing Mitch and the latter being subject to a vicious beating from Hawk. His fight with Cheng proves how good of a fighter he really is. Frank (Cameron Markeles) was a Cobra Kai student who later defected to Miyagi-Do Karate. Ned Randall (Michael Cavalieri) is a skilled academy student and gang leader of the Alpha Elite with bullying tendencies. At the Oaks on the Beach Country Club, she boasts about how Cobra Kai changed her daughter's life for the better. Way beyond Johnny, at the time. In Season 2, Tommy is terminally ill from cancer. Over time, however, she learns to accept him as a teacher. Robby becomes Daniel's Miyagi-Do karate student and flourishes under this tutelage. After discovering Sam and Miguel are together again at the Miyagi-Do dojo, Robby furiously accuses Sam of dumping him for Miguel after he was sentenced to juvenile hall. Sam apologizes to Aisha for her former association with Yasmine, and they share a laugh about Yasmine's front wedgie incident. While Sid loved Johnny's now-deceased mother, Laura, he disliked Johnny and made no secret of the fact that he despised having to support Johnny financially. Miguel becomes Johnny's first student in the new Cobra Kai dojo. It doesn't seem to have worked out well for her, as she later tells Daniel while working as a waitress she will be on a manager's training program two nights a week and can earn way more than in computers. After Col. Dugan was defeated by Miyagi, Ned expresses his disappointment in him, saying "You said, you had all the answers, Colonel. Hawk cuts his hair into a mohawk, gets a hawk with a mohawk tattooed on his back, developing a much more aggressive and rather antagonistic personality, and is dubbed Hawk by Johnny. Ali later tells Johnny that her parents disapprove of her upcoming divorce. Afterward, Johnny accidentally reveals that Carmen is pregnant (with her and Johnny's child), easing the tensions even more as the boys celebrate their future half-sibling. Ponytail (Seth Kemp) is one of John Kreese's old Vietnam buddies. Betsy (Emily Marie Palmer) is Kreese's girlfriend from his youth. She becomes friends with Aisha and starts a relationship with Miguel but develops a heated rivalry with Sam after an incident at the beach club where Sam accuses Tory of stealing her mother's wallet, though this accusation was based on an earlier comment--possibly meant as a joke--made by Tory about stealing or doing something similar. Source: Han and dre go to. When Kreese recruits Robby to Cobra Kai, Hawk adamantly and furiously disapproves of him being enrolled in Cobra Kai due to his actions against Miguel during the school brawl, but Kreese shows no sympathy. When Kreese attacks Johnny, Bobby attempts to intervene but is assaulted by Kreese. In the tournament quarter-finals, he is effortlessly defeated by Eli after he regains his confidence. After being expelled from Cobra Kai, Mitch becomes an outcast among Hawk and his former Cobra Kai classmates and is rejected and shunned as seen when Hawk mockingly tells Mitch to go sit with Bert and the other outcasts who were expelled from Cobra Kai during lunch but is subsequently recruited by Miguel to Johnny's new dojo, Eagle Fang Karate, and is eventually reunited with Chris after Miguel works out an alliance with Sam and Demetri between Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do as well as Hawk after he redeems himself during the LaRusso house fight. In Season 4, he appears with video footage of his fight with Aisha, causing the All Valley committee to decide to create a separate girls division to mitigate bad publicity, but is not shown fighting for Topanga, presumably because he has already turned 18, therefore ineligible to compete in the under 18 All Valley Karate Tournament. Demetri Alexopoulos (Gianni Decenzo) is Eli's best friend and a member of Miguel's high school friend group. By the middle of Season 1, when Cobra Kai becomes a successful business, Johnny returns all of the money to Sid and vows never to return. To date, Dutch has not appeared in Cobra Kai (due to McQueen's scheduling conflicts), but the series has revealed aspects of his life. In Season 2, Anoush is transferred from the Encino branch to the North Hollywood branch. After Miguel and Sam save the All-Valley Tournament, Carmen and Johnny rekindle their relationship and sleep together at one point, with the pair uncertain about it becoming serious due to how it could affect Johnny's relationship with Miguel. After Mrs. Mills (Deborah May) returns home from Christmas shopping for Ali's children, she asks Ali to come to the holiday party the next evening. Miguel Diaz (Xolo Mariduea) is a 16-year-old Ecuadorian American teenager who was born on November 22nd, 2001 in America to a single mother with asthma and low self-esteem who moves in next door to Johnny. I was about your age and she was in another league. He is mentioned again in Season 3 by John Kreese, who describes Vidal as a third generation black belt and a highly skilled fighter. He is much like Cobra Kai student Bobby Brown from the original film. The Karate Kid Create. As a result of severely injuring Dre's leg, Liang gets disqualified. When Daniel is tipped off by Tory about this, he and Chozen visit Stingray in his apartment to interrogate him, but he refuses to answer, resulting in Daniel verbally berating him until Chozen intervenes. [1] A 2010 remake however exists in an alternate universe. after Johnny re-aggravates Daniel's leg injury. Daniel is unable to offer Anoush a counter offer after he stands Amanda and Anoush up at an important lunch meeting due to his focus on his Miyagi-do Karate students. A continuity reboot of the karate kid series that premiered in june 2010, borrowing elements of the. Later in the season, Yasmine plans a birthday party at the beach, but Cobra Kai ruins her plans by hosting a party there first. Bobby was Kreese's second-best student, though Johnny's most prominent right-hand man appeared to be Dutch. Ralph Macchio was the original Karate Kid and is also in Karate Kid part II. He was also the first Cobra Kai member defeated by Daniel in the 1984 All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships tournament. In the fight, Miguel is singled out for a one-on-one fight with a vengeful Kyler, who seeks payback for the cafeteria fight. She is the daughter of a hall of fame linebacker for the San Diego Chargers. Tory's win gives Cobra Kai the All-Valley championship, but Tory is devastated and conflicted when she catches Silver bribing the referee for rigging the final match between her and Sam in Cobra Kai's favor which is why he hadn't deducted a point from Tory after her hit to Sam's eye and had earlier refused to give Sam a point saying Tory was out of bounds even though she stepped out of bounds after Sam scored. In the alternative ending, Cheng is about to get slapped by Master Li for failing to win the tournament and showing respect towards Dre and Mr. Han, but luckily, Han comes to the rescue by defeating Master Li in a match. Kim intended to spread these teachings, known as "The Way of the Fist" across the world, something that his granddaughter, Kim Da-eun later sought to do as part of his legacy. Join Facebook to connect with Wu Ping and others you may know. Yasmine is pleased due to her resentment towards Aisha over the front wedgie incident, though she tempers her satisfaction when Moon brings up that Sam is not taking Aisha's departure well. Maeve Christiansen . While at the zoo to steal a Chinese Cobra for Kreese, Hawk, Tory, Kyler, Robby, and several other students are chased out, thinking that they have failed due to Kyler forgetting the snake pole, but Robby returns with the snake, earning him the respect of the rest of the Cobra Kai students except for Hawk. Unknown Miguel first encounters Hector after rescuing his young stepson from a speedy car. In Cobra Kai Season 3, Kumiko told Daniel that Yukie had died, and that she had inherited Yukie's home. The girls flee the scene after a drunk Johnny scares them off. Initially known as "Chubbs" by Johnny, he "flips the script" on his own lifestyle by braiding his beard and calling himself Stingray. He furiously rebuffs him by tearfully telling him to leave but slowly reconciles with him when Johnny becomes personally involved in his physical rehabilitation. During the events of The Karate Kid Part II, it was shown that the two still had feelings for one another and they began to rekindle their romance. In Season 4, Daniel tries to teach Anthony in the ways of Miyagi-Do, but is disappointed and gives up on him when he finds out he went behind his back and paid someone from TaskRabbit to do the waxing technique for him. Robby is then unintentionally knocked out by Johnny who reluctantly pushes him into a set of lockers after trying to reason with him to no avail. Unnamed Dojo Wu Ping is a minor character in the 2010 remake of The Karate Kid . Because of this, it was considered "controversial" by other martial arts masters including Sato Toguchi since it was based on the tenets of "no honor, no mercy". Miguel spends the next two weeks in a coma while Robby is expelled from school and eventually sentenced to juvenile detention for crippling Miguel at the end of the school brawl. He is portrayed by Zhenwei Wang . When Tory breaks a portrait of Mr. Miyagi, however, Sam regains her resolve and fights back with a bo staff, borrowing a lesson Miguel mentioned learning from Johnny that "the best defense is more offense". Jaden Smith. director of photography Film Editing by Casting By Pennie DuPont Caro Jones It is revealed that Silver had promised Stingray he would be able to rejoin Cobra Kai by coercing him into framing Kreese for the near-fatal assault. Though she understands and speaks some English, she mostly speaks in Spanish throughout the series. Despite Miguel only having recently recovered from being paralyzed by Robby in the school fight, Kyler is defeated again once Miguel regains moderate abilities in his legs to kick, knocking him out with just three strikes. When Ned loses, Col. Dugan tries to get the other members of the Alpha Elite to fight her, but they all refuse, thus showing that they finally gained respect for her. The mission nearly fails as Kyler, stressed out about his math grades, forgets to bring a snake pole along, but Robby manages to get the cobra while they are not looking, much to Kyler's amazement. She is also seen spectating matches in the All Valley Karate Tournament, though she never makes it to final rounds which could be implied that she had either been defeated by Miyagi Do, Eagle Fang, or a different dojo offscreen. She is mostly a background character, shown either witnessing Cobra Kai students train for the tournament or training alongside them. The cast will include Jovanni Sy as Mr. Miyagi, John Cardoza as Daniel LaRusso, Kate Baldwin as Lucille LaRusso, Alan H. Green as John Kreese, Jake Bentley Young as Johnny Lawrence, Jetta Juriansz as Ali Mills and Luis-Pablo Garcia as Freddie Fernandez. When the dust settles, he leaves Cobra Kai along with Johnny and the other students. In season 3, Robby is subsequently expelled from West Valley High School for crippling Miguel at the end of the school brawl and goes into hiding as a wanted fugitive for several weeks, stealing a used Dodge Grand Caravan from the LaRusso dealership and living out of a homeless camp. She is a widow who relocates Daniel from New Jersey to Southern California due to her computer job transfer. However, Kenny later uses Kyler as a distraction to defeat Odell. Jack Pierce was an officer with the 442nd Infantry Regiment (United States) during WWII, and a friend of Mr. Miyagi (who was a staff sergeant during the war). This time I was sure she was the one. By the end of the season, however, it is revealed that Armand had made a secret deal with Kreese to take the dojo away from Johnny when Johnny was visiting his dying friend Tommy after Miguel is accidentally crippled by Robby at the end the school brawl. She went to high school with Daniel and Ali. He and Anthony bicker over who has the more powerful father. He enrolls as a new student at West Valley Middle School, where he is a target of bullying by Anthony LaRusso and his friends. This demonstrates that while he'd be happy to beat someone up, he may have qualms about harming anyone to the point of disabling or potentially killing someone. In Season 5, Moon continues her relationship with Eli, while advising Sam about her relationship with Miguel and trying to help with her identity crisis. In retaliation, Kreese beats up David and his gang and wins Betsy's heart. Gabriel ( Owen Harn ), is a friend of Johnny and a pacifistic personality, all! He used to beat one fighting dragon student who ignores it and flirts a! Students becomes increasingly aggressive speaks in Spanish throughout the series apartment complex changed ownership unknown Miguel encounters. 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Apartment complex changed ownership Sid 's verbal abuse in one day debate team alongside Bert at West Valley high.! Relocates Daniel from new Jersey to Southern California due to her computer job transfer Miyagi-Do and Eagle techniques... Learning the `` Way of the rivalry between Anthony and Kenny Markeles ) was a Cobra Kai student later...
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