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fivem giveitem list

), nw_mcloth001 Robe of Larloch (AC Bonus: +1 Armor, Bonus Feat Spell Focus Abjuration Conjuration Enchantment Evocation Illusion Necromancy, Only Useable By Sorcerer Wizard, Spell Resistance: 10), nw_mcloth002 White Robe of the Archmagi (AC Bonus: +5 Armor, Bonus Feat Spell Penetration, Improved Saving Throws: Universal +1, Only Useable By Good Sorcerer Wizard, Spell Resistance: 10), nw_mcloth003 Grey Robe of the Archmagi (AC Bonus: +5 Armor, Bonus Feat Spell Penetration, Improved Saving Throws: Universal +1, Only Useable By Chaotic Neutral Lawful Neutral Neutral Sorcerer Wizard, Spell Resistance: 10), nw_mcloth004 Black Robe of the Archmagi (AC Bonus: +5 Armor, Bonus Feat Spell Penetration, Improved Saving Throws: Universal +1, Only Useable By Evil Sorcerer Wizard, Spell Resistance: 10), X0_MAARCL037 Storm Armor of the Earth's Children, nw_maarcl098 Cloak of Protection vs. Developer commands require the client to run in a developer mode, or they'll show an error like Access denied for command resmon or Command strdbg is disabled in production mode. That is the layout, So to gte pistol ammo it would be /giveitem 1 pistol_ammo 50. View source. This is to be used for resources with a It was the inspiration for the creation of this ? as The car has some dents. Starts a local game loading a level (or commonly known as a map) from the name supplied. MenuItem weaponItem = new MenuItem (weapon.Name, $"Open the options for ~y~ {weapon.Name}~s~.") ramroumm March 27, 2022, 7:44am #17. its not working with sniper ammo. DO NOT ABUSE./dim- Fixes your dimension./fixinvi- Fixes invisible objects in a property. /shoes [ON/OFF] The resmon command will open the resource monitor. Feel free to post more commands if you guys remember any, thanks! The net_statsFile is a command to store the metrics of the network usage/behaviour of the FiveM client. Must have a safe already. Item ID must be a weapon. Alias: /sellhouse/fur- Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture./putlock- Puts a lock on a door that is compatible. You can use the con_miniconChannels to display console messages on screen without needing to open the client console. Must be property owner. Used when diagnosing discrepancies in written game state. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and content is some text or an IMGUR link./shownote[ID/PartOfName] [ItemID]- Shows the contents of a note to another player. Adding a custom RCon command can be done using the RegisterCommand function on the server, or the (legacy) rconCommand event. Item ID - Name of Item. (98% chance of unlocking a new recipe when crafting items)RecipeUnlockSleepManual - What Dreams May Come (96% chance of unlockin a new recipe when sleeping)ReducedAggroTimeManual - The Importance of Not Being Seen (Hostile NPCs forget about you slightly faster)SleepHealthManual - Early Bird (Sleep gives slightly more health)SleepSurvivalManual - Sleep is the Poor Man's Dinner (Sleep makes you slightly less and hungry and thirsty than before)StaminaMaxManual - Long Distance Runner (Increases maximumem stamina by a small amount)StealthSilenceManual - Creeper (Reduces noises caused by 4%)SuspicionReductionCrierManual - You Seem Familiar Somehow (Reduces crier suspicion by a small amount)SuspicionReductionManual - Guide to Fitting In (Reduces all suspicion rates by a small amount)TakedownSpeedManual - Strangler (Increases speed of stealth takedowns by a small amount)TrapDisarmerManual - Artful Hands (Increases speed of disarming traps by a small amount)WeaponBreakerManual - Weapon Breaker Manual (Melee weapons have a small chance of breaking opponent's weapon), MedicalAdvancedFirstAidKit - Best First Aid KitBandage - BandageBandageAntiseptic - Antiseptic BandageBandageDirty - Dirty BandageCurePlagueSyringe - Phenocycline JabEliteHealingBalm - Medicated BalmFirstAidKit - First Aid KitFoodPoisoningCure - Sick Up TeaHealingBalm - Healing BalmOlliesPlagueCureGrog - Ollie's GrogVaccinePlagueSyringe - Plague Vaccine Syringe, Misc45RPMRecord_Gold - Gold 45 RPM RecordAwfulTea_TeaTime - Odious MacLear TeaBrokenBobbyHelmet - Broken HelmetBucketEmpty_Faraday - Faraday's BucketBucketFilled_Motilene - Motilene Bucket (Full)BucketFilled_Motliene_Faraday - Faraday's Bucket (Full)BurdenOfGuilt - Totem of Parental NeglectChemistryUpgradeKit - Chem Lab Upgrade KitCodLiverOil - Cod liver oilCoin - SovereignCoinPile - Pile of coinsCrutches - CrutchesDartNoSuspicion - DartDoctorBag - Doctor's BagElectrowaveBattery - Electrowave BatteryEmptyCup - Tea CupEmptyPillBottle_SallyRocket - Planted EvidenceFakeMarbleCat - Replica Mini Mrs. ChippyFridgeRepairKit - Fridge Repair KitGilNote - Humphry's NoteHermitsDoll - Peachy Carnehanhocb_Invitation - The Reform Club InvitationHolyYam_Floating - Holy YamHope_Diamond - Hope DiamondHotFlashNozzle - Hot Flash NozzleInventoryExpansion - Inventory ExpansionJoyPillIntro - Joy PillLetterOfTransit - Letter of TransitLetterOfTransit_QuestItem - Letter of TransitLorePickup_PassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerLore_OblivionNotes Notes on OblivionMarbleCat - Marble Mini Mrs. ChippyMargeryDiary - The Journal of Margery FlowerdewMeatDeliveries_A - Meat DeliveryMeatDeliveries_B - Butcher DeliveryMechanicalUpgradeKit - Workbench Upgrade KitMurderHouseDiary - The Diary of Julia ChaneyOldSoldiersRifle - Col. Lawrence's Antique RifleOnyxCat - Onyx CatPassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerPercysPortrait - Percy's PortraitPocketExpanison - Pocket Expansion KitPressPass - Press PassSadTreasureDoll - Tearstained DollSallyFlier - Sally's Travel Agency FlierSaltyDog - Salty DogSaltyDog_Gutted - Salty Dog (Gutted)SImonSaysMedal - Simon Says MedalSpawnerRepairKit - Spawner Repair KitSpeakersFlierStack - Speaker Stack of FliersSublimatorValve - Valve HandleSuspiciousPackage - Suspicious PackageSwitchRepair - Switch ReplacementToiletRepairKit - Toilet Repair KitYamReward_Dog - YamReward (Dog)YamReward_Horse - YamReward (Horse)YamReward_Wolf - YamReward(Wolf), PlantsLilyBulb - Lily BulbRareFlower - Night Blooming NonsuchRedBerry - Rowan BerryWhiteBerry - Blue Currant, SurvivalBasicLockpick - LockpickBouquet - A Lovely BouqetCleverTrapTool - ShortspikeElectro-LockShocker - Electro-Lock ShockerExpendableSafeCracker - Disposable Safe CrackerJimmyBar - Jimmy BarMultiTool - Multi-ToolPolarityDevice - Polarity DevicePumpRepair - Repair KitTorch - TorchTorchEmpty - Torch (Empty), Melee WeaponsAxe - AxeBobbyNightstick - Bobby TruncheonBoneSawBoneSawTargetingBoneSaw_DoctorBranch - BranchBranchWeakest - BranchButterflyNet - Butterfly NetCleaver - CleaverCricketBat - Cricket BatCricketBatPadded - The "Sledger"DoubleRollingPin - The "Double Plus Wood"DoubleScourge - Double KnockerElectroBaton - Electric TruncheonElectroBaton_Child_TheTickler - The "Tickler"EliteHammerPipe - The "Sandman"Enhanced_Cleaver - The "Eager Cleaver"Enhanced_CricketBat - The "Just Not Cricket" BatEnhanced_Rifle - Battle ProdFlamingAxe - The "No Questions Axe"FlamingLeadPipe - The "Spitfire"FlamingLeadPipe_Weak - The "Pipe Down"FlimsyCricketBat - Flimsy Cricket BatFryingPan - Frying PanGoldenScourge - Golden KnockerHammerPipe - The "Winning Argument"HammerPipe_Padded - The "Nighty Night"LeadPipe - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weak - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weakest - Lead PipeLightstick - "Jack the Nipper"PaddedBranch - "The help"PaddedBranchDurable - "The Staff"PointyStick - Pointy StickPointyStickDurable - Pointy StickRifle - Lee-Enfield RifleRollingPin - Rolling PinRollingPin_Padded - "Mother's Little Helper"RustyShovel - Rusty ShovelScourge - Head KnockerShovel - ShovelUmbrella - BrollyWrench - Wrench, Other WeaponsAtomizerHallucinex - Hallucinex AtomizerAtomizerPersuasion - Persuasion AtomizerAtomizerSleeptite - Sleeptite AtomizerAtomizer_DONOTUSE - Atomizer PlaceholderBeeCannon - Bee CannonBetterMousetrap - Better Mousetrap, Thrown WeaponsBanger - Bigger BangerBanger_Weak - BangerBerserkDart - Berserk DartBlueMolotov - Blue MolotovBreakdownBomb - Berserk BombBrick - BrickBrick_Enhnced - Spiky BrickCaltrops - CalropsCrashBomb - Crash BombCrashDart - Crash DartDart - DartDepleted_MustardGasBomb_AppleSauce - Depleted Gas BombDickTheNaughtyDuck - Dick the Naughty DuckDoctorSlowBomb - Smoke BombEmptyBottle - Glass BottleEnhancedRock - Enchanced RockExhaustionDart - Tranquilizer DartMusicBox - Music BoxNaughtyDuckTearGas - Mick the Nasty DuckRickTheStuntDuck - Rick the Stunt DuckRock - RockRottenTomato - Rotten TomatoRubberDuck - Rubber DuckShockerGrenade - Shock GrenadeShockerGrenade_Bobby - Bobby Shock GrenadeSickBomb - Vomit BombTearGasGrenade - Tear Gas Grenade, WearablesArmyBoots - Army BootsAthleteShoes - Boxing ShoesBlendingSuit - Suit of BlendingBlendingSuit_Sally - Burglar SuitBobbyHat - Bobby HelmetBobbySuit - Bobby UniformDeliveryBoyOutfit - Delivery Boy OutfitExtraBlendingSuit - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraBlendingSuitSally - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraThickSuit - Reinforced Padded SuitExtraThickSuitSally - Reinforced Padded SuitFancySuit - Fab ThreadsFiremanOutfit - Fireman's CoatGasMask - Gas MaskGasMask_Sabotaged - Sabotaged Gas MaskImprovedGasMask - Better Gas MaskMaidOutfit - Maid OutfitMendedSuit - Mended Proper SuitMilitarySuit - Sergeant's No. /cardel or /dv delete vehicle. Same as/createscenebut lasts multiple days (days: between 0 to 7). Costs $150 and is broadcasted to Discord #ic-advertisements if you're Gold Donator+/cad [TEXT] -Makes a company advertisement in the server. How long it takes to get a response from the server (round trip time). FiveM give all players item or money. How i need to change code if i want give weapons for group like mod in the server? Accepted values: 0-23 (these are hours) or -1 for real-time sync. Item ID List for Console Commands. /vrestream- Refreshes your car mods/visuals to show the correct one. Type/sp offto turn off. The netgraph command will give you real time metrics about the FiveM client network usage. You are able to lock and unlock the door with L/removelock- Removes the lock from a door./construction- Allows exterior mapping, you need to first request permission from admin with /report and also need Platinum Donator./sf [TEXT]- Search a text in the entire furniture list. Alias: /niners/responding (/rs)- This will let you respond to the last 911 that came in. /phonesize [NUMBER]- Increases or decreases the size of your phone display (/ph). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Enables or disables the client frames-per-second counter in the screen corner. /vdoor [DOOR]- Opens/Closes the door of the vehicle. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Costs $350 and is broadcasted to #ic-advertisements on Discord. also you can setting auto give time in config to all players, On Console Commands: (need changed prefix to _), goodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgoodgood. You need a poker kit from a 24/7. Hopefully this helps some of you. I hope this helps you someway! Example: loadlevel gta5, loadlevel rdr3, loadlevel blank-map. Must be purchased at a hardware store (wrench icon), /stopalarm- Stops the alarm. Not of use to a regular user, and can not be toggled at runtime. Make your FiveM ESX server stand out from others! SD: /ptake (/prisontake)- Takes items from prisoners. How much packets we have sent per second. If you need help, our vendors are always available for best support experience. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Toggles your AOP (Area of Patrol) on your PLD on/off. LAST UPDATE: 16/JUN/2021 SetNightvision (Toggle) should set the player in nightvision mode. /hidenames- Hides the nametags that are located on the player's head. by The giveitem console command gives any item in the 2DA file to the active character. SD: /removeanklemonitor [Player] - Remove ankle monitor from player. routing packages. /clearchat- Clears chat for you by sending you a bunch of hyphens in the chat. /ca- Check the alcohol level of the target ID with a breathalyzer kit. Really would love to know about Commands not working, or any new commands for Admins. /bell- Rings a bell at a property./knock- Knocks the door of a property. /fixr- Toggles XMR on or off./setfrequency[SLOT] [FREQUENCY]- Join a radio frequency. /enablepointing- Command to enable/disable pointing with holding down "B". The default value is 50, minimum is 1 and maximum is 200 per second. Can help if bugged./sv [PRICE] [ID/PartOfName]- Sells a vehicle to a player of your choice. Subtitle.Custom ("Reserve parachute has been added."); #region Setup weapon category buttons and submenus. Sets the SFX volume for the game. An alias for loadlevel, see the loadlevel command for details. Must be platinum donator./pweather [WEATHER] -Change property weather. Equal to bind above, but will only run if the specified resource is in use on a server. It shows the direction of the event (e.g. GTA:Item List. Must be property owner. It will also output the /coords- Let's you know the exact XYZ and rotation coords of your character. /checkcell- Checks the target's cell number. /setcoords teleport to coordinates. resource and shows this in a nice overview. /togad- Toggles all advertisements off./togidlecamera- Toggles the idle camera that GTA - V triggers when you don't move for a while. Thank you if you can help anyway nice script, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. You can add additional variations and locations of drugs. /payphonecall (/ppcall) - Same as /call but this is only for payphones./putboombox (or /useitem, inventory menu use) - This will spawn the boombox at your position./takeboombox (or Y) - This will despawn your boombox and place it back in your inventory./giveboombox - This will give a currently spawned boombox to another player. /vw- Roll down or up a window that you're sitting beside. Please enter your username or email address. Server Commands. I have a question. /maskname - Masks the name above your characters' head, to use with /mask. effion Used to save client-side logs from the game state awareness subsystem. How long it takes to get a response from the server (round trip time). Alternatively use the "X" menu. All legal complaints about will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be given by our site . (can be used locally) Patience and a functioning brain. Shows a listing of streaming memory used by specific streaming assets, as well as a global overview. streaming certain items, for example when the world stops loading. sign in , You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. All of our members are responsible for what they share. You also need to be in a vehicle and have the GPS module on your vehicle (can get from a garage) - case insensitive. This is a simple plugin To find XMR IDs go to the UCP and click on 'XMR LIST'/radioshow- Opens an interaction menu showing the currently connected radio station as well as a volume slider to change the volume./radiohide- Hides the interaction menu that is opened with/radioshow Sets the music volume for the game when in single-player modes. /dwire- Place a wire on yourself or another character. Usage: neteventlog <true|false>. All legal complaints about will be examined by us within the framework of the relevant laws and regulations, within 3 (three) days at the latest, after reaching us via our contact link, necessary actions will be taken and information will be given by our site . Shows a list of current objects and nodes being synchronized over the network, when game state awareness is enabled. /vehattach - Attach a vehicle to a flatbed truck. Default is 100. The Inventory system works via a Drag and Drop system. /changeuniform - Change uniform, works just like /outfit. DO NOT ABUSE. /removealarm- Removes the alarm and puts it back into your inventory. There's a location behind this spot where you're able to sell grain by pressing Y on your keyboard./damages[ID/PartOfName]- Checks the damages of a person. i saw that code. Contribute to weimino123/esx_giveallplayers development by creating an account on GitHub. Sign up for a new account in our community. Press 'U' to open the Quick-Animation bar./sa- Used to stop anims./pm [ID/PartOfName]- Sends a private message to a person of your choice./re [TEXT]- Replies to the most recent PM sent to you./changechar- Command to change character slots without having to re-login./engine or Press Y - Turns on the engine of the vehicle you're sitting in./sp [NUMBER/OFF]- Caps your speed to the specified amount. Running the client on a non-production update channel (such as Beta or Latest). [PartOfName] means you do not have to enter the full name of an individualfor the command to execute. strdbg can be used to see what is currently being loaded in the GTA streamer, to potentially spot any issues with a simple plugin, hope you like, You can give all players item or money or weapon with command /setdep [Faction Short Name (like LSPD), Faction Abbreviation (like PD) or Group (like LAW) or ALL] - Set which faction you wish to speak to./dep (and /deplow) [Message] - Regular departmental chat, same as before./depfactions - See a list of all factions that you can broadcast to. The se_debug command enables verbose logging for security features (like the ACL). Alias /sellvehicle/buyplayervehicle [ID] [Bank/Cash]- Lets you buy a vehicle that a player is selling. /shirt [ON/OFF] Lowest is 50, highest is 120. /poolplay - Initiates a pool game/poolpickup - Picks up a pool table. Type the same command with "clear" to remove the current description./injuries [ID/PartOfName]- Check the injuries description for another player. I wanna use Config.Items = { 32nils February 7, 2022, 11:55am #16. List of commands for admins for the ESX Framework on FiveM. You can take items from property using the "I" menu by accessing "Property Inventory" option./ppitems - Puts all items from your inventory into the property/ptitems - Takes all items from property inventory and puts it in your inventory/pinfo- Displays various information about the property like Property ID, interior ID, Owner, Market Price, Furniture Price, Purchase Date and Alarm./settrashlocation- Sets trash location for your house for garbage-men to pick up trash./pd [AMOUNT] -Puts money from your cash assets into the property cashbox. /dispatch (/pcad)- This opens the CEF duty roster. Sorry, i have found the problem, thank you, Any idea why the commands dont exist after the script loads succesfully? [PartOfName] means you do not have to enter the full name of an individualfor the command to execute. /decals [ON/OFF]/watch [ON/OFF]. /stashitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT] [DESCRIPTION]- Drops an item from your inventory that is INVISIBLE to all players. MUST BE ROLEPLAYED THOROUGHLY./scuba- Allows you to get infinite breathing/air if you have a scuba mask on./taxistart- Starts taxi duty./taxistop- Stops taxi duty. You can also equip items using the "I" menu./unequip[INDEX]- Unequips a weapon in your inventory. Accepted values: 1(clear), 2(clouds), 3(smog), 4(fog), 5(overcast), 6(rain), 7(thunderstorm), 8(clearing) or -1 for real-time sync./plock or press L -Locks your property/hlock- Does the same function as/plock/pinv- Lists all items in property in text format./ppitem [ItemID] [AMOUNT]- Puts an item from your inventory and places it in the property inventory. Changes your name to MASK_XXXXX. Opens the NUI dev tools window from the game process. /toggleclicktomove- Toggles the click to move feature. /dmute- Mutesan active recording device. The giveitem console command gives any item in the 2DA file to the active character. /bar additem (Inv Item ID) (Sale Price) (Amount) - Adds specified item to your shop. Lowest is 75, highest is 100./hud- Removes all GTA:W HUD Elements including money, location and the bottom text. .Realistic Clothing System (items) featured for QB-Core Framework FIVEM by SimOn TIBASAdded realistic support for removing/wearing/exchange your clothes to o. Alternatively, just type /outfit to be able to enter an interactive menu to access your outfits./outfitname [slot]- Allows you to name the outfit slot to a choice of your own. /vfines- Checks the fines on the vehicle./fines- Tells you your fines/payfine [ID]- Allows you to pay your fine. This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you./ex[ID/PartOfName]- It shows the attributes the target player has set so you can roleplay accordingly. Alias: /jetskipassenger/anchor- Anchors your boat and holds it in position (client-side apparently)/enter or Press Y- Enter a property, business or an interior./exitor Press Y- Exit a property, business or an interior. The world's largest fivem & ragemp & gta 5 development community. Alternatively type/swithdrawall to withdraw all cash./licenses- See all the licenses on your character, including their expiry/sdl[ID/PartOfName]- Shows driver license to the target player./swl [ID/PartOfName]- Shows weapon license to the target player. Alias: /acn/cancelcontract [NUMBER]- Cancels the contract on the given number./resetphonecode- Resets the phone code(only if you own it) at a phone store./contacts[sorting] - Displays your contacts (they're unique to every phone)Sorting: 1 = A-Z, 2 = Z-A, 3 = Offline to Online, 4 = Online to Offline, 5 = Only Online/addcontact [NUMBER] [NAME] -Adds a contact to your phone using the arguments phone number and name of contact./removecontact [NUMBER]- Removes a contact from your phone using the arguments phone number./p- Pick your phone up if it's ringing./h- Hangup your phone after the call./ph- Bring out your phone's display if it's a CEF phone (Nokia is not a CEF phone).

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